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Posts posted by CPRAIL2011

  1. Considering this locomotive in apple-green, but I have been put-off by some of the pictures on the Rails site, crooked piping, poor application of black and white lining... Those who have actually purchased this locomotive, could you please comment on the overall quality in performance and finish. In which factory has this item been produced? Thanks in advance.

  2. Because of the traction tyres a certain amount of torque will test a glue repair. Also how permanently do you want the motor fixed baring in mind that the Hornby parts will probably eventually be available and they will supply them to all owners?. I would definitely use card shims on top of the motor so the screwed down body holds the motor down and in position. The last thing you want are stripped gears that may not be available too.


    I considered a glue repair a bodge but with the engineering of this loco I guess it's appropriate.


    I'd rough up the bottom of the motor and the chassis and try hot glue backed up with a fillet of araldite on each side of the motor.


    Did anyone elses motor retainer backplate disintegrate too? I fabricated one from brass......tricky as the motor wring has to pass through this.

    Same issue with mine, R2889 BR 4-4-0 Class T9 30119 Limited Edition, the motor retainer backplate x9945 has disintegrated . I have contacted Hornby, but I would appreciate if you can post a picture of the brass one you fabricated, I may do the same . Thanks in advance.

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