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Stuart MacRae

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Posts posted by Stuart MacRae

  1. On 18/02/2012 at 01:41, John M Upton said:



    I have one of the really ancient Triang/Hornby R118 bogie well wagons sitting on my workbench and rather than chuck it in the scrap bin, it is going to get a cheap as chips makeover.


    Can anyone tell me on what prototype (if any) it is based or whether it was one of Triang's genric jobbies? Also when were these last made?


    I have always rather liked them to be honest, there is something about the simplicity of the model that with a bit of work will still look reasonably decent even today.


    Many thanks!

    I may stand corrected but in resurrecting my train layout (or in the process that is) I've unboxed (the original box that is) my Tri and R118 can with a small blue tractor crane as per this pic


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