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Tank engines of industry and their builders


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Hey all me again. I've been looking into industrial tank engines for a while and I know a bit about Bagnal and Fletcher Jenings (pardon my spelling typeing this on a mobile) but I would like to know about the other makers out there in the UK. I've seen so many unique locos in the industrial setting a few of my favorite ones are the Cadbury tanks and to all Bluebell lovers Captain Baxter.


Now that I think about it the Cadbury tanks were made by Avonside.


Anyway any good ones out there you like and are there any decent books on the subject?

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The Industrial Railway Society has published a range of books on the subject. There were many manufacturers, including - off the top of my head:



Hudswell Clarke


Manning Wardle

Andrew Barclay


Robert Stephenson

Robert Stephenson and Hawthorns

Hawthorn Leslie




Aveling and Porter

Vulcan Foundry

William Bagnall

Kerr Stuart

Black Hawthorn

Stephen Lewin


Hunslet made the last steam loco built in UK for commercial operation. 

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Barclay & Co of Kilmarnock. (Was a different company from Andrew Barclay)

Grant Ritchie of Kilmarnock

Hawthorns of Leith (Originally part of R&W Hawthorn of Newcastle, but later an independent company)

Gibb & Hogg of Airdrie

Sentinel Waggon Works of Shrewsbury

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Wow I've heard of a good majority of these makers but at the same time a few of these have never even crossed my path.


I'm going to have to look into the books from the The Industrial Railway Society any of recommendation?

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Some were small, producing few locomotives and either closing or being taken over by others.


Borrows would fit into this category.



Some were large non 'railway' companies building largely for their own use.


The Wigan Iron & Coal Company for example.



Some built for both the main line (usually to the designs of the main line company) and industrial markets.


Nasmyth Wilson, Yorkshire Engine Co, Vulcan Foundry are examples.




Many had large international trades


Nasmyth Wilson made more locomotives for overseas than the domestic, UK, market as an example.

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