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Posts posted by banburysaint

  1. 1 hour ago, Blandford1969 said:

    The 2857 group have followed the 4566 group in moving to a trust so that the challenges the pig faces can be avoided. I'm not sure the pigs future is uncertain. It will just be much delayed whilst things are sorted out. I hope certain things now in play might help to resolve those issues. Both those groups were raising money at Kidder towards working towards having more money to put forward for overhalls. 


    The company now only owns Gordon - there are certain covenants in place which prevents its sale and Hagley Hall. The Babby aka Hinton Manor is owned by the Charitable Trust. All the other locos are owned by individual groups or individuals. 


    The challenges are the ever increasing costs of restoration of locos. 


    That being said the railway overall is in a better financial position than it was this time last year. Less paid staff and heads of heads of heads means we are making more headway. Its not out of the woods yet, but moving in the right direction. 


    On the plus side 4150 should be finished this year with 82045 not far behind along with TV from its intermediate overhaul and 7802 with its new cylinder. 

    I really hope that the Pig's issues can be resolved, it's a well suited locomotive to the line plus it's my daughter's favourite ever since it took her to see Santa in 2015. We have made a promise to ourselves yesterday to get a ride behind the Pig again in the future as we couldn't get to the line on Sunday as I came down with COVID on Saturday evening.

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  2. 8 hours ago, geoff said:

    This seems to be quite common for well used DT400 series throttles. If you search the Digitrax "io" group postings I am sure you will find chapter and verse on it. My own older one exhibits the same issues and I find that if I am more deliberate about pressing the buttons it will perform better. By deliberate I mean firm but not violent pressure making sure to hold it just a fraction longer than a stab would be, often helps. Having said all that I don't think there is much you can do. There has been discussion about dismantling the throttle and cleaning the interface between the buttons and the circuit board but from experience, getting into one of these throttles is not as easy as described.



    Geoff, many thanks for the suggestion I didn't know about that group and it's good to know I am not the only person with the issue. I will give the longer presses a go. I am definitely not brave enough to give dismantling the throttle a go! 

  3. I have a digitrax dt402 throttle. I have noticed that it doesn't respond constantly to button presses. Most obvious is changing direction or dialing in a locomotive address. For example if I press 6023 address as I type the numbers they should appear in the screen, however 6 and 0 will then 2 won't but after pressing 3 the full number appears. On direction press to change but it isn't carried out and it can 2 or 3 presses before it acknowledged. Has anyone got any suggestions as to what could be the problem. Many thanks 

  4. 3 hours ago, NXEA! said:

    Would like to know as well! Hopefully GER, or generic enough to pass for one. 

    It reminds me of an LNER crane such as the one shown in the photo at Pickering. Click on the photo to be taken to the site 

    J94 0-6-0ST


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  5. Interesting episode. The starter locomotive is interesting as I hadn't seen it in the 2023 range launch so I presume it is coming in 2024. The Jules Holland segment was especially fun as he gave a tour of his layout. My daughter watching with me enjoyed the comments about making room for a model railway! However the best bit was she now wants to help with building some scenery on our layout this weekend - so the program does inspire the next generation 

    • Like 13
  6. 9 hours ago, blueeighties said:

    The days of Bachmann bargains have gone. My last haul were x25 class 40s @ £50 each after the 'wrong type of oil' debarcle. 

    You will be lucky to get 20% off anything now.

    At 2019 Warley I got a returned Bachmann scenecraft Kernow Truro signal box for £16 yes it had broken steps but they were easily and cheaply replaced with plastruct equivalent. An absolute bargain. 

  7. On 10/10/2022 at 12:22, ModRXsouth said:

    Having attended on Sunday, I open with a request to the GETS organising team at Key Publishing: can you kindly make the show’s guide available online please?

    The Hornby front desk staff said that the printed guides were all taken on Saturday but they have the jpg’s available, so I hope that someone at Key can press the relevant buttons this week to post it on their website making it available to all. Please do not put it behind a pay wall! I for one enjoy reading the layout write ups (plus track plans if possible!) in exhibition guides, plus they help to identify layout photos and provide contact details for traders, particularly the smaller ones.


    Due to uncertainty about the early morning’s post-strike rail services, I decided to drive. After two hours on the A3, M25, M1 and A5 following the satnav to MK1 1ST, I arrived at 10.30 to find the Key website’s nominated car parks S1-3 all full so was directed to the large one beyond McDonalds. It was an absorbing show - yes it was crowded, the two balcony levels got hot and more seating is needed on all three floors, but a range of fine layouts kept my attention through to the 4pm closure. I also collected a stock pre-order and benefitted from Key’s 20% discount on their publications. So now just hope the guide appears…..


    https://content.keypublishing.com/central/issues/documents/5850_622493/index.html is a link to the show guide 

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