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LMS Push-Pull regulator


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I am in the process of fabricating a representation of the vacuum controlled regulator to fit on the side of the smokebox of my 4mm Johnson 1P 0-4-4T. While doing this I've been wondering about how the original worked. From the drawing in Fred James, David Hunt and Bob Essery, Midland Engines: '1833' and '2228' Class Bogie Passenger Tanks, it appears that the vacuum operates a valve in the main steam pipe to control the flow of steam. So, what about the normal regulator lever in the cab? Was there a vacuum control for the regulator in the cab, or was the normal regulator set wide open when the vacuum mechanism was in use? If the latter, was the vacuum mechanism designed to fail safe with the regulator closed when/if the vacuum failed? Was the vacuum mechanism only used when the driver was operating from the trailer cab? Alternatively, were there two steam pipes in parallel so that either regulator could be used as required?


Any insight would be appreciated.



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