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Stephen O

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Posts posted by Stephen O

  1. Hi, I know there is drag from the dummy cars not freewheeling because mine (an original Hornby with the ringfield motor can't get around my garden circuit because of a steep hill and the drag of the dummy, without the dummy its fine, ive also had the train tip over caused by the dummy dragging on another hill and the path of least resistance changing to flip the train on a transition bend so I am looking to add a motor to my dummy. I find personally that (my) coaches are too light and longer trains suffer poor rail riding from intermittant coach wheels. check to see if on the apex of the bend your coach wheels are being lifted up. All I can suggest, which is something ive got to do myself is to try and ease the curves for the longer trains.


    hope this helps


    every day is a school day on my railway.



  2. Hi, I have a couple of querys regarding learning points from my OO gauge outdoor layout. Firstly the track is pinned to plyboard through roofing felt, The trains are rough riding  in places, is it possible to use an outdoor tolerant underlay and what type would this be? noise is not an issue but I would like to make the running smoother and avoid some of the pitching and rolling that is going on. Secondly I have 3 removable sections spanning paths. Originally I cut the track across the gap but as all 3 have bends at some point close to or on the lift out sections this caused immediate problems. I've relayed the track now cutting  it on the adjacent board and pinning it whilst in place, this has improved matters but I experiencing some poor running and derailments. Is it possible to screw the track down so that its easier to remove without having to pick trackpins out or is there a way of linking 2 sections which I don't know about?






  3. Hi, New member here. I have browsed the above posts. I have built a OO gauge railway in my garden using Peco code 100 track. Ive experienced some deforming due I suspect to the summer sun, most of the track in the main part of the garden is exposed as the entire railway has been built elavated on wooden trestle bases due to ground sloping, conditions and Chickens. Has anyone cut expansion gaps into the track or are people covering the rails when not in use, this would be difficult due to the sheer length of railway and its passage around the garden and chicken enclosures. Trains are being run by Micron RC. Any help welcome, I find it frustrating that I might have to lift and relay long sections which have been barely used due to the slow pace of construction. 






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