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Posts posted by RAYTHEROCK

  1. gears were indeed a strong point; I was thinking of say 12.5" angle girders which were all bowed in my experience, or the circular plate whose piercings were all off centre. Still I understand the girls are enjoying the Meccano experience - they got two E20R motors with it but no transformers,  only an old Duette giving 12v .

    • Like 2
  2. On 27/02/2023 at 13:16, drmditch said:

    Is the decline of Meccano co-incident with the decline of British engineering industries?

    My, large colection of Meccano - blue chequer-plate, nickel plate, red/green, yellow blue has been taken by my grand-daughter to start a girls' basic engineering group at her school. Good luck to them- pity Meccano was so crude.

    • Like 6
  3. 69820 just arrived.

    the baseplate is straight.

    the bogie and pony wheels do not wobble

    the cab is squarely on

    the running numbers are straight

    there are no chips to the paintwork

    the coal rails are straight


    in short a splendid model - a quick run was quiet - chalk up a tick on the good side!. Well done Sonic - could we have an E4 next?

    • Like 14
  4. I'm expecting my BR A5 tomorrow and wondering what I will get - a lemon or a good model? Reading the bad reviews is quite worrying, but how many good deliveries go unreported? It's impossible to get a sense of proportion from only one side of the story. Fingers crossed I will be able to put in a good report.


    Bent footplates and cabs not properly fitted certainly indicate lax quality control in China - perhaps aggravated by their enormous Covid problems. Hopefully Sonic will learn and improve - I do wish them well

  5. On 29/01/2023 at 21:28, Phil Himsworth said:

    I blummin' love mine; it is by far the cutest loco I have. As far as I can tell it is a model of an engine built while my grandad worked there, and (I discovered recently) it worked very close to where I lived for a while. It looks fantastic and I'm dead chuffed with it.


    I had a spot of bother to start with as it is not tolerant of even slight kinks in the track; I had a couple of flexitrack joins on bends which had slight kinks in them that nothing else cared about but this does. The axles have a bit of side to side play but the coupling rods are quite rigid and don't have any play, so tend to hold the wheels in line strongly, so even if there's play on the axle left to take up bends in the track the coupling rod can pop the wheel off the track anyway.


    A bit of violence with some pliers to bend the ends of the rails into a smoother curve and it's fine now though.


    This was the first loco I ordered since getting back into the hobby after a break of nearly 30 years so getting one with a few family connections does feel a bit special, and the model has not disappointed.



    Same here Phil; entry to goods/fiddle yard is via a 90 degree curve, laid to 30" radius with Tracksetta, and a joint halfway round. All the other yard locos, including a Peckett B2, Kerr Stewart and Austerity had no trouble, but that little kink at the joint was enough to send the Hunslet into the six-foot. Like you, a bit of brute fore with pliers to eliminate the minute kink which I had never noticed, cured the problem.

  6. Doubly delighted with my red one, arrived this morning - lovely little model, my second Rapido loco. Double delighted because I was unaware it was already named Alex, one of my two remaining grandsons not to have a loco named for him. Plates already on order for James will now be held over for Dapol's Hawthorn Leslie

    • Like 4
  7. Idly flicking through Youtube I came across S*m's Tr**ns attack on one of the recent batch of B12/3s. I had just bought a third one about the same time and it got me worried. However it's been up and down my point-to-point showing no power loss on curves or points. Tomorrow I'll take it to the Railway Club for a long run on their test track just to be sure but it seems the same as  its 2 mates.

    I do worry about the shortage of Hornby spares on Peter's website - not his fault, of course.

    En passant, the original R150 version, fitted years ago with new wheels, centre driver flanges ground down to just kiss the  track, has been passed to my great-grandson who is young enough to be delighted with it - vive le X04!

  8. Is it not time to stop sniping at Hornby's TT project? We all know it is not aimed at us, serious modellers mostly with stock of 00. Let's just sit on the sidelines and watch. If it takes off great, perhaps the resulting cash flow will produce something new in 00 for their old supporters. If not, onto the scrap heap to join the live steam, Steampunk etc, and hopefully will not bring Hornby down. If it does there will be an opening for some of the smaller more enterprising producers, and we can sit back smugly saying "told you so"", but without Schadenfreude.


    Enough criticism and nit-picking for the time being.

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  9. I can only thank goodness Hornby have produced nothing of interest for GE modellers for ages so I have nothing outstanding to be delayed.


    Situation is a mess outside their control, but I worry about their "toy" efforts - playtrain - steampunk - for example. Must dilute manufacturing capacity and if they fail to sell...? Remember those stupid Olympic mascots?


    The hobby is facing a crisis - prices at the lower end are outside kids' reach, and the marvellous new DCC locos are for richer men than this old pensioner.


    Thankfully I have more than enough stock to see out my old age

  10. Bit worried to hear of JW's story of Mazak rot - I've just gifted my Trix Flying Scotsman to my great-grandson as the start of his railway.It was running OK when handed over and no sign of problems but don't want a tearful  small boy on the phone!i


    I did stupidly buy a late so-called "A2" on a German chassis  from somewhere in Wales  - complete cr*p unfortunately. Never tried their coaches - HD tinplate ones instead.


    Happy days in ignorance,


  11. Hattons delivered mine this morning. Well finished and detailed; runs smoothly. Ordered 26.9.19 - delivered just over 2 years later.


    So far have just replaced those hideously overlong couplings - a  ViTrains on on the front and a slice taken off the NEM box and the coupling legs, Loctite to secure at the rear. 

    • Like 2
  12. What a superb looking loco! I came across a pic of 69824 - early crest - pulling into Norwich Thorpe 15-3-53 in "Branch Lines around Wroxham" but even so I can't honestly make it enough of an excuse to buy one for my little branch line.  I seem to remember a pic of one running into - Shenfield i think - turntable problems somewhere along the line.


    Well done Sonic.

  13. Our small group in Headcorn used to meet pre-covid two Saturday mornings a month in the local Baptist church hall. New management is now insisting we have our own third party insurance. I know from experience with our much larger local history society that few insurers are now prepared to offer this at a reasonable rate - too much paperwork for too little I suppose.  We solved that by insuring through a national  "umbrella" group and I would be interested to hear how other societies and clubs have faced up to and dealt with this problem.


    Ray Sadler

  14. Well 68640 is up and running. Replaced all 4 buffer heads with turned steel ones from bits box - look a lot better. Front coupling made from a brass wire loop soldered to a spare frame spacer - bits box again. Clunky rear one left as is for the moment. As no bolts came with the chassis I tapped both sockets 8BA and used cut-down Kadee 2-56 black nylon bolts with a shim washer to stop front wheels rubbing - actually they made a not unrealistic shuff-shuff-shuff....


    Looked at from 3ft the short chassis does not jar - the cab steps cover part of the gap. 


    Will certainly go for a J66 if CDC do it - chassis was slightly shorter on these.


    • Like 3
  15. Well J68 arrived 2 days early; looked good and a very smooth finish. One front buffer either broken or incompletely moulded, fixed that with a disc of thin black plastikard punched out with a leather punch. Windows glazed with Krystal Klear, transfers on - those numbers are a tight fit on the bunker! coat of Testor's Dullcote over them then borrowed mech from my Terrier - wouldnt move. Body underside fouled the front drivers so had to grind away some material and drop a thin brass shim washer over each bolt. Rear fixture split on screwing up.but it runs OK. Front coupling still to be sorted as does not project enough.


    Over all, I'm happy with it and  impressed with 3D printing's advances.

  16. Very tempted by this at the price but  I am not au fait with Terrier versions - not really my area. I have two quick possibilities - see if I can buy/scrounge grandson's "Stepney" which must be at least 10 years old or butcher my own R3248 KESR Sutton.

    Would either of these count as old style please?

  17. I see lots of Oxford Rail announce butnot many Oxford Rail deliver... Are all the remaining N7's stuck on the Ever Given? Or are they waiting for freight rates westbound to stabilise - I heard $12500/40' from a friend in Anhui this week.

  18. Can only conclude Hornby no longer see themselves as serious suppliers of quality model railways, and are content to further drag the once great name of Bassett-Lowke through the mire with steampunk bricks.  Absolute rubbish.  Concentrate on the essentials if you want to  build up the business

    • Agree 5
  19. My thanks to The Johnster for his long reply. Meantime I have fitted Kadee 18's into the sockets - much closer and both pull and propel around my layout without buffer locking. Curves are 36" radius. Might still change buffers for normal convex one instead of Stroudley's concave oddities and set them in a little bit more to give a little more clearance just in case.

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  20. Playing around with my set of 3 6-wheelers - would like to close up the gap between coaches but cannot find

    anything suitable. They are fitted with Hornby  R8219; I looked at Fleischmann 6574 and also the Hornby "Close coupling" that comes with the Gresley suburbans but no good. Anyone any ideas?

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  21. Inclined to agree with Gilwell Park that  brown would have been more likely than cash-strapped early BR painting three old rattletraps crimson but we live in a land of make believe...

    I might respray mine eventually, but for the minute am more interesting in closing up the coupling gap and removing the plethora of nosmo king stickers - and playing trains.


    Have to say I did not realise Hornby had actually brought them in already and nearly got caught out - thanks Bure Valley and Colletts Models. One gets so used to endless announcements with deliveries far in the future or endless postponements .

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