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Griff's Workbench


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  • RMweb Gold

I have been playing around with my S kits FNA. The kit went together pretty well although there is some detailing to finish off.


I wanted to portray the weathered finish that these wagons have and I wanted to find a subtle way of suggesting the welded seams as they just appear to be marked by a darker brown stripe rather than any change in relief.


First I sprayed the body in grey primer and then gave it a coat of Matt Aluminium.


Then I used a brown marker pen to mark out the weld lines.


After that I began to build up the dusty orange / brown top coat (or rather coats)- I mixed rust / brake dust with matt varnish and began to slowly build up the colour in thin coats (I haven't finished this stage yet!).


The photos below show these 3 stages. Although I think I'm on the right lines any suggested improvements would be welcome.


Ta :)







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  • RMweb Gold

Very much on the right lines, I think - that really looks the part B) B) B)



Ta... it's a bit darker today with another coat... when dry I'm going to fit out the body, touch up the paintwork then start the long task of putting all them transfers on.


thought I'd get some practise in with that so while the FNA was drying I have got round to this, there is some work to do on the roof and the chassis needs some oval buffers.





Why is a 37/0 in RF Distribution so hard to find :P




(PS Dear Mr Bachmann please stop making Scottish tractors :rolleyes: )

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • RMweb Gold

My next project is 47 299 (many thanks to all who helped in the questions section).




Here she is... so far.


Ends have been smoothed and the lower cab fronts either side of the cowls have been cut away - the marker lights need fitting as do the cab roof aerials.


It will be finished in rail blue carrying the name ARIADNE from her Tinsley days using decals from Precision Labels range.

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  • RMweb Gold

very nice, the finish looks spot on.


Ta very much... I've been busy with some buildings this week (kitchen table stuff - it's too cold in the attic) but as soon as it's finished I shall post some pics (i.e. when it warms up a bit!)...


... it might pop up in the painting section though.

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  • 2 months later...
  • RMweb Gold

Nice work there Griff.


I'll be watching the 47 with interest. I have a couple of these waiting in the wings for some "works attention".






thanks... I shall have to get on with the duff... I have another 37 to put through the shops and as they are both going to be banger blue I shall do them at the same time.

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