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Posts posted by Vistisen

  1. 41 minutes ago, Reorte said:

    The second nerdiest joke I know! The nerdiest being:


    Why are Halloween and Christmas the same thing? Because 31 OCT == 25 DEC.

    I think I might be able to beat that:

    there are 1.99999997 types of people in the world 

    half of them use intel CPUs

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  2. On 17/05/2024 at 21:09, franciswilliamwebb said:

    Given the nature of this forum, perhaps “used DC to control a model railway” should be on the list!


    I scored 2, by the way. Never used Blockbuster or a boombox…

    Boom box? The one I had was called a getto blaster and it played LPs.


    Boom boxes are a modern invention.

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  3. On 17/12/2023 at 17:57, KeithMacdonald said:


    Common Failure Modes (CFM)

    a.k.a. Continual F***ing Muppetry?


    I expect every industry has its own "Top Ten" of CFM's. I'm not too proud to admit my own Day Job organisation has perfected CFM to a high degree. Here's my own Top Ten off the top of my head (which is now a peculiar shape from the sheer number of times head has hit desk)

    1. Alerts and warning messages by emails to single individuals (not role-based distribution groups) - even after individuals are long-term sick or have retired/resigned/been removed from the business
    2. Role-based distribution groups that cannot be updated - because the Human Remains department now regards info about individuals (the long-term sick or have retired/resigned/been removed from the business) as classified personal information.
    3. Alerts and warning messages by emails - that cannot reach intended recipients because their mailboxes are full.
    4. Alerts and warning messages by emails to role-based distribution groups - but nobody reads them - "somebody else" will do something
    5. Processes that are completely undocumented
    6. Processes that are documented - but the docs are in "safe places" that can't be accessed (because "security", or 12 different places for documentation depending on department/project/team/location etc etc that are private to them)
    7. Requirements, specifications, designs, etc that were written and put in personally-named folders, not project-based, then when said person leaves their folder is archived or deleted and knowledge is lost.
    8. Servers that have had no service packs, patches, updates etc for years, and/or are not monitored then run-out of disc space.
    9. Network infrastructure that is so slow it take more than 24 hours to replicate 24 hours of data
    10. Remote site network infrastructure/comms failures, but Infrastructure Team is unaware that remote sites are off-line, because remote sites have to fill-in online forms, but cannot do so because...

    Any offers on other common CFMs?

    i recognise at lot of there, but my top ten would also include

    • Monitoring systems that send so many alerts that at the end of each day I just delete the 500+ emails... including the two alerts I should have done something about
    • Write only documentation, The system specialist  produces reems of well docoumented information, that nobody else reads.
    • Corporate inforced changes of documentation systems, Lotus notes--> word dokuments-> sharepoint->Confluence, each move leaving thousands of dead hyperlinks between documents 
    • Teams chats that after a while contain loads of very useful information, that is not indexed, catorigised, and then deleted by someone as the chat is 'not in use anymore'
    • Certifkat provideres who misunderstand GDPR laws, and insist that all supports cases must have a personal owner so that information on certicates reaching end of life get sent to a personal postbox that is no longer relevant.
    • people who send very long complicated passwords as screenshots that can not be copy/pasted
    • Interesting/Thought-provoking 1
    • Friendly/supportive 2
  4. On 10/05/2024 at 19:35, 6990WitherslackHall said:

    With the recent reopening of the Balcony at the Railway Museum overlooking the railway outside York station, I thought I'd try and get a few photos of trains today.


    Class 66 66651 on 6M16.



    Class 805 805006 on test.



    And this yellow thing


    For goodness sake, paint those 3d printed track side details, far too much white plastic!

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  5. On 13/04/2024 at 13:18, Vistisen said:


    Here is another comparison print.  This is just about the maximum size the resin printer could cope with, the rough edge on the left is where the print met the raft. The two designs are not quite the same. The size of the arches was not quite right on the resin test print, There was also an error in the 1st statue enclosure on the left hand side. I corrected them on the same day I received my Bambu and this was the first test print made using one of my designs on that printer. In my effort to fit the whole design in such a way that the walls did not touch the raft, I tilted the wall a few more degrees and this resulted in resin print version of the new design becoming too warped to use! ( and it took 14 hours to print!)



    20240331_173921.jpg.fa2b9d688704f4ff4ab9002c6441490a.jpg. I

    I thought I would just post a picture of these prints in the building they were made for, which is still a work in progress


    • Like 5
  6. 10 minutes ago, Steamport Southport said:

    If anyone has had a spell looking for a job over the last few years you'll know you get about fifty of those a week. If the recruiter can be ars%d bothering to reply....


    It's just the way the jobs market is nowadays. Everything is short term contracts or you want to move on to something else for more or better hours.


    When something good does come up you get thousands of people applying for it as they are all on Indeed!

    I work in IT where almost all applications never get beyond a HR department who have no idea who is suitable for the job, but only look at certifications and age/sex (even though they are not supposed to do that in Denmark).

    I have been headhunted to the last two jobs I have. Never talked to a HR robot, just to the IT chef who wanted to hire me. On both occasions when I actually got to see the job advert for the post I had just be asked to take, I could see that I would never have had a chance of even getting to an interview, if I had applied for the job,

    • Like 10
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  7. 1 hour ago, PhilH said:

    Surely you just move the Z measurement a few mil off the plate before rotating the print to the optimum angle. I print nothing on the plate on my resin printers, 1 usually raise by 8 mm, rotate then support. I also invariably use a raft under the supports,

    That's what I did, but the highest end was warped in the Z axis, so the wall was not straight. I will end up using a new fdm back wall with resin vaults, and resin statues in the alcoves.

  8. 11 hours ago, kevinlms said:

    That's BS. I find the containers OK, but can't find a lid to suit.


    Of course if I throw the container out, the lid pops out from hiding, leaving me with a lid, with nothing to put it on!

    Tupperware is a perfect example of quantum mechanics: In any box, there may be a matching box and lid, but you only know for certain if you look for it.

    This also means that if you have a box without a lid and you spin it, them somewhere in the universe a tupperware lid starts spinning by itself.


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  9. 1 hour ago, njee20 said:

    Thanks, that’s helpful. I guess I’m more interested in the Bambu alongside other FDM printers. I’m totally happy with the workflow for resin, although I can see how much more faff it is, and I definitely see me always using resin printers more. The speed is sort of attractive, but ultimately I start a print and leave it, so it doesn’t really matter. 

    essentially I only ever use my resin printers for railway stuff at the moment because the finish on FDM is so massively inferior, and it’s whether the Bambu printers have closed that gap, for things like buildings where you’ve got lots of straight edges and hard corners where resin will not be optimal. 


    Here is another comparison print.  This is just about the maximum size the resin printer could cope with, the rough edge on the left is where the print met the raft. The two designs are not quite the same. The size of the arches was not quite right on the resin test print, There was also an error in the 1st statue enclosure on the left hand side. I corrected them on the same day I received my Bambu and this was the first test print made using one of my designs on that printer. In my effort to fit the whole design in such a way that the walls did not touch the raft, I tilted the wall a few more degrees and this resulted in resin print version of the new design becoming too warped to use! ( and it took 14 hours to print!)



    20240331_173921.jpg.fa2b9d688704f4ff4ab9002c6441490a.jpg. I

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  10. 36 minutes ago, Paul_in_Ricky said:

    That could be a perfect example of a torture test for FDM printing. Smooth curves will always be the hardest thing to print.
    Out of interest what layer settings and nozzle did you use ?

    I've seen some remarkably good results from FDM when printed carefully with 0.2 nozzles rather than the normal default 0.4.

    As I said I have only just got the Bambu. This is printer with the filiment that came with the pinter and uses 0.4 nozzles, Please excuse my ignorance. Is changing the nozzle size just done in software og do I need to change some hardware in the printer?

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