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Status Updates posted by Miker

  1. I have a Kleinbahn EMU  that wont pull the skin off a rice pudding - (or rather its okay as single car unit- but wont budge the other two cars)... I really need a replacement set of probably 2  motor bogies..

    Tenshodo for my mind arent up to the job - I did do a conversion on one of these a few years back using the Black Beatles  but I havent seen any of those around for years - is there anything else on the market which is suitable?

    Length of chassis is 23.8cm width 3 cm - 17.2cm between bogie centres 12mm wheelsets .

    1. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths

      Just out of curiosity, what's the bogie wheelbase?


      Whilst I think of it, you might want to post this stuff in the main parts of this site - perhaps followed by some stuff about how you repower / rebuild these.

      "Status updates" have an annoying habit of vanishing rather quickly.



    2. Miker


      Bogies are 4.4cm long  and 2.4cm wide

  2. Totally crackered from SW Herts exhibition yesterday . ( It was our 40th exhibition -which had been twice cancelled) - I dont think that we had anything left to give at the end - Seemed very positive -nice to see a lot of friends and associates at an exhibition.

  3. Sorry  , I have amended my post accordingly..


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. vaughan45
    3. truffy


      @vaughan45 in that case, it appears that not only has @Miker not got the hang of SSU vs PM, he hasn’t got the hang of @spamcan61 vs @rob D2  


      unless I’ve missed something. It happens. 

    4. rob D2

      rob D2

      i got it - he's done a good job 

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