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Everything posted by southern42

  1. Crumhorn, Iowa SU: Quote// The player's lips did not touch the reed because the reed was enclosed inside a protective cap with a slot at one end. //Unquote If anyone wants to be "scintillated", try this.The crumhorn makes an appearance here, too.
  2. And from where do you think I got my pipe blowing inspiration? 😉 He was one of my music study period faves back in the 60s-70s! A shame he died so young. These days I look to Calan, who were also one of our departed drivellers, Chrisf's faves.
  3. ' afternoon all from red dragon land. Cold, wet n windy - outside, anyway. Yellow warnings for tomorrow. Hope there are no power cuts! Lotsatootontheflute inside in the warm just about sums up my day. Some progress made when playing the song to the beat but more consistency is required before I move onto the next section...but I have found the complete video of how that should be played so happy about that. ION I ordered a pair of base layer long johns - for Women. When they arrived, I wondered why they were so long lying along the ground for three inches or so when I held them up to the waist, and why they looked so narrow about the hips. A close look at the tiny label on the packet revealed they had sent the Mens ones! Shuldve gone to specksavers! At least I have a full refund so I can (try and) order the right ones, this time! Mugadecaf time, then conjure up some dinner and snuggle down to watch tonight's stick the balls down the 'ole semi. Take care. Be good. Be watchful. Polly
  4. Hole diameter and distance between holes on same scale flutes give different degrees of comfort for me. At the moment I have D flutes, wooden and bamboo, and a plastic C flute. Each one is different and throws up its own peculiarities. Of the two bamboo flutes (named A after the 5th note - upper two holes covered - above D), I find the thinner one is the more comfortable and easier to play which has delayed my getting a flute in G which is longer (at 16 inches) and wider with larger holes and greater distance between them. This to enable me to play along with the tutor rather than just listening and playing alone in a different key, but I fear that the stretch may be more uncomfortable. I reassure myself, that if the reach is possible, I did learn how to train my fingers to play some most uncomfortable chord shapes on guitar in my time! These western ones also have subtle degrees of comfort and differences in fingering, blowing, and sound so I give them their own set of tunes, as I did with guitars. The top one is reserved for early music and the middle for folk music, both mainly played in D, G, E minor and A minor, and the one below for tunes in keys such as C, F and F minor. The bottom flute is used to start kids playing western flute while their hands are still small and/or as an inexpensive way of starting them off before spending lots of Deltic tokens on the full length silver variety. See the plastic fife in action
  5. Oh, I don't know. Quite clever, I thought. Forget any analogy to ancient Egyptian and references to souls - it's a Ford Ca'! I am not known for pronouncing 'r's at the end of words so using a typical re-spelling strategy gives a bit more credibility (other words available!) to peapull like me!
  6. Yesterday, a family member came round for a Christmas visit but not due to the Wales 20mph sleigh speed limit - rather to long hard hours working for the Santa & Sale deliveries to store. His gift tag reminded me of a certain bear @polybear , and a few others among us. I hope you can get back up onto your paws and prowl around in Drivellers Wonderland again, soon.
  7. New out. Filmed in Betws-y-coed on Thursday, Ray in the driver’s seat - listen out for the words: Trên bach at 1 minute in. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid0Q3Fp6pBEs8yBqEfddu8jmYAmHLoLoLpvfMggKLBCajqNBjqHSM3pAk2fS1o3RaZjl&id=100062419702816
  8. I googled your question with this coming up near the top of the pile. https://island.is/en/o/nti/insurance-coverage I did not search Indonesian insurance.
  9. ' morning all from red dragon land. Showers. 3C. In my inbox, an hour ago this morning, was an announcement in the Reykjavik Grapevine's newsletter: "An eruption has started just north of Grindavík. Unfotunately it seems to be closer to residential areas than before but as far as we know the town was successfully evacuated at 5 am a couple of hours before the eruption began." Update 0930: https://grapevine.is/news/2024/01/14/eruption-has-begun-north-of-grindavik/?goal=0_4518dc9d9c-2b904b845f-1393187580&mc_cid=2b904b845f&mc_eid=ae92c4a5bc Multiscreen: https://www.youtube.com/live/l-5QeLIn1FA?feature=shared Not good news for the town nor its people.
  10. ' afternoon all from red dragon land. Misty moisty sortaday. 5.2C - warmer than yesterday's near 0C temp. First off, good wishes to those undergoing, waiting for, or recovering from treatment. Notalot doing, so making the most of the time for my toot on the flute. Gradually making advances on playing at 30 bpm. So far, I am happy with the song's first line in keeping the beat and getting the sound I want out of the notes. The second line, keeping time the priority, is getting there and was a lot better after playing 7 times continuously, 6 times in a row (42 times in all!!!), but with a few short breaks in between. Another bash is on the cards after a mugadecaf. Sometimes, I envy those who find these things so easy! Still, at least I eventually get there - so far, anyway - and I do enjoy it. Mugadecaf coming up. Take care. Be good. Be patient. Polly
  11. ' morning all from red dragon land. Sun, clear sky, frost. Temperature has moved from a negative to a positive number 0.6C since I got up. That reminds me, I have two new books to peruse plus a magazine newly arrived in the post yesterday. I doubt I will get much chance to look at them today as it is C&C groceries day which will entail a Henry workout and getting the cupboards re-sorted after most of the additional *C* foods have been devoured, now down to the last few mince pies and pieces of *C* cake. Time to get on. Take care. Be good. Find time. Polly
  12. ' morning all from red dragon land. Sunny. Breezy. 1.6C - Double Brrr! A walk is on the cards though I will leave that decision until this afternoon when the pine cone pundits say it will be a tad warmer. Yesterday, had a great chinwag with a friend over coffee in a local garden centre cafe. We decided before Christmas to continue to meet at 11 instead of 12 in order to get a parking space. It also means that we can have something to eat off the breakfast menu! A very short walk on the level, afterwards, as the wind was an icy easterly. I stopped where the stream goes under the main track, flowing left to right and down the hill. Ye ole kissing gate Off to get Henry out - some DIY under the stairs residue that has been trapped into the main room for him to suck up. Then it will be a toot on the flute in front of the fire. Take care. Be good. Keep warm / other (tick as required). Polly
  13. Under arm a joke? Hmmm! In my working days, I played in the annual department's cricket match (group A v the rest of the world, the latter including me) with the order - in all seriousness - as a non-cricketer I was to throw underarm. Came the end of the match and I got awarded "man of the match," presumably for my "excellent" bowling technique that got opposition batters out! I am sure you can imagine the scene... Now if that does not make you laugh...🤣
  14. ' morning all from red dragon land. Sunny. Still. 1.8C (@ 09:45) - that is DOWN on the 08:00 temp of 2C. Brrrr! Crescent moon low in the sky in the south at 08:00 but the sky was too bright for the 'phone camera to capture it. <<Rats>> Maybe, I should have gone outside <<Brrr!>> to take a photo rather than through the window with reflections of the blinds on it. Yesterday, I made a bit of progress on the flute, but in trying to come across some supporting videos on the tutor's website, I came across the beginning of his vocal course. Now that was interesting. I actually managed to sing through two videos before my voice started to wane - not a good one since it my voice cracked up twenty odd years ago and when it reappeared (for want of a better word) eight years ago it had plummeted and it took me two years to learn how to sing (of sorts), again. But if it helps. I await to see what today brings forth. Take care. Be good. Keep warm (other options available). Polly
  15. ' evening all from red dragon land. Sunny, still, 3.5C this afternoon. A walk up the hill this afternoon to see how muddy it was. With the ground in north facing areas, in particular, hardened by the frosty conditions, it was not too bad, though after choosing to try out the stream crossing on the way back down, I did have to hose the mud off my boots when I got back. Long Tall Sally Polly on the way up and into the sun - view from behind. First muddy bit. A mixture of boot prints, and dog, sheep, and cow tracks. The home of the former logswing is a lot greener with the denser moss than it was three autumns ago when I made a drawing of the swing. Looking at my destination, sheep interrupting my thoughts. Facing the way back down, a bit of gold cast by the setting sun, the rest in shadow. Looking back at the stream coming down... to the crossing point for the public footpath. The sun getting lower in the sky. A Longer Taller Sally Polly back on flat ground.
  16. ' night all and nos da.
  17. ' afternoon all from red dragon land. Dry, some sun, fairly still, 6.3C. Earlier it was 5.6C but the job, which I promised myself I would do, was in the sun which felt quite warm, relatively speaking. The job in hand was to undress a tree fern Dicksonia squarrosa of its soaking wet partly blown-apart layers of bubble wrap and redo it before it rains again (tomorrow), and the temperature drops to minus numbers (tomorrow night). The lower layers around the plant tub were still ok, the middle ones coming partly up the trunk just needed adjusting. The top needed to be reattached but this attachment needed to be wind proof, which it was not. Now, a few days ago, after the compostable food bin liners ran out, Ray picked up what he though was an alternative roll of food binliners from Tess Coe's. It was neither compostable nor a food binliner. It was see-through white (just the job) and was a BIG sack (just the job). <<AHA!>> I thought. One upturned binliner <<No, no, no... Not bilinear! Stupid txt predictor!)>> coming up...now affixed (very tight fit round the tub itself) over the tree fern. Before that I had a rewarding toot on the flute session on the mat in front of the lovely warm fire (a Squirrel). Playing at an established beat of 30 bpm I progressed onto line 3 of the song. Three more lines to go and I should feel confident to tackle the twiddly bits on the rest of the song, at least I hope I will! It would be great to get there before the end of the month. My trick has developed into playing each line 7 times continuously, then add to the previous line played 7 times continuously. Part of the secret is playing on the first beat of the following round, every time. A fraction late and the whole thing can go to pot. This method is also building up my stamina and accuracy of playing, enabling me to keep going if I make a minor error, and giving me more confidence. Well, it looks like mugadecaf time. Take care. Be good. Look for the bare necessities of life. <<Yes, I watched it!>> I actually watched the newer version on the TV this Christmas. Fascinating watching it come to life in the snippet, below. Muddling comes to mind and wishing mine was closer to real life as some of this <<noting the build up of the landscape, in particular>>.
  18. ' morning all from red dragon land. Pine cone predictors changing their minds every five minutes! Dry, blobs, double blobs, no blobs, sun, blobs... <<Make your mind up or look out the window! You might be right!>> <<OK! 10% chance it might be dry. How about that?>> Weather aside, we spent a few days with family for the New Year. New Years Day we all went for a walk along the canal in Wigan, @The Q passing Wigan and St Helen' (WiSH) Sailing Club* in the distance. *Some views here: https://www.wish-sc.co.uk We parked in the small carpark at Wigan Flashes Local Nature Reserve, https://www.lancswt.org.uk/nature-reserves/wigan-flashes-local-nature-reserve, with a short walk across the reedbeds to the canal between the lakes - Scotmans Flash and Pearson's Flash. It was a bit chilly at 4C but, walking back into the low sun (I had my sunglasses on 😎), it warmed up. Map: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Wigan+and+St.Helens+Sailing+Club/@53.5282772,-2.6306136,1091m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x487b057ec0d5521d:0x3193e753f291f4f6!8m2!3d53.5288225!4d-2.6408704!16s%2Fg%2F11f42v89c5?entry=ttu Apologies for the lack of photos - I forgot to take my 'phone! <<Rats!>> ION Toot on the flute making gradual progress. Now playing up a notch ping at 30bpm so pleased about that - plenty fast enough for me at present. Now working on the bits that do not come out consistently well - amounting to getting a combination of blowing and fingering methods right. I want to get these few things sorted before I attempt to add the twiddly bits to the next part of the song. It may take awhile. Past elevenses so time to put kettle on. Take care. Be good. Keep dry. Polly
  19. In my last job I worked from 08:45 to 17:00 with, thankfully(!), no option for working late due to the building being closed. However, I was dropped off at work at 08:30 at which time I would normally go grab a coffee and have a natter with staff members present but I could easily get caught in the office (before I even had my coat off) by staff members I worked directly for and get involved in jobs pre my working hours. To my advantage, though, they introduced flexi working whereby I could log the hours pre start time and/or during my lunch break which worked out nicely for me in the accumulation of a day off per month when I went to meet up with Mum usually by way of Euston (WCML) and Kew Gardens (Victoria Line then District Line). OK, I had to work twice as fast the next day to catch up, sometimes, but it was worth it.
  20. ' evening all from red dragon land and wishing everyone a Happy New Year. Caught up on here over the last hour. Now ready for some shut eye. Time to say ' night all and nos da. Take care. Be good. And may those waiting for or undergoing treatment or recovering be right again, soon.
  21. ' morning all from red dragon land. Dry but may be interrupted with a spell or two of the wet stuff. Temp. shows no sign of rising, currently 6.1C. Quite a few bits of notsogood news on my catchup, on here. Hope everything gets sorted soon with some good news. Just had an email saying a parcel is out for delivery and should arrive between 2 and 3 this afternoon. Earlier than expected considering all the slow-go info given out re the company's Sale sales. 👍 Time to squeeze in a toot on the flute before getting another lot of veggies ready for the new "Turtle". At the moment I much prefer (minimal fat) hob-fried or oven-roasted food but with a bit of tweaking of the cooking options on the air fryer, I hope I can get it just as I like it! All in all, an attempt to reduce our energy consumption (prices!)... Take care all. Be good. Go with the flow. Polly
  22. I remember reading, awhile ago, that it was put forward for maintained land as an environmental benefit to the woodland/forest. Not sure how far the idea went, though, but I did see uprooted/broken trees lying in Haigh Woodland Park December 2019. Maybe not such a great idea along thoroughfares, bridle and foot paths, pedestrian ways, etc.
  23. Letter from council dated "December 2023 " saying our bin collection today (Tuesday) will not happen. Food and recycling bins will be collected next Tuesday - the food bin is full already!!! Non-recycling collected-once-every-3-weeks black bin liners - aka green wheelie bins to those not off the beaten track - will be collected Saturday. At least we were forewarned.
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