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Status Updates posted by Stringfingerling

  1. I might be being a bit dim here, but I can hardly find my own blog on the site, and I can't see how other people might find it unless they've bookmarked it or something.  I'm not finding the new menu  system super-user-friendly to be honest.  Maybe it's age or something.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Kylestrome


      Alternatively, go to "Activity" > "Content I Started"

    3. RedgateModels


      Yes @Kylestrome that's a good point :)

    4. Stringfingerling


      Thanks for those everyone.


  2. I drove a steam train last week, and it rates amongst the best things I've ever done.

    1. 7007GreatWestern


      I had the privilege of firing steam locos on a preserved railway some 15 years ago. When you attain a lifetime dream, sometimes it's an anticlimax - better in anticipation than reality. But those experience I had on the footplate were some of the best of my life - the reality was better than the dream! So, I understand what you mean. ;-)



  3. I drove a steam train on the Kent and East Sussex Railway last week, and it rates amongst the best things I've ever done. I was practically shaking with excitement and I'm still buzzing days later.

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