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Posts posted by andyram

  1. Another strange visitor to Skaleby West today. The Midland Pullman liveried HST is seen crossing the river bridge on the final approach to the station. I am sure the station master will not be impressed about the latest diesel invasion! In truth this is another staged photo for the shop's social media pages.

     There was some genuine running undertaken today with Bachmann 56xx on the passenger stock. A six wheeled tank wagon, painted in the Coca-Cola livery was a less than prototypical addition to the train. This was added for the purpose of filming ahead of the next shop update video for Youtube. Unfortunately, the driver (me) was not paying attention and the loco ran off the end of the layout and sustained a damaged buffer beam. The loco was from my own collection so fortunately no shop stock was damaged. Hopefully I can undertake a repair so the loco can return to service.IMG_7476.jpg.9def63605acba3289ba2cdad011eeaa7.jpg

  2. With Santa trains now finished it appears that engineering trains have returned to the Skaleby West branch with a pair of Network Rail liveried vehicles seen in the station today.  In reality this is a social media publicity photo on behalf of the shop. 


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  3. Afternoon all and thanks for the good wishes. I am just checking in shortly before I close at the end of the grey and damp Saturday in Matlock Bath. A relatively quiet day but at least I have managed to sort out part of a recent delivery from one manufacturer. They managed to mess up and send an order containing loads of stuff I had decided to cancel off having over ordered! They have agreed to take the stock back because it is their error so I have managed to start sorting out the stuff to keep and that I am sending back.


    I have also caught up with the marking work I did not do during yesterday afternoon. Amber's football proved to be a waste of time. Not a game, more several schools taking part in communal training. She enjoyed it, which is the main thing, but it did seem very disorganised and they spent more time stood listening to the coaches than actually playing!


    Tonight I am catching up with my best mate for a few drinks in a real ale bar. Anyone coming to the shop tomorrow - bring the head ache tablets!!!



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  4. "Not more diesels!" the stationmaster uttered as the large logo Class 47 rumbled into the platform this morning on a driver experience turn. Sid has not quite grasped the idea that these services are valuable to any preservation group during the quieter winter period. I am sure he will be much happier when the Santa trains return to the station tomorrow with a steam engine at the head of the service.





    In reality, the loco had not turned a wheel. The Bachmann class 47 was simply placed on the layout for some social media photos to promote items in the shop. I have to admit that the weathering on this particular model is some of the finest I have seen. 

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  5. These pictures may not be ones for the purists, but the Skaleby West preservationists decided to repaint one of their preserved wagons into a suitable livery ahead of the upcoming Santa Specials. The vehicle was taken up the line to deliver provisions ahead of the weekend's first festive trains. Since no steam trains were running midweek, the Sentinel was used to haul the service.



    In reality, I took advantage of a quiet afternoon in the shop to take some publicity photos for the shop's social media pages to promote some new arrivals.


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  6. Afternoon (just) and generic greetings all round. I see the children's television conversation continues. @simontaylor484 I know of many similar incidents of fellow classmates being banned from watching Grange Hill. The reasons for this were distinctly evident in my early secondary school days. One particular week, an episode included an incident where the class decided to annoy one particularly hapless teacher. One pupil started to gently hum, then another child joined in, and another until the whole class became involved in a long, single note hum that sounded like an invasion of bees. It drove the teacher to distraction. Days later, my class decided that the much hated supply teacher deserved the same treatment! Clearly the program could be a bad influence!


     The mention of Rentaghost brought back interesting memories, I watched it but cannot say I was a fan. As for Jossy's Giants, they did indeed end up wearing bin bags - although they were worn under the new strip for some genius idea of Jossy. I recall one episode of this series was filmed in Scarborough with the lads getting into mischief around Peasholm Park including the water splash and the North Bay railway.


     @New Haven Neil Four Feather Falls was the not actually the first Anderson puppet series although I did include developments on the technology of the puppets. It was pre-dated by the Adventures of Twizzle and also Torchy the Battery Boy. These all predated Supercar which was the first of the sci-fi period followed by Fireball XL5, Stingray and then the masterpiece that was Thunderbirds. The latter was the first Supermarionation series that ran beyond the traditional thirty minutes. This was a result of Lou Grade who commissioned the series. He sat and watched the pilot episode "Trapped in the Sky". Originally this was also only thirty minutes long. After watching it, Grade apparently jumped from his seat and claimed that the show was less kid's tv and more action movie and demanded Gerry extend the episode to meet a 1 hour time slot on ITV. Anderson had to frantically write and film 20 minutes worth of additional footage for the episode as well as another four which were already in the can.


     I do not remember Space Patrol. Although Anderson wrote a pilot for a live action show called Space Police. Shane Rimmer, who voiced many Anderson characters including Scott Tracy, played the title role of Lt Brogan. The show was not commissioned until years later and Ted Shackleford took on the title role with show changing its name to Space Precinct.



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  7. Evening all. I have not long arrived home from a busy day in the shop. With another night of illuminations the place was packed and trade was brisk helping me to break all kinds of monthly records. I am now sat at home awaiting the delivery of the celebratory curry. I really cannot face cooking tonight especially with a mountain of orders to package up.


    I have noted the conversation about children's tv. Although first released far before my time, I remember the Sunday lunchtime repeats of Thunderbirds which triggered my interest in all things Gerry Anderson.  Other Anderson series such as Stingray, Captain Scarlet and Fireball XL5 used to be repeated as part of the summer holiday morning schedules. 

     My afternoon children's tv memories include cartoons such as Superted and Bananaman on BBC (the latter voiced by The Goodies). There was also Inspector Gadget and Danger Mouse on ITV. Other series such as Grange Hill were favourites and the football based show called Jossy's Giants. I found the latter on a cheap DVD on Amazon a couple of years ago and purchased it for nostalgia. Lunchtime shows include classics such as Mr Benn and Bagpuss.


    Meanwhile, the post Covid cough remains although I am free from the disease. I still feel tired and am hoping that these two aspects are not a sign of a lingering long Covid. One of my friends first caught it last November and is still troubled by Long Covid symptoms.


    Stay safe.



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  8. Evening all. A quick check in before bed. Best wishes to @simontaylor484 and your good lady. I hope she is ok and that you also manage some rest.


    @Mike Bellamy thanks for the good wishes. I can be confident that the Mickleover show was not the source of my Covid. I have blamed the Derby County home game which I attended 2-3 days before the symptoms presented themselves.


    This evening I received a photo message from the girls. They have been visiting Universal studios and thought I would appreciate a photo of the Hogwarts Express. Is it me, or does something look amiss?



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  9. I know politics are supposed to be kept off these pages. But I could not resist posting a sneaky peak at the next Prime Minister entering number 10.....



    Personally, I think things are looking up....



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  10. In many cases, some of the errors in film and tv work is due to using or doctoring what is available to the film crews. We have to accept that some fictional tv pieces have to make do with what is available. However, there is no excuse for mistakes in news items or factual documentaries. I recently spotted a clear and unforgivable error in an episode of the Yesterday TV program "Train Truckers". Having covered the transportation of the "Sir Nigel Gresley" from Crewe to Bridgnorth for the steam gala, the program included a small section on the gala. It highlighted some of the other locomotives running including the J94 and Saint. Then it referred to 43106 or "Mickey Mouse" only to support the commentary with shots of the Standard, clearly displaying the number 75069!

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