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Posts posted by Rich.B

  1. Hi again Bernard,


    Yes, I did use the lego one's that I managed to get hold of and worked approximate height from that. However, from looking at the lego one's they would most likely appear to be the type used mainly on B type roads etc....I added more to the height for my prototype model that I've got pictures of on my fb page that would depict the type more commonly associated with A or main roads. I think however I did add on more than needed with the height as the model appears too high to me now....oh well it's basically a test model to see how it would look...but things have been altered again since the photos were taken of that model and the cad drawing has been edited accordingly. So,will see how the next one turns out...I'll leave information on this thread as soon as I've further updates. Many Thanks for your interest in this thread...do hope to be able to give more details very soon.



    Cheers, Rich

  2. Hi Bernard,


    Many Thanks. Yes I'm really looking forward to seeing how things go with the streetlighting...it's certainly a glaring gap from my point of view.

    Hopefully, it may be filled in the not too distant future...will have to wait and see how things go.☺


    IIRC there was something I read somewhere that the lego one's were done to H0 scale...i can't remember where I saw this though and I know little about the minic system,..sorry I missed that era I'm afraid lol ☺


    ATB cheers, Rich.

  3. Hi all☺


    Sorry for resurrection of an old thread, but I've only just found it after reading through many topics on the forum.

    The lack of suitable streetlighting for the most commonly modelled era is pretty bizarre really....a bit like modelling the 50s&60s without steel mineral wagons as they were as common as dogs..t.lol.

    So,as there are no proper models available I've had a go at making my own. I've managed to get a grain of rice bulb to fit in aswell...if you're interested in having a look at at how I got on making it you can see some pictures of the single lampost on my Facebook page,...I'll post the link here https://www.facebook.com/bespokecreationsscarborough/


    I've been looking out for a while now to see if there's any suitable models out there, or even if there was something suitable that could be converted....the only one I did manage to find was some of the very early lego streetlamps they used to do back in the sixties. You can pick them up from Ebay, but they're not exactly cheap as it seems that they are rather collectable.


    Back to making my own though, it's taken a few false starts but I kept pressing on until I got what I consider to be a reasonable representation of what I remember seeing around as a kid. As I can use autocad I did a lot of drawings etc on that which does save an hell of a lot of time being able to edit freely as I needed.

    So,if you get chance please take a look at my fb page and let me know what you think please.


    ATB Rich.

  4. This is a subject that has often made me think as they seem to be a feature close to many railway lines /sites, and never seem to feature. But as stated above like many large structures and trees etc a true scale model would most definitely overpower the scene, so maybe scaled down models that look visually correct is the way to go.


    As welly has pointed out above, the backscene is probably the best option for including such structures. I have done this on my latest layout and on several of the Scarborough and district railway modellers club layouts,...see nick skeltons great little Scottish TMD themed layout in BRM magazine last summer(just forget which exact issue ).

    I will try and get some photos uploaded here when I find them out.


    I am considering creating scale 2D CAD templates for the various pylons etc, as construction jigs, for those wishing to scratchbuild.

    Also, I may well consider other templates if there is an interest.These would be for more obscure or everyday structures that are seldom ever modelled. I have already created streetlighting template drawings for the old concrete type lamposts which there are many styles. Which, again are a very common sight in real life.


    Obviously,a small charge would have to be put in place to cover the usual things. But,as with scale scenes etc once you have the file you can print off as many as you need.

    This is just something I'm considering at the moment...maybe some feedback on RMweb would be useful to see what others think.

    (Sorry if I've gone a bit OT here)


    Cheers, Rich

    • Like 2
  5. Just a few words on this subject....I Googled reviews for Atlas editions...after signing up for an introductory offer which after allowing well over the quoted 28 day delivery still hadn't shown up....managed to contact them and they said it was sent out early January...possibly the 10th I think. ...bear in mind....we were at the end of the first week in February.

    They asked if I'd checked with neighbours etc but nothing had been seen. On this the woman on the phone asked me if I still wanted to receive the items (the dinky toy model collection)...I said yes please and she said it would take 28 days but by early March still nothing....but an invoice and order slip showed up. ...billing me for the first lot of items which I hadn't ever received...plus the new order never turned up either...but, guess what?...the invoice reminder for the first lot did.

    After this I lost the will to be bothered with these cretins...I bought off ebay instead, must admit that the models are very good reproductions....the customer service is far from anything remotely decent...I really wouldn't bother with ateas editions...ebay is much simpler without all the gumph and commitment stuff that these organisations seem to revolve around.

    Incidentally, the reviews were 'dire'...with many complaints about poor service, harassment, and debt recovery companies threatening enforcement action on individuals who in most cases hadn't even received stuff or the wrong items etc, etc....enough said I think.


    Cheers Rich.b

  6. Camera on the blink...


    I think I may have the answer for this and other weird photos....rabbits come to mind!


    You have to have one photo in a listing to get it uploaded now...so you need a placeholder!

    LOL :jester: I did see the description of the listing,.... I understand what you're saying about a `placeholder'....but, irrespective of this, It just surprised me anyone would want to even consider placing a listing knowing full well they couldn't provide at least one basic photo due to the circumstance's outlined.  I can understand placing the listing if you were intending to


    add more photo's later, or at the request of a potential bidder/buyer.



    I won't even contemplate listing anything knowing I can't supply at least one good photo first.  It just seems to be counter productive anyway, as I can't imagine many folk, myself included,


    would even bother checking out a listing without a photo as an idea to what is for sale. 


    Sorry,probably just me thinking logical then??....but, it's just my personal opinion anyway, others may think differently on this maybe???,.....thought it was funny with that image on the


    listing though.


    Regards,  Rich.B 

  7. Ah!!...the Ebay seller from the North west .......MICMCN  :jester: Like a good many selling on Ebay.....GREAT entertainment value though if nowt else, just to have a laugh at his pricing of his stock??......I think he puts those prices on for a dare!!....he MUST do! :O.  Ah Yes! but these are the RARE models with a solid GOLD base???? :scratchhead: 


    Regards,  Rich.B 

  8. Hi Jim,


    Just found your thread on here, was great meeting up with you for a chat today at SDRM exhibition, was very good to be of help to you and Thanks for your kind comment about the show,...we all really appreciate it.


    Also, just like to comment on your layout and standard of modelling!!....MOST impressive, and to think you don't use any CAD software to set out your buildings.....they look good enough to me :good_mini:

    Love the river by the way,....looking Excellent now, so looking forward to seeing the finished product.....and Hey!!...what a fab sized shed, GREAT STUFF!!!


    Cheers Rich.b

    (lol.the one with the garage & house at the show....in case you're wondering)

    • Like 1
  9. Here are a few more photos of work in progress from last weekend....

    Not been on here for a while,....so just catching up.  EXCELLENT WORK!!!.....it's really getting that Black Country feel about it now,...the pic with the old coal barge in the basin near the bridge has so much character already,...and you've still got much to do as yet, definitely well on target....This is gonna be be one heck of a `cracking' layout when complete.....Great stuff, Well done.





  10. Ah yes, the infamous 'Code 3' which is basically a load of utter tosh inherited from the model bus world (back when they were worth something, most of them are now near worthless!) where a standard production model has its livery "professionally" modified to represent a different version.


    Meaningless garbage used as an excuse to bump up the price and con a few unsuspecting mugs.

    :yes: HERE, HERE!!!!....LMAO.....that's answered a long running question for me......Ah!!...thought as much :imsohappy:          

  11. His stuff is a rip-off; old Hornby models for more than new railroad ones of the same type etc. and this! That's a lot, even though it is weathered

    Sure is :O ......just checked that link,.....how can you have such a cheek to try to sell at such over inflated prices??? :nono:

  12. Is this seller for REAL??? :O I see `many' diecast models he also sells at,.....well can be considered `politely' rather `extraction of u...e' prices.  Do some of these Ebay sellers think many have come down with the last shower of rain??? :scratchhead: .....well maybe there are some folk who are `fodder' for this stupidity.  But that is up to the individual....we all have a choice NOT to buy.

    Thanks so far for all the `rather amusing' RARE,dare I say it.... Ebay bargain samples......PRICELESS!!! :sungum:

  13. I have also experienced problems with Humbrol paints over recent years as expressed by many on this thread,....the matt black seems to cause the most problems lately, from personal experience,...the glossy finish...even after stirring the paint really well for nearly ten minutes....which is something I've always done ever since using any paint product.


    The other Humbrol enamel `problem paint' I had was with the M34 white,....How many of you have managed to use even 1/4 of a tinlet before it's `had it'??,..or at best gone very thick or chalky.  I even bought a bottle of the recommended Humbrol `enamel thinners' to thin it down to a usable viscosity but found it difficult in application(drying extremely quickly)= thick heavy overbrush marking from section to section on a surface area.

    Also, the paint still seemed to suffer from the same problem of `separation', also,the thinners would sometimes have `evaporated' leaving a dried out `cracked' solid in the tin, or a thick solid mass at the bottom and clear liquid/thinners floating on top.


    I will say however, that I have not had problems of the `semi gloss' issues with the white.  Also, found M121 pale stone to be `prone' to a similar problem to the white, but not quite as bad.  


    It has been commented about the quality of the `earlier' Humbrol paints(c1970's etc) still being `very good' after long storage/or use, and I can wholeheartedly agree with this point.  I too, have some of the `older' or very `early' tinlets of Humbrol that are still OK after many,many years.


    Acrylics, I would move to completely using without hesitation!....advantages!....better drying times, not having strong smelling solvents in them, come in much easier and practical containers.  Plus also, they can be easily thinned with water/water brush cleaning.


    I have tried some of the very first Humbrol acrylics that came out in the late 80's early 90's but didn't care much the application and finish,...plus the old problem of the semi gloss problems that seem to be `blighting' many of late `black' Humbrol enamels.  I  also, tried the,...I think...`Railmatch' acrylics that came out several years ago now??...(apparently, the range was dropped not long after it's launch)  I still have 3 or 4 of the `frame dirt' and `dark rust' colours and found them `not too bad' but still not as good as the Precision or Humbrol ranges.


    I'm now considering trying the `Vallejo' acrylic range as one or two have mentioned earlier in this thread and see how I get on with them.


    Also, from my training at college in the early 90's in painting and decorating, we were taught the new COSHH,(control of substances hazardous to heath) regulations.  Under these regs, all paints/coatings that came into domestic(and certain industrial) use were to be eventually manufactured  as acrylic based products, unless for special purpose applications,....and that the idea was to replace all conventional `oil/solvent' based products in general use.

    So, could this be what is starting to happen here??...lower the quality of `well tried & tested' products = more lose faith in it = less buy it + more start looking to alternative products = demand falls = eventually `justifying' it being dropped from the market??  I'm not saying this is `fact',....but take a look at the amount of `acrylic' based products now available in most D.I.Y chain stores etc, or`alternative' products being offered nowadays!!


    Just a thought, :dontknow:  :)                      


    Cheers,  Rich.b

  14. Thanks Rich, that means a lot to us all. One of the reasons we went for this project, and I think a reason why BRM chose us, is that we wanted to show how research and 'proper' model making could together produce a unique end result that is a world apart from the ready-to-plonk buildings and kits that are becoming universal. Glad you are enjoying the journey.

    :happy_mini: No problem,.....but Thank You anyway, must give credit where credit is very much due.


    Cheers,  Rich.

  15. Just in case anyone's interested (and because I can't find the original thread), here's a shot of dad's model. The sharpness of the paint job is not matched by the sharpness of the picture unfortunately!


    attachicon.gifCabs 004.gif


    He still hasn't got around to weathering it so far as I'm aware.



    Crikey, this BCB project as a whole is so refreshing,......REAL traditional modelling at it's VERY BEST!!! :fan: That diesel/elec shunter, how that's been captured is....Well!!!, AND I believe there is still work to finish it off??  Can't wait to see the end product,  WELL DONE!! :clapping_mini: ....only tonight,nipped out to get some bits of shopping from our local supermarket I took the opportunity to take a quick flick through the latest `mainstream' model railway mags as I ALWAYS have done.


    I've always been a regular taker of at least two of the leading one's. Of late I have found these maybe getting a little `Stale', not saying the `overall' standard is bad or knocking anyone's choice of subject as `EVERYONE' has their own preferences, and I guess that the mags are just addressing what the majority of folk want to see and aspire to, but I think everything has become a `little predictable' in these publications of late.


    Without going OT here :nono: , as there are many other topic threads already dealing with varying opinions, It's so good to see some truely unusual, often classified as a `mundane' or uninteresting subject being modelled.

    I like the way the BCB team are being so `meticulous' in their research of the various themes that will all finally come together to give the model it's true `Black Country' identity and atmosphere.

    Also,great to see some great projects being undertaken with some `good old fashioned, traditional' model making skills being used, also good to see some of the latest products alongside scratchbuilding and kitbashing topped off with their builders individual mark and `attention to detail'.


    There's so much info, photo's and quality products out there now to really get the `very best' results in the railway modelling hobby,thus producing a great variety of individual or `one off' models etc, without too much difficulty, even `beginners' out there can be confident in being able to create something of which they are proud of, and most importantly they have done themselves....truely rewarding I feel anyway, just have a go at something small, what have you got to lose??. 


    So,`Brilliant', to all involved, your work is a credit to you, it's great to be able to read and follow some really inspiring individual projects under the BCB project as a whole :clapping: as some of the builders directly involved with BCB have commented,`we never thought this project would generate so much interest' and to be honest as someone who has been following the various topics on here from day one I've watched the thread go from strength to strength,.. must admit to being `a bit overwhelmed at it's popularity' myself.......Having seen the content of at least 3 different mags today, there little of interest to me as an individual, which I feel a `shame' considering I've always found something of interest in at least one of them (well there was actually,...but I can read it on here, anyway I'll say no more :stop: ). Sadly,I think it's time to give these a miss this month and continue to follow the various topics/projects on here,.....maybe next month then for the mags? I never really thought I'd get to the point of giving My once `fave' reads the `cold shoulder'....but I guess things, tastes, n times change.


    Cheers, Rich.

    • Like 7
  16. Probably operating out of the hot strip mill at Shotton, something like this Rich;


    attachicon.gifShotton Steelworks 16a.jpg


    A GUY Big J4T, with a tri-axle, coil carrying trailer, on super single tyres, in front of the Shotton blast furnaces. Undated, but definitely 1970's as the blast furnaces closed in 1979.


    Shotton had a much higher reliance on road transport for its deliveries than any of the other strip mills, and had traditionally had a large customer base in the west midlands area.



    Hi Arthur,  Yep, that's the one :yes:.....was also one's with double axled but shorter trailers if memory serves me right, they were the one's that used to pass my parents house on the main A491 Stourbridge-Wolverhampton road with the round sheet coils on them but obviously roped & sheeted over back then.


    Sometimes you would get two or more in convoy with one another, and crikey for older wagons they could certainly get a move on :O.





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  17. After further reading of this thread on commercial vehicles/cars from the BC area,.....I feel I must say Paul has done a superb job with the vehicles so far as have other conbributors.


    The AEC flatbed with the stillages as someone pointed out `so Black country' remember many wagons like that about.  got me remembering some old company names from around the area such as Heat Treatment works!!.....there were at least two I can remember in Kingswinford area that had their own vehicles which could be seen all round areas different companies/factories.


    Places such as `Specialized Heat Treatments' Dawley Brook Kingswinford, had black rigid twin rear axle dropside Albion/ Leyland, AEC dropsides.


    Continuous Heat Treatments, Ham Lane Kingwinford, had similar trucks but in yellow with black lettering.


    Wedge group of companies with green wagons,....Willenhall way I think.  Coming back to those great stillages on the AEC flatbed, someone mentioned names stenciled on to vehicles, was also a `done thing' on some manufacturers stillages,.....seem to remember seeing a lot with parsons chain company from stourport on a lot of them, and also green ones with `Jaguar' on as well.


    Seeing the red HA Van, I seem to recall many small,....maybe HA/Escort vans, but mostly the Mk1 Transit vans in `Vestric' red livery.....apparently they supplied chemists.


    Also there used to be a lot of GUY big J4s in `pale blue' British Steel Corporation livery that seemed to get everywhere with shortlength tandem axle trailers built to carry steel coil.


    Another company that came to mind is `Kwikform' scaffolding.   There was other haulage companies such as `Hortons'  `Dawley Brook Papers' (D-W-P) limited,  Hudsons of Dudley scrap merchants, Hulbert crane group of Dudley.   Used to remember a wagon that was always parked round the corner from my parents house as well,  `Elwell steel sections from West Brom.


    The scrap yard idea sounds really good, was certainly many around all over the area,....don't forget an Iron Fairy crane seemed to be hundreds around that time in the area or you'd be struck behind one on the road `bouncing' all over the place, lol :stinker:


    There also seemed to be alot of scrap yards with old green `Hymac' 360 excavators fitted with `magnets' or `grapples' knocking about.


    Also, remember alot of William Press light tan colour transit vans aroung towing mobile air compressor units etc....think they did alot of Gas Utility work in the area at the time.


    Sorry, if this sounds `exhaustive' but is just some `food for thought' that would certainly give the layout that little extra identity.





    • Like 7
  18. .......Obscure weed infested lines running to forgotten collieries, work, and landsale/canal wharve's with grimey brickwork and obscure pumphouses for removing water from the numerous mines in the area.......Anyone recall the old chimney stack stuck amongst the trees on stallings lane Kingswinford opposite what was the old tin isolation hospital?......it was there for many years has vanished recently though.


    Council houses, terraced houses, Allotments and pigeon lofts.

    • Like 1
  19. OK, just discovered this thread!!!......shall be watching this space with interest, thinks well overdue that the areas railway and industrial heritage is represented.

    Let's face it, that's the foundation stone of all the railways in the black country, and also across the nation as a whole......to carry raw materials and the finished goods.....will be good to see it portrayed. :sungum:

    • Like 4
  20. Thanks for the feedback guys. I'm working flat out at the moment while I have a chance. The Bulleid is in the paintshop and the 4MT is being built. (Although with these kits, there's quite a bit of destruction goes on before any construction starts!).



    Here is a peek at the Bulleid. It isn't weathered yet and the decals are yet to be applied.






    Some more shots of the 9F. Better ones this time as I got the studio lights out. This still needs weathering and decals as well.







    After these 3 locos are finished I'm going to start on the baseboard. I'll need quite a lot of scrap around too, so that should take up a good deal of the time remaining,

    Sorry only just found this section, But feel I MUST commend your modelling......simply Stunning weathering, VERY effective.


    Regards, Rich.

  21. Hiya


    I can name 3 layouts I like but hand on heart no layout has ever inspired me. Inspiration comes from the real world every time. I would say if you are looking for inspiration from a model, you are looking in the wrong place.


    The 3 I like are










    Hi Jim,


    Yes, a very valid point indeed, and that dosen't mean that there's no inspirational layouts out there, but as you say it really should be some area of the prototype that gets the inspiration going.


    Regards, Rich.B

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