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Posts posted by StJamesStation

  1. Hi Steve


    The stand is the Tamiya spray work painting stand set.  I got it from modelzone who are no longer with us.  I believe the code for it is 74522.



    Thanks Richard. I'll see if I can source one. 

    By the way when did Modelzone close. I used to love going into the store in London, they had so much great stuff and the old guy that worked in there had NO idea how to use the point of sale system, so it took forever to buy anything.

  2. This is what I've been getting up to in the last couple of days. Ten sidings should do me for now, and since it's all at the back, it should be easy enough to add to the front. Must remember to leave a set of points spare...

    I see you have the Faller Mine Head there. I bought mine (no pun intended) a few years ago. I motorized it and put a few lights on it. Once weathered it came up a treat.



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  3. As everyone on the East Coast of Australia knows, when you go to WA, prepare to be enlightened on the art of driving. After living there for three years we quickly realised that the indicators are used to tell other drivers what you have just done. You do 80km/hr on the freeway in the far right lane, and don't let anyone merge or get past you, and do 100km in a 60 zone and run the red lights, surely they are advisory only.


    Well mother nature has not just be slapping NE England around, but SW Australia, too.


    110km/h winds and 60mm of rain in the last 24 hours.


    In the space of 15 minutes on Friday morning, I'd seen a car that had planted itself deep into the side of a bus, and about 10km later, a van on it's side - both the result of Rain + Idiot Drivers + Speed = Inevitable Mess. Not unique to WA, but certainly seems to be symptomatic of the yoof in their cars here.




    The view out across the Indian Ocean late yesterday was non too inviting:




    However, upstairs at Stockrington, the railway room was warm and dry, bathed in the warm glow of red LED's:




    Not only those up front, but behind the power station:




    and also around the room:




    I soldered the ends of the second mainline in place on the bridge, glued that piece in place, and connected the feeders from that track into the "switched" area of the bus, completing the first 1/3 of the trackwork across the bridge.




    I also soldered a DCC bus terminator onto the far end of the storage track bus, which was the final piece of electrics to be done.




    After a marathon clean up, and vacuum of the floor and the trackwork, when I plugged the power supply in for the first time, I was met with the reassuring glow of LED's all around the room. Using a piece of wire, I tripped the PSX and it behaved exactly as promoted on the box - the supply LED flicked over to the "tripped" LED for 2 seconds, then reset. When I held the wire in place, the "tripped" indication kept on, with the tell tale clicking if the board trying to reset every 2 seconds.




    The rest of the afternoon has been spent restacking the materiel under the benchwork, and getting all the tools back in a tidy state so I can hook into Stage 2 in an orderly fashion.


    With that done, I slid back under the benchwork, and taped all the soldered DC joints with insulating tape, as a precaution against short circuits.





    So... it's the 27 July, and if I'm not mistaken, that means I am a touch ahead of schedule, and ready to start testing trains!





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  4. Ok chaps, I need some help here please.


    I have removed one of my old code 100 cross overs due to my class 08s stalling on it. I have made sure the wheels were clean and even added extra pick ups still with no joy. So I thought I would replace the insulfrog cross over with SL-E193 which is an electrofrog code 75 job. despite it being a code 75 I have raised it up a bit and stock runs through ok. I problem is how do I wire this in?

    Here is a pic to help.


    Cheers Peter.

    G'day peter I've got a code 75 double slip on my layout in between standard code 100 rail. I've yet to secure it permanently and am curious as to how you have done yours and what did you use to raise it up to the same level as the other track.

    Cheers Steve


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