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Posts posted by Sug@rP@lm

  1. Had a bit of spare time this morning (it keeps happening at the moment!).  This is SWD's current Class 37 project, which I like a lot, on a Loksound V5 XL playing through some big and bigger speakers. I recorded 3 similar start and drive sequences using a camera with external mic.  Two of the speaker installations are my regulars for 7mm locos, the other unfortunately is not.  You do need some decent speakers on your computer to hear this, or headphones.  This is a bench test with video cut in to roughly match the 12CSVT music which I hope you enjoy. 





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  2. I wouldn't be too worried. I've thrashed mine for hours round a garden railway with  up to load 10 or so and it's never given cause for concern.  You may find the driver's steps get knocked off if you aren't very careful.  One of Heljan's best efforts IMHO and assembled better than most of the others as well.

  3. Does anyone have 7F-200-002 B952182 Grey   and / or 7F-200-005 B952042 Bauxite Grey £79.95  they can photograph - the ones not based on my photos!  I'm hoping they are earlier than the others!


    Good to see from Tower models photos 7F-200-003 B953095 Grey  is correctly in red - as mentioned in Richard Websters email. 




    This is 005 on the box and model is grey B952042 in the box.




  4. In a word, no! I have two, both very smooth and stable. However, as bought, one wasn’t as quiet and ran in snatches at slow speed - I sent it back and the replacement is as good as the other.



    Thanks for the feedback, Ian.  I am going for a bit of re-engineering of the vertical pin in the bogie pivot and I hope to give it a run at the weekend. It sounds fine with a Paul Chetter soundfile playing through Bose speaker, at least.



  5. Does anyone else have a Class 45 that does the rock and roll?  Mine has a pronounced and annoying oscillation where the body is rocking from side to side as it moves and the cause would appear on examination to be the two piece mountings for the bogie pivots; when I removed them and looked at the profile of the mounting holes they make for the pivot pins, the holes aren't circular. 


    I have a few questions: Has anyone else had the rocking problem and if so what do you think was the cause and how did you fix it?  Many thanks for any help on this as otherwise it would be a good model that would be much-liked. 

    Of course, I might ask how could Heljan make such a simple error on a £500 loco, but I don't think I've had a Heljan 0 gauge model yet that has been ready to run.


    Thanks for any help on this



  6. Just to confirm the user manual (always a good idea to read and fully understand) describes the 4XL as having an integrated powerpack.so no need for addational capacitors.


    As I wrote originally, I do know that the manual informs us that it is 'neither desirable nor necessary' to add capacitors and I have probably read every word of the manual at some point and I may even have understood it all. However you can do so with a similarly equipped Zimo 695 699 as it happens. Thanks.

  7. Is it possible to add capacitors to a Loksound 4XL? I know that the manual informs us that it is 'neither desirable nor necessary', but as it happens, I do need to add capacitors.  Zimo 699 have a connection, but not the Loksound.  I realise that it would invalidate warranty etc etc, but I'm happy to solder to pads if there is a way. 





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