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Everything posted by Physicsman

  1. Thanks Pennine. Yes, I sometimes drive through Kirby Thore on the A66. I think you are on the nail re. gypsum as there's been a British Gypsum plant there for a long time. I'm sure I've seen plenty of freight images taken on the S&C. I must try and dig them out! Jeff
  2. Now you're talking! Classic 9F shots and the third image - scenery to die for. Much appreciated! Jeff
  3. Thanks Michael. I guess I'm just being lazy, but thought you'd come up with something! Jeff
  4. Thanks very much for the info. The layout I'm about to build doesn't incorporate an urban area, but I think I will have a go at a Goods shed. Looks like fun! Cheers, Jeff
  5. Michael, forgive me if I've missed something - I have to admit I haven't scanned through the whole of the thread. But have you a source of pictures for minerals c. 1965 on the S&C ... iron ore or general quarry material, pulled by either green diesel or steam traction? I thought it was worth asking as you seem to be a major shareholder in a goldmine of superb images! Cheers, Jeff
  6. Hi Sandside, I've enjoyed watching this project grow, and the goods shed is excellent. It must have taken ages to build all the houses - roughly how long have you spent on each? I know the process is repetitive once you have a prototype. I also had to laugh at the first pic from your 14.34 post today. The view along the street is impressive, but it looks like the Martians are invading with the Woodland Scenics spray standing out in the background! Poor old Bacup. And no, I've not been drinking! Will continue to follow progress. Jeff
  7. You are quite right, Mike. It gets very warm under those lights and even though I'm not a tall chap I can feel the radiation warming my scalp. The current railway room is lit with a measly 200W and that seemed enough! I will be investing in a portable heater - my brothers is shown in the previous pictures. 1500W, warms the room to an acceptable level even on minimum setting. Once the carpet is down there is no excuse not to get started. Good job I like a bit of carpentry! Jeff
  8. OK, some railway-related material...at last. Following consultations with some of RMwebs "luminaries" (The Stationmaster and Coachmann), the trackplan is almost decided. I've tried to include S&C stylings and have been told the plan strongly resembles Kirkby Stephen ... which it does, apart from the branch line. Baseboard subframe to commence within the month, then the skeleton from the plan will go onto the baseboards this summer. With 800W of lighting in the "bunker" (though I won't be using all that - got to "watch the pennies", you know!) I should be able to see what I'm doing. Jeff
  9. Thank goodness RMweb is back. You don't realise how good something is 'til it's no longer there!! Attached pics of the completed infrastructure of the garage conversion. Electrics in, lights fitted, carpet on order. Then the railway-related fun can begin!! Jeff
  10. Just discovered this thread. Excellent stuff! Particularly like the landscaping. Some lovely photos, coronach - keep them coming! Jeff
  11. Excellent! I almost expect Celia Johnson and Trevor Howard to be embracing underneath the platform lights!! Jeff
  12. Looking at the recently posted photos makes me ashamed of the pristine state of my 16t minerals. Maybe I will have to invest in a bit of weathering technique to c**p them up a bit. Super photos, Michael. More, please!! Jeff
  13. Very nice! All you need is a bit of sepia-staining (I'm sure Chris Nevard can advise!) and the period look is complete! Must say, black-and-white does suit your layout (that's a compliment, not a condemnation!!). Jeff
  14. Ha, ha - I had to laugh reading your comments!! Between 2007 and 2010 I found it nigh on impossible to resist the fantastic loco offerings that were emerging. Only my imminent retirement has forced the purse-strings closed. Like you, I have 4 large display cabinets full of steamers and diesels, though I try to exercise them regularly. And as for the rolling stock! Btw, do you still have your china-clay plant...very typical of your locale. And KISS - clearly an acronym? Forgive my ignorance! Best wishes, Jeff
  15. Hi Peter, 1968, eh? You are a relative youngster then! I was born in 1957 and I remember journeys to and from Lancashire to Devon on grotty black steamers. I've no idea where my affinity for green diesels came from, as I was never a trainspotter or modern image officianado 'til I took up modelling. To be honest, Llanbourne wouldn't look right with anything but blue diesels. Your infrastructure is spot on - reminds me of all the journeys I made on BR in the 70s and 80s. Your future projects should be interesting. Jeff
  16. I always remember your quote in MR...maybe 1999 or 2000... "I don't think I'll do a biggy again" (as you wanted to concentrate on detail). It sounds like you have the situation cracked and can now combine scale with detail. Will watch developments with interest! (Btw, the original Carrick Road grabbed my attention because of the "low tech" way you made your platform surfaces). Jeff
  17. Cheers Neil, will look at the article in MI4 (good job it's not in MI5 or MI6 or it would be Top Secret. Sorry!). What do you plan to do when this present incarnation of Carrick Road is finished? Maybe do the same as Tetleys - move house and start again? Very enjoyable from MR in 1999 (?) to the present. Jeff
  18. I like the man sweeping the platform! Neil, pay him at double rate as the station is immaculate! It's a long time since I looked at your original Model Rail articles. But remind me - what did you use to make the trees and vegetation...was it just good old Woodland Scenics? Jeff
  19. Hi Peter, I did find myself chuckling when I read your reply! First time I've thought of "steamers" as the dark-side! I have to admit to being a green diesel rather than a blue diesel freak. So maybe Llanbourne could undergo a timeshift to the late 60s ... a few choice green 37s/40s and 47s and your steamers warming up in the background!! Lol. Keep the images coming. I have a collection of about half-a-dozen layouts I regularly check for inspirational ideas and very much enjoy what you are doing. Jeff
  20. Oh, btw, the paint looks mottled as it's still damp! Drying at 10 degrees C is a little slower than it was last week!! Jeff
  21. Just spent the last week applying base and top coats of paint to the ceiling and walls. Looking more like a room now! Only a few more weeks and something remotely railway-related can start to be constructed. Jeff
  22. Nice job, Sandside. The step-by-step pics are extremely useful to some of us "scratchbuild novices". Certainly encourages me to find something to build for Kirkby Luneside...maybe my (smaller) goods shed? Glad to see you are a Cumbria fan! Jeff
  23. It's the "nooks and crannies" that add the character to your layout, Les. I particularly like the vegetation growing on the rooves and the natural feel of the scenics. Very nice. And, as I've said in a previous post, those black and white shots are so appropriate and full of character. Excellent! Jeff
  24. Thanks for taking the time to provide me with the info, Coach. Much appreciated. Will see what I can do!! Jeff
  25. Hi Peter, Nice to hear you commenting on my work! I just hope it turns out half as good as your Welsh-based masterpiece! It really is a small world when my last 2 posts have been replies to Australia!! Look forward to giving you updates over the next year or two. Cheers, Jeff
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