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7mm interlude - WCPR Railcar



As a break from layout building type stuff (wiring mostly), I decided to turf a kit out of the modelling cupboard that has been there for a while. It's the 'Steam and Things' kit for the Weston Clevedon and Portishead Rilway Drewry Railcar. I'm building it for the WCPR group, having done the Fordson tractor for them a couple of years back.
As you may know I've scratchbuilt one of these in EM for my two WCPR layouts so I'm quite familiar with the prototype.
I have to be honest here and confess I don't like building stuff in 7mm. It freaks me out a bit. None of my tools work. At least this has 1/8th" axles so I can use my reamer!
The kit describes itself as more of a scratch aid kit of parts and I'm not finding it the easiest thing to build. So far this week we've got the body built and more or less complete. The sides have been reinforced with strips of scrap etch to keep the tops and bottoms straight and there's been quite a bit of edge seam soldering. Steps are done and just need attaching to the (presently) quite rudimentary chassis. Thankfully I've got some photos so can add all the brakes and control rods which are missing from the kit, along with quite a few other bits and pieces.
And before anyone says anything, yes the wheels were only 2ft in diameter.
Hopefully this won't take much longer to do as I'm itching to get back to 4mm!


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  • RMweb Gold

Looks good so far. Very WCPR, even if the prototype won't win any beauty contests in my book :-)


Interesting to hear someone longing to get back to 4mm. Lots os people (including myself) dabbling in 7mm at the moment due to the cheap RTR releases, but it will be interesting to see where people end up when the initial excitement has worn off. I'm ambivalent about going 7mm myself, and know what you mean about the slight "spookiness" of the larger size when you are used to something else. I'm thinking I need to store my 4mm and 7mm stock in separate boxes to avoid the feeling :-)

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