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Hornby 'Adderley Hall'


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Has anyone purchased one of these?

 If so, could they post photos of both sides, plus any comments on what they think please?

 I am looking at getting one to turn into BR 4900 'Saint Martin', obviously a repaint and detailing will need to be done, but as I usually model ex. LNE/LMS any guidance would be welcome!

Cheers from Oz,

Peter C.

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If you are looking to portray it in BR livery then you would be better off getting Olton Hall. Saint Martin had the larger 4000 gallon tender, not the 3500 gallon as supplied with Adderley Hall. If you are repainting anyway, you may as well go the whole loco and get the uniform colour.

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Actually, the photograph I am working from on the Colour-Rail site shows 4900 at Swindon on 7/9/1958 with an SLS special, with a 3500g tender with a small late crest.

Cheers from Oz,

Peter C.

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4900 is different to the original Hall batches in that the boiler is much lower than the production batch. The boiler is sitting almost at running plate height as per the original Saint it was converted from.



It will be quite a task to to this with a rtr body. Originally it was the only Hall without outside steam pipes, but 4900 received new cylinders in 1948 and had pipes fitted in BR days. 4900 still had a 3,500 tender in the 1960's



Here is my railroad Hall after tarting up.



Mike Wiltshire

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There are some photos over on the Hornby Hall thread, here http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/76282-Hornby-gwr-hall/?p=1798651.


I posted one side and Mike posted some photos of his excellent "tarting up"!


I am very pleased with mine for the price paid. A really smooth, quiet runner and the simplified lining on the tender doesn't bother me too much at this price. As already noted on the Hall thread this model does show Hornby's pricing structure to be decidedly random! Although Adderly Hall has simplified tender lining, like Olton Hall, it also has nicely double lined firebox bands, which neither the more expensive Rood Ashton Hall or Olton Hall have! Anyway whatever the reasons behind the pricing for these models I think the Railroad ones are great and really sit somewhere between a traditional Railroad model and a full-fat main range model, probably closer to main range in my view.

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Although Adderly Hall has simplified tender lining, like Olton Hall, it also has nicely double lined firebox bands, which neither the more expensive Rood Ashton Hall or Olton Hall have.

Only in GWR livery did they have firebox lining. BR did not line the firebox. Olton Halls current scheme is based in the BR lining so she doesn't have firebox lining either.

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Only in GWR livery did they have firebox lining. BR did not line the firebox. Olton Halls current scheme is based in the BR lining so she doesn't have firebox lining either.


Yes, agree. My comment wasn't that Hornby had got the lining wrong as such, just that one of their main reasons for charging a premium for Rood Ashton Hall was due to the more detailed tender and cab-side lining, yet that doesn't really stack up when you compare Adderley Hall to Olton Hall, where Adderley Hall has twin colour lining on the firebox! 

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