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Barry Rhys

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Posts posted by Barry Rhys

  1. Well, as I have another 3 (4 if you count the ROTANK) tank wagons still to do, I am going to think up some more tank related puns...


    Lovely job, Castle. I Shell BP-leased to see what Stefan Mex of his too.


    Very nice. The subtle weathering is excellent.


    Not too subtle though. It Texaco-at of muck for a tank wagon to look realistic.


    Think I'd better go now...



    • Like 2

    That'll depend on how many people don't read retailers' descriptions. We'll prepare some invisible ink responses for them; the first four are listed below.


    Sorry Andy, have to say I think the fourth one is not a reasonable response. I think you should change it to:


    And add a fifth one:



  3. The Dunalastair V Pickersgill 4-4-0 built between 1916 and 1922 and lasted till 1962. Many people may have seen them in operation on railway videos.



    ....and with only 8 out of 98 (to date) casting a vote for one, the fabled Dunalastair clearly isn't firing the imagination


    Hi Stuart (and other contributors to this thread),


    Just to clear up a possible misunderstanding, the "Dunalastair V Pickersgill 4-4-0" referred to by Coach is in fact the "Caledonian Pickersgill 4-4-0" loco voted on in the poll. Actually the real Dunalastair "family" (four classes generally known as Dunalastairs I - IV) were all built by McIntosh between 1896 and 1910, but three further classes of 4-4-0 subsequently built by Pickersgill between 1916 and 1922 are commonly referred to as Dunalastair V's.


    It would be a little unhelpful of me to suggest now - particularly since I've not contributed anything earlier - that maybe the 22 votes for the Pickersgill 4-4-0 and the 8 votes for the "Dunalastair" 4-4-0 probably reflect a "group" vote for a Caley 4-4-0 type, particularly since the North British "Glen" and "Scott" 4-4-0 votes quite possibly similarly reflect a common desire for an NB 4-4-0 type (and likewise the Caledonian Jumbo and 812 Classes for a Caley 0-6-0!), but hopefully at least people may see that there is not such a wide 'fragmentation' of wishes across widely differing types, which may be thought to be the case at a quick glance at the poll results.


    This isn't meant to question any of your points Stuart, just to clear up a possible point of confusion. As a Caley modeller, I appreciate that you and others here are actually trying to do something instead of simply talking about it.




    Next a couple of D&S NBR 16ton Mineral wagons . The first one I used a photo in the current MRJ as a rough painting guide its in a very tired post war livery photo has paint date on the solebar as 1946




    Another pre 1937 livery as in the original Tatlow LNER Wagons Book







    Mick, they're lovely models of wagons that actually look like they're being used - specially the faded 'NE' on the first one. Out of interest, what are the hairy bits sticking out of the top of the first one - is it a load, or just an accident? Do the D&S castings include interior detail (planks, door edges, bolt heads etc)? - if you happen to have a piccy of the inside of either of these wagons, I'd be interested in seeing it.


    Now my "why do you always have to spoil it" comment - God, I'm starting to feel guilty before I've even made it:


    Have a look at the brakes on No.714420. As far as I can see, put the brake lever down, and the brakes will come even further off... :blush: Interestingly, although it's an easy mistake to accidentally fit a standard lever to the brake side of a Morton-braked wagon (and the corresponding Morton-clutched lever to the non-brake side), you appear to have 2 sets of Morton-style 'left-over-right' brakes on the same wagon B) . Are the 2 models of the same wagon type? (I notice they have different axlebox types, but otherwise appear identical.) The first wagon is correct for 'either side' brakes, ie. twin v-hangers each side (I think - though I'm not certain from the photo) and separate 'right-over-left' brakes each side. So on the D&S wagons, are the brake sets reversible to make 'left-over-right' from 'right-over-left' (that is, brake shoe and rivet detail on front and back of the brake castings - in which case they would be ideal for the spares box!), and you've accidentally fitted them the wrong way round? Or have you managed to raid the spares box for 2 sets of Mortons from other wagons (stop sniggering at the back there...)??


    Well I've seen enough high-quality modelling from you to think you'll take this info like a man, and not beat me up when you see me. Please feel free to enquire when I'm going to get off my a*se and actually do some modelling myself :blush:


    Look forward to seeing some more Scottish stuff too.



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