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Building the Carriage Works Back Scene

S.A.C Martin




Here are is my new back scene en situe. I've been working from a few books, some photographs I bought copies of, and the ever useful Flikr for this particular bit of scenery. It is much more accurate than the red brick backscene I made for the previous incarnation of the layout! I wouldn't call this scratchbuilding (not in the same league as some of the true scratch builders - I will NEVER forget Jim S-W's 4mm scale padlock...!), but to all intents and purposes it has been: I used the ScaleScenes scratchbuilding print products (windows & corrugated iron) and some Peco Roof kits I found in a model shop in Caterham.


I made the shape of the works from a spare length of wood, cut to shape (nineteen roofs precisely), which I then covered in the aforementioned Scalescenes scratchbuilding sheets - corrugated iron, and then with their windows pack (one window to a roof). It had started the day like this, a blank (but shaped) canvas:




After the sheets were stuck down (using some thick PVA glue, spread thinly) and windows added (using Pritt Stick onto the top sheets), it looked like this:




The Peco roofs were then added, cut to shape with a stanley knife and stuck down with alradite, one piece of tiling on each side with some V shaped tiles to form the roofline on top:




Then after nine hours, it looked like this after adding the leftover sprues from the peco kit as guttering:




And finally, here it is, in a few views of the overall set showing the ballasting, weathering and general decay trying to be portrayed in this scene:








Needless to say, I'm very pleased with it. I'm still new to this whole self-building malarky, and two years of reading up on other peoples projects on RMweb have given me a lot of impetus to try a few things myself. I thoroughly enjoyed working from my prototype photorgaphs for this building, and while I'll happily accept is still has some dimensional issues, it is much better than what was there before and that is a victory for me in the modelling stakes.


Here's a few photos of some locomotives on the layout, prior to finishing the Shed Facade.






The next post will concern the building of the shed for the layout.


Until next time!

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  • RMweb Gold

Hi Simon,


Looks brilliant what you've done so far, looking forward to the next update :)

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Hi chaps - my apologies for not getting back to either of you sooner! Thank you for your kind comments. I was delighted with how this piece of scenery turned out - I am tempted to model the coaling facility and water tower should I be able to extend my baseboard one day. :)

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