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Welsh Yorkie

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Posts posted by Welsh Yorkie

  1. I'm sure I'm not entering the spirit of this topic -and there is much to admire in the skills, tenacity and hard graft involved here - in saying this is a bit of 'If I wanted to go to Limerick, I wouldn't start here'.


    Why not save a lot of time and effort in developing new Colletts from the new Hornby models? Some of them may just need sides being overlaid: the roof, ends, underframe, bogies, general profile and measurements are so much better than the Railroad versions. Should I get my coat now, or just admit to being a heathen?

  2. Hi Jintyman,


    A few points, some already mentioned: The EE3 siteings were demolition trains, I don't think they ever did the Merthyr-Brecon freights. 08s and Teddy Bears only got as far as Vaynor quarry on ballast workings. No 56xx, 84xxx or 82xxx at Talyllyn to my knowledge, though possibly 84xxx via Hereford line? No DMUs north of Merthyr to Brecon, though some did Dowlais-Cardiff workings on Saturdays but not via the B& M line. Sorry to put a damper on your range of locos(!), but you still have loads of options -- and you can always ignore the reality!


    All the best with it.

  3. Not sure if there's a reply to this, but 6433 (Merthyr) was lined green and no top feed; and remained so until it's death in early 63.


    In response to message 206.

  4. Got back last evening to find several half-empty wine glasses dotted around the living room, but no sign of Mrs WY and her friends. They appeared about half an hour later, and had been up in my loft looking at my layouts. Not sure whether I should be pleased or worried!


    As an aside, why don't women have hobbies to the same extent that we have?

  5.  -- Creosote has been banned?  Good heavens - so what does one use to preserve timbering?

     - The only alternative of wch. I know is 'Cuprinol.' - a ghastly green colour, if I mistake not?  But then possibly that, too,  has been banned,  as I believe that it's copper-based?

     - You may see that I'm working my way through this thread, albeit slowly, (a couple or so weeks, to date.), - plenty of valuable info. and useful tips herein!  Plus, of course, all of those delightful and other threads mentioned; the main lines and branch lines of railway modelling,  (and of much else, besides.),.

    Replacement is Creocote. Not as gooey, and the smell is nowhere near the marvellous, original smell; same colour, but not as deep.

  6. Regardless of what I said earlier, it's hard to see why you would pay 325 GBP for this when you can get a (almost certainly superior in every respect) Hornby one for quite a lot less.  Unless you're specifically collecting K's kits I suppose, which is a perfectly valid pastime.

    I'm sure he's correct when he says it is 'a rare opportunity' to buy this at £325!

  7. Hi Dai would that be an old black clerestory stores wagon/coach ???



    I am just building a nu cast Taff Vale A tank to go on the layout for the Llantwit Fardre show in April

    Hello Brian, If my memory serves me right, Abercynon had a couple of 'specialist' wagons of the Mess/tool van brigade. I think Blacksmith used to have kits of them, but possibly a Python would do. It's 40 years since I last saw them, and I was too young to know what they were.

    I found Abercynon to be an annoying shed. As a Merthyr boy I was peeved that Abercynon had a proper coaling stage, and Merthyr didn't. Hey ho.

    Lovely little layout, wished I lived closer to see it at first hand.


    Regards, Dai Davies


    PS I've noticed the odd RMweb comment on Merthyr girls -- I presume they were mistaking them for the numerous visitors to Merthyr that happened over a weekend!

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  8. Plenty of impressive looking locos on the thread (American ones, for example), but I'm not sure if you can call them  GOOD looking! So coming back to neatness, proportionality, and other good-looking attributes: has to  be a single chimney Castle, with honourable mentions to rebulit MN/WC/BB, BR 4MT tank, and K3. For diesel -- class 60 and Hymek would do me. Though I do like the class 67-- am I alone in this?

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    Even though the bids are "anonymous", you can get an outline of their bidding practice ot at least find out what percentage of their bids are with this seller. If it is a high figure it can set the alarm bells off. You can't do that with a private bidder.


    Dealers often used it in the past. They would put lots of low ball offers in and then resell. With the way the fees have gone up and the postage cost, it has tended to kill that.


    Thanks for that. I'm a little surprised that eBay still allows private bidders, but hey ho!



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