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The Lurker

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Blog Comments posted by The Lurker

  1. In the days before Chris's pics, there used to be a sizeable - by UK standards! - grain elevator or similar building in the background, demolished in the '80s, I think. A low-relief version might meet Jerry's idea of a backscene?

    Only just seen this blog entry and having grown up in Paddock Wood, feel qualified to comment - the grain elevator (perhaps something owned by the hop marketing board) was where the viewer would stand. the back scene would be across the width of the station to the up platform and the remains of the bay for the Hawkhurst branch (used by a shunter in the 80s). beyond that was Hall's wood merchants yard (IIRC). I think there's a Waitrose there now!


    From my point of view, it captures the feel of the place quite well, brings back memories of getting off the train from Tonbridge on my way home from school!

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