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Ian Smith

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Status Updates posted by Ian Smith

  1. Took delivery of my new railway room 10'6"x6'0" shed today. Needs electrics and insulation before I move in though :-)

    1. richbrummitt


      Best get on with that. It's going to get colder. I'm just about a good few days off finishing up my new space :)

  2. Took delivery of my new railway room 10'6"x6'0" shed today. Needs electrics and insulation before I move in though :-)

  3. Spent an age today making up DG couplings to fit to my 2mm stock. Just got to set them to the right height now!!

  4. Spent an age today making up DG couplings to fit to my 2mm stock. Just got to set them to the right height now!!

  5. Just collected a nice little Peatol Lathe that I won / bought on eBay. Wanted one for years but never felt I could justify the outlay (probably still can't but what the heck) :-)

    1. Wizard of the Moor

      Wizard of the Moor

      Well done! I love mine and now wonder how on earth I managed without it.

  6. Painted a 3D printed wagon using a new tin of Hmbrol Matt paint last night, flipping stuff came out glossy!! Wish I'd used the 20 year old stuff instead now, at least I know that dries matt!!!

  7. Finally got round to ordering a GWR cattle train from Shapeways - just got to wait for the results of my labours now :-)

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