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Keen Systems Review


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I'm a big fan of Kadee couplings and have spent a long time converting my stock to use them throughout. Whilst Hornby and Dapol grasped the concept of the NEM pocket straight away, a certain other manufacturer really failed to grasp the concept that its only an NEM pocket if it is at the right height.


The conversion hasn't been too bad, the biggest bugbear being the offset tension locks as used by Bachmann on their Mk.1 and Mk.2 carriages and small prairies. Simply plugging the coupling straight in works, but its too high compared to other stuff and the uncoupling magnets don't work as well as a result.


For the Mk.1s I initially solved the problem by butchering a straight tension lock and glueing a butchered kadee to the bottom. Using All Pastics Super Glue this has so far worked well. However, the Mk.2s I recently brought were not only at the wrong height, they were also set too far back for either the Kadee or the Hornbyesque Roco couplers (great for fixed rakes).


However, Roger at Keen systems has produced a replacement drawbar in resin which is both at the right height, and slightly forward so that kadee #19s and Roco couplers can be plugged in. The drawbars didn't require too much fettling and after a quick spray into black do the job marvelously.


If there is a downside, it is the lack of bottom to the pocket. This means a dab of superglue to keep the coupling place. Better than my initial conversion as the superglue isn't taking any weight though.


For better appearance one of Rogers own knuckles could be used (included in the pack), although these too need a bit of fettling to work. Having alreading started putting Hornby/roco couplers in rakes I'll stick with those. If the curves arn't too severe on your layout then a Kadee #18 would look better than a #19, but I doubt it'd make it round a train set curve.


I don't have a connection with Keen Systems other than as a satisfied customer.


For further reading and some pretty pictures, here is the link

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I've now fitted up 4 Mk.2s and 6 Mk.1s and on reflection it is better to use a #18 kadee with the Keen draw bars. It may be possible to use a #17, but I don't have any of those in the pot. The Hornbyesque Roco couplers on the Mk.1s are best left fitted into the standard Bachmann drawbars. If using these on the Mk.2s then the drawbar still has to be replaced (see my earlier comment).


It works out at about ??4.75 per carriage for this upgrade. I personnally think its worth it as the Kadees are properly secured at the right NEM specified heights. I could be annoyed that I'm having to do this at all, but since most of my Bachmann Mk.1 & Mk.2 carriages are from the bargain bins of various shops, it doesn't bother me too much ...


[subtle hint mode]

... although it is still much nicer when a manufacturer gets it right first time

[/subtle hint mode]

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