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    LNWR in the Buxton area in 7mm
    Callander & Oban in 2mm
    with more than a passing interest in the North Staffordshire, Ontario Northland, the Manchester & Birmingham and just to keep things eclectic the Sligo Leitrim and Northern Counties Railway and the Midland Great Western Railway in Ireland (2mmFS 10.5mm gauge).....

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  1. Have found some Killin Junction Station pics which you may not have found in your searches. 


    Go to www.topticl.com and on the first page go to 'photographs for sale' and then 'on line gallery' and then to 'railway environment' and finally to 'stations'.


    There are all in a bit of a jumble but if you scroll through thumbnails you should a few of Killin Junction there - all appear to be taken after the line closure.  Have a look under the other headings on this website as there are other C+O images there too.  


    Of course you might have seen them before.


    With good wishes and trust you and the family are coping with the lock down.



    Alisdair Macdonald 


    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Killin0-4-4T


      Hi Alisdair 

      I have problems to post

      thanks and regards Menno 


    3. Killin0-4-4T


      Hi Alisdair

      this realy helps especially that you mention that the pictures haven taken after closure of the branch. I have seen a kind of these pictures from Killin station with different colors. I have some books C&OR and Scottish Railways with pictures. 

      I assume that  colors are LMS.

      many thanks  Menno

    4. ardbealach


      The Killin branch closed in 1965, BR having taken over the station in 1948 at nationalisation.  The external condition of the station building suggests it has not been had much paintwork attention from 1948 and 1965.  So yes maybe it is LMS paintwork, unless it was given a coat in the early days of nationalisation, which I would doubt.  It was -  after all - a bit of a forgotten branch line well away from Glasgow Head Office.


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