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Posts posted by buggerlugs

  1. Has the turntable been in constant use and just started misaligning, or has it been laid up and not been used for a period of time and started misaligning when you've come to use it again?

    If it's not been used and the bridge wasn't moved during storage, it might require the drive belt replacing. (Big job, TT has to be stripped down!)


    If it's been in constant use, check the compensation. It tells you how to do this in the instructions.  (ALL 00 turntables should have +2 steps of compensation.) It's possible that you might have inadvertantly altered it. (Note if it isn't set at +2 and you change it to +2 then you will need to clear ALL tracks and reprogramme the turntable.) 


    Every now and then if I find that a couple of tracks start playing up and misaligning, rather than mess about trying to adjust one or two,  it's actually quicker just to clear ALL saved track settings and reprogramme them all again. If you have a lot, just try programming  the HEADS and TAILS on two or three of them. Try them a few times and also turn the power off and on which will allow the unit to calibrate. If all is well with them, programme in the rest of your tracks.

  2. Hi all,


    I received an e/mail from Hattons yesterday reference a request I had put in with them to let me know when the Heljan 89111 DCC ready turntable would be back in stock.


    Basically it said that the e/mail was to let me know that the item I was interested in had been "cancelled from production and that it is now not expected to be released"


    Has anyone out there heard any more reference the above, or have Heljan finally given up on their "problematic"turntable?


    I was really hoping that they might have finally "ironed out" all the bugs.


    Hey Ho, onwards and upwards or should that be "roundy roundies" with reference to turntables?(sorry bout that!)


    Regards B.L.

  3. Hi,

    As a relatively new subscriber to this forum I am still trying to come to terms with what it is actually all about? If you read though the comments made about items posted onto this site you will find that there is almost without exception someone who has to make a derogatory comment about the question / item that has been posted. Surely the idea behind such forums as this are to give constructive and helpful advice. I have also noticed that without exception it always seems to be the same subscribers who want to post the negative replies to what in essence have been a genuine request for a sensible answer to a reasonable question. We all see things differently and are of course entitled to our own opinions,but why just because someone asks what to them at the time seems to be a simple question do certain members have to once again try to make the person posting the query out to be a "numbty". Quote:- "A person who never makes a mistake probably never makes anything!" We all have different ideas as to what we want and would like out of our own model railway and if we are lucky enough to achieve this then surely that's what it's all about, after all this is supposed to be a hobby. I for one enjoy modifying my locos to fit in speakers in such a way as they look like they were meant to be there,but I would never think to criticize anyone who chooses to stick theirs in with a lump of blue tack. I have been lucky enough to have spent most of my working career in motor sport and on the bottom of all the built sheets for the cars I built were the words "IF IN DOUBT ASK!". Surely this is the main aim of this forum to help out members who are unsure or have a problem and offer them constructive and helpful advice.

    I returned to this hobby after a very long break and was drawn back in by the appeal of DCC. I then took the plunge into sound earlier this year and as I pointed out in my first post it has been like drug to me, non sound equipped locos on my layout tend to be "pushed off" into a siding and "laid up" until such a time a funds can be found to fit them with a sound de-coder. The major "down side" to me fitting sound to my locos(apart from the cost) is that is has totally distracted me away from building my layout.I now spend most of my time working out how to fit speaker/speakers into locos, but hey I enjoy it and as I said earlier this is a hobby, and should be about what you want to make it or what you want to make.


    Thanks B.L.

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