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Posts posted by pushpull33

  1. Call me cynical, and it's great news that Heljan are doing a re-run of the class 33s for 2021. It just seems that the one everyone wants to go with there 4TC sets from Kernow is more exspensive than the rest of the range. That's the post Tops, BR Blue with Yellow ends, no orange 'cant' rail or white window surrounds.

    Or is it just me.  

  2. 2 hours ago, Nigelcliffe said:


    OK, that's a useful bit of information. 


    Are you absolutely certain there is no electrical path from either motor terminal to pickups (with decoder not connected to the motor) ?  Could be via suppression components manufacturer fitted, or other routes ?   ( Or do the test on another motor suggested earlier, which would confirm things).    If no electrical path, then I'd say its pointing to a faulty decoder, which does happen sometimes, so refer back to supplier. 



    - Nigel

    Hi Nigel.

    Thanks for your help. Deffinatly no connection between pick-ups and motor wires and other factory suppression gubbins had been removed, leaving solely, two wire from pickups and two from the motor.

    I have also just tested the decoder on a separate motor and the same thing happens, only runs one way.

    Has to be the decoder !

    This is the fourth Adams 02 I have fitted but 1st to give me problems.

    • Agree 2
  3. 42 minutes ago, Nigelcliffe said:

    Either decoder fault, or loco fault.   Hard to be sure which.   Could be a contact from motor wires to pickup wires (anywhere from decoder all the way to loco).  


    Suggested test:  disconnect the motor leads, and attach those to an independent, known good, motor.  See if that motor now runs correctly or not.  


    ( For hard-wire jobs, I check decoders before installing.  A free-standing motor is all that's needed, though there are several sources of "decoder testers" which offer a neater way of checking things ). 


    - Nigel

    Thanks, will try another motor. Should have tested it first but came from a good source and is the first decoder of many that has failed.

  4. Hi all.

    Hope someone can help before I ring the prouder of the decoder and make a fool of myself.


    Just fitted a Zimo MX648R decoder to an EFE Adams class 02. It has been hard wired making doubly sure of connecting wires correctly (I'm not a beginner as have fitted many decoders) This one however has presented me with a problem.

    All the sounds function correctly and it travels forwards but nothing in reverse.

    I have tried a reset with 0 and 8 but still nothing in reverse. The loco ran perfectly on DC before fitting the decoder but now I have this problem. As a note; if leaving the dc option active it does the same thing, forwards but nothing in reverse. Normally I turn the dc option off but was just testing if the same problem occurred.

    Is it me our is it a faulty chip ? Or can some Cvs be changed to rectify this.

    Any advise greatly recieved.

  5. 47 minutes ago, F-UnitMad said:

    It makes a nice change to see a "Freelance but Plausible" livery on a British model diesel. It's a sort of "what if Nationalisation didn't happen?" model. I like it.

    Why UK modellers get so hot under the collar about fictional or at least inaccurate schemes I don't know, especially when they often invent a fictional or 'might have been' location for a layout anyway. In these days of Privatised TOCs I'd have thought a freelance one, maybe freight-oriented, with it's own livery would be an interesting project. But no - models of locos and stock must stick rigidly to the prototype, it seems.

    It's common enough in American outline modelling as there are real Railroads, known as Short Lines, that are full size 'freelance' operations, often with their own livery, so in modelling, made up companies and colors are perfectly acceptable.

    I'm glad to here your take on this project and it's approval. Perhaps there may be more in the future, who knows.

    As you say. The Americans ha've done this sort of thing for years, but heaven help us if we mess with liveries in the UK.

    • Friendly/supportive 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Not Captain Kernow said:

    Yes it should have the reinforcement, I cannot post the Copyright picture but it definitely has the reinforcement.  It was on the original batch as well, albeit as K2103 number 30182 in BR livery.

    Not on a Southern Dark Olive livery number 207.

    At present I can't find a photo of 182 in dark olive livery with the 'plate' attached. 


    • Like 1
  7. On 14/08/2021 at 19:24, phil-b259 said:


    Not Calbourne, but my 182 has the following....


    The other sides fine weirdly.




    You got one already, didn't think they were out till this week.

    It shouldn't have the reinforcement plate at the bottom of the tanks. Thought that was added by the IoW, the original batch from Kernow didn't have it. 

    • Like 1
  8. On 14/08/2021 at 10:38, Ausfan said:

    I have the model of Calbourne, arrived this week.  

    Does anyone else's example have the running plate slightly warped?

    I've seen another example and it's the same.

    A gentle undulation on the nearside and curving up a bit at the front offside before the bufferbeam.

    Mine dosent have it.

    • Like 1
  9. 56 minutes ago, griffgriff said:

    Sound project  aside ..... that’s a really nice piece of work :)



    Thank you Gruff. I have built a lot of kits in my time mainly Southern steam, Adams 02s etc. My second passion is Southern BR Blue and really wanting a Class 74 thought I would have a bash at this. Appreciating it's an old kit and trying to bring it up to more of today's standard, it has fought me all the way.

    Getting towards the finished product it has been worth all the fuss.


  10. Hi all.

    I have been working on a class 74 from Silver Fox Models.


     I have recently purchased a sound decoder from DC Kits of there new sound project from Legomanbiffo for the class 74. Obviously it's hard wired as I have used the old Hornby Class 90 chassis.

    The sound project has a third rail arc and crackle after installing a couple of mini Blue LEDs under the bogies.

    I get the " crackle" sound which works on F17 but am not sure which aux function wire to conect the LEDs to. I was told the 'violet' but this has not worked, trying all the other aux outputs to no avail. I'm guessing that one of the CVs has to be changed to assign the 'arc' to the aux out.

    The sound file has been installed on to an ESU lokpilot V4.0 

    Any help greatly appreciated ie Mr Legomanbiffo. 

    More on my blog as to how the project developed.



  11. On 22/01/2021 at 08:29, trevor7598 said:

    One boob that EFE have perpetuated with the latest Southern Olive batch

    is the printing of the wood effect droplights on the ' glass ' rather than the

    representation of the droplight frame.

    As far as I can see this only affects the lined olive coaches.


    I thought today I would have ago at fixing this slight discrepancy.


    That looks better dosent it.

    More on my blog as to how easy it is.


    • Like 5
    • Craftsmanship/clever 1
    • Round of applause 1
  12. 20 minutes ago, Oldddudders said:

    Mike King's drawings show Mansell wheels, 3'7" dia. 

    Your right, it does. I read somewhere, which I just can't find but was probably in Mike kings book that the boggies were swapped at some point, if the wheels were changed it may have happened at this point. 

  13. As there is very little information out there on these, I think it would be fair to say that they still had Mansell wheels at least until 1931 when the ront end was changed and possably bogies were swapped out at the same time. Set 24 still had them in 1938, along with a few others after looking at photographs. One of those things that would be very difficult to find a definitive answer. 

  14. 18 hours ago, ovbulleid said:

    Has anyone taken a look ‘under the bonnet’ to see if the fitting of DCC (or even sound) would be possible?

    As in my post above This link will take you to my blog where i have re-done the chassis with a highlevel gearbox




    It will show you the amount of room there is but bear in mind that it is a live chassis ie: wheels insulated on one side only, so probably not good for DCC.

    • Like 1
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  15. On 02/12/2019 at 23:59, SouthernEMU said:

    Hi Colin.  I am enjoying reading about your layout in the October 2019 Railway Modeller (our magazine seller gets them rather late here in Canada, but well worth the wait).  I looked forward to reading your article about your " 'O' gauge Parkstone" layout.  It noted on the front cover of RM:  "Parkstone  A Dorset goods yard and industrial branch in 0". I was not disappointed however, as along with your excellent 4 m.m. layout there was an 'O' gauge layout featured along with other 'O' gauge information.  Looking at your Class 33, 73, and possibly the other models, it could just as easily be modelled in 'O' as the Class 33 is/will be available again in that scale, although the Class 73 is only available in kit form.  Thank you for an enjoyable article.

    Thank you for the good coments. Sorry for the late reply.

    Yes, Railway Modeller got it wrong on the cover and yes, indeed it is 4mm scale, 00 gauge.

    It was an enjoyable build. As i expect you read the layout had its own history.


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