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Roger DuPuis

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Posts posted by Roger DuPuis

  1. Bravo! Both the trams and the scenic concept are outstanding, and clearly open the door to many possibilities for tram modelers.


    I'm in the U.S., but a lifelong Anglophile -- and fan of British trams, including and especially Blackpool. I used to bemoan the lack of R-T-R OO British trams, then began investigating N scale. Forget ready-to-run, the availability of suitable kits or diecast models is woeful indeed (for those of us who don't relish hacking up Typhoo trams or the chunky new Oxford models).


    So very glad to see that you have chosen to model Blackpool prototypes in N. It's an area that was sorely lacking. Your ingenuity in crafting the shells to fit the Bachmann chassis was a wise choice. Can't wait to see this layout in its finished state.


    If you would be so kind as to PM me, I am interested in your balloon shells.




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