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Hello from the armchair


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I've been lurking for a while on here, soaking up lots of inspiration from some fantastic layouts on here.


Unfortunately at the moment I am armchair modelling. A house move is coming up in the next month, so everything model railway related has been packed and any suggestions about tinkering would result in a reminder of all the other things that need to be done before moving.


My layout was in its early days, but was built to fit in the garage at the current house. Although I did consider a house move when I started it and made it as modular as possible, it doesn't look like it is going to fit in the new house, so it could well be time to start again. Hence, whiling away a few evenings with AnyRail coming up with a few designs. 


Of course, securing space in the house for a new layout could make the legal negotiations for HS2 look like a walk in the park, but current thoughts are that the layout will share a 12 x 12 Study along with desk, computer etc. In that case, looking at an around the wall design or an end to end with helices down to a storage area - again creating a roundy round layout.


Outline is around the mid 80's - early 90's set in the Midlands - so HSTs, sprinters, coal and oil trains and the odd passenger train on the way to Skeggy behind a pair of 20s.


When I get somewhere near actually building something (and I suspect that my priorities might be with unpacking, decorating and DIY for the next few months) I'll post more, but thought after so long lurking it was time to say hello!



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Many thanks for the kind welcome. 


Welcome to the forum Martyn, you will find plenty of advice and inspiration on here.


Oh yes, I can well believe that - there are some fantastic layouts here and seeing layouts come to life from bare boards in the Layout threads is fascinating. 



I have a Laz-e-boy rocking recliner. Thoroughly recommended.




Although my current armchair is quite comfy, it is lacking a built in beer fridge. Now that would make me think about upgrading :)

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Although I've got up from the armchair, the RM web is a still a useful site. As I currently have a tinplate layout, I am in a definite minority but I can read with interest all the comments on sizes and scales I've modelled in the past as well as the many prototypical threads which are of interest to me and keep me up to date on current happenings. As we live in the US, this is a particularly important source of friendly info.



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