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Blog- Up the Line - 1918 - Fit for a King!

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As I have got as far as I can with the ambulance I have turned my attention to another 'special' I have had in mind - the inspection car that was used for the Kings visit to the front;




Here again, just one grainy photo to go from but luckily it is pretty much straight on and as I know the dimensions of the basic wagon I was able to scale it in PhotoShop to 7mm, print it off and just take dimensions from that. At least as was able to use that spare D class body this time. Some simple sides were and ends were made up from that Amercan ' siding' of unknown origin (I shall be very sad when I have used it up!), with the window appatures finished of with plastic strip. One slight mystery was how people got in and out of the wagon but think I have come up with the solution. I had a feeling I had seen film of this wagon in use and, after being side tracked several times, found some footage of the royal visit on YouTube. It is just side on again but it clearly shows people stepping off the end. The obvious place for this is to remove the end panel between the two uprights. Am sure there is extra footage somewhere which I am sure I will track down sometime.




I decided to prime at this stage while the inside was still easily accessable and then added some spars to extend the roof. I was wondering how I was going to do the corrugated iron roof and though I was going to have to use several pieces of Will vac formed sheet but then I read this months railway modeller. A chap in there was using something called Harvest Corduroy Card to make an iron clad building. Quick search on the web found that Hobby Craft did it so quick trip off there. They didn't have any of course but did have something else, much cheaper and a lot brighter coloured but it has done the job. I think it is a bit courser than I would have liked but will do for now.




Next up was some detail for the inside - I glazed the windows with microscope slides (I made that sound much easier than it was!), and then made up a little stove from balsa and drinking straw, one of those thin ones from a carton of juice which is now going to cause much consternation from little Iz when she has nothing to drink it with! Also have just found that pic of the streatchers missing from the last post.




A quick attack with the green spray can and I have reached the same bogie/transfer/weathing impass as the ambulance van!


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