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I recently bought a pack of four AWS ramps by Peco after inspiration from the article about painting / weathering them, featured in the Railway Modeller March Issue. I decided that as I couldn't use them on Almere Road (because they're not any use on TMDs as there aren't any signals), I could make some use of them on my home layout.


Here is a picture of the product (SL-45)






The unpainted plastic models on the sprue.



I find that it's easier to paint them on the sprue. The finished ramps...



I used yellow and silver Acrylic paint to pick out the appropriate areas.



To weather I began by giving the models a complete coat of a very thin black, grimy wash - about 1 part paint, to 5 parts water. That's about it.



To fix to the track I will be using poly cement of some sort. Poly cement contains petroleum which (I think) melts the plastic and bonds your two components together in one.









Thanks for viewing. Comments and opinions are welcome...


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  • RMweb Premium

Just to point out that in the real world where a single AWS installation is provided for two signals on a bi-directional line (e.g. a platform line with starting signals each end and a common AWS installation) the exact arangement is as follows :- Ramp, electromagnet, Permenant magnet, Electromagnet, Ramp.( i.e. remove one of the two central magnets shown in the pics).


Also where AWS is installed on bidirectional lines, to avoid drivers of trains traveling 'the wrong way' getting an AWS indication which doesn't apply them, It is common to provide suppressor magnets rather than bog standard permenant ones (the elctromagnet remain unchanged). A suppressor magnet is basically a permenat magnet with two smaller electromagnets bolted to each side (in the manor of pannier tanks). When a 'wrong way' train is signalled, the mini electromagnets are energised and 'suppress' the magnetic field being generated by the permenant magnet, thus making the installation non exsistaant as far as the train is concered.

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On the modelling side, many solvent glues intended for working with 'styrene (like Tamiya, Revell, Humbrol "liquid poly") won't work on the engineering plastics used in Peco's track, and possibly in the AWS ramps too? I can't be sure but some Peco detail mouldings are in normal 'styrene, and some aren't.


Basically if your glue doesn't work, something hotter like Plastic Weld might work, or you could use superglue or even PVA.

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On the modelling side, many solvent glues intended for working with 'styrene (like Tamiya, Revell, Humbrol "liquid poly") won't work on the engineering plastics used in Peco's track, and possibly in the AWS ramps too? I can't be sure but some Peco detail mouldings are in normal 'styrene, and some aren't.Basically if your glue doesn't work, something hotter like Plastic Weld might work, or you could use superglue or even PVA.


Thankyou for your advice Will. I'll expect the poly cement probably won't work then.

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Fantastic "How to do" post, thanks.   I read this issue of RM but sadly my wife disposed of the magazine into our blue recycling bin!   So can I ask some questions? as I too have these AWS ramps.


1) What was the base colour?, was it just matt black?

2) I see that the yellow area looks scuffed and worn, how did you achieve this?, dry brushing?   Shade of yellow used?


Great work, really impressive.

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