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Posts posted by Mythocentric

  1. Sorry Jeff but I think you are way overdoing it. L-girder construction is intended to give an increase in strength and rigidity while saving weight and giving a lot of adaptability. A 3x1 +3x1 L or a 3x1 +4x1 (vertical flange) glued and screwed is one thing but by using 4x2 as the upright leg reduces the top leg to little more than a convenient flange to screw the cross members to! It just isn't needed and could be just as well omitted without any loss in strength in it's current form and gluing 1x1 pieces to the cross members for screw attachment. Using 3x1 or 4x1 for the cross members would also give you more leeway in forming sub-track level landforms. Sorry if I'm being a bore by sounding a sour note but better to consider it now before it's too late for a rethink!





  2. Yep! I'm with James on this one! We're here to see KL2 take shape in the way you want and in your own time Jeff, not to put you under any obligation or pressure to perform. We saw the results of that way of thinking with Andrew and the outcome. As and when it comes is fine by me and look forward with anticipation (and patience) to seeing Jeff with a new layout and a full set of appendages!





  3. Just a little on WS this morning, I have done the Brick / Stone work around the Bridge, it will need some touching up along the joints and weathering but I'm happy with it, I will need to do the same Brick / Stone work on the Bridge itself later. The slopey bit at the front will be Grass, Bush, Brambles etc. with a Wall or Fence above.


    That looks the business our Andrew and adds an attractive feature at that end of the layout to balance the shed! :declare:






    PS: Eer! Don't forget the graffiti saying "Bodgit was here"! :angel:

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  4. Remove them all Andrew! The one at the front of the layout makes it look too 'busy'. Perhaps a small group of tree's or bushes would help fill in space here or perhaps a hut/oil store/bunker. At the back use a, perhaps sloping, retaining wall the same height as the buttress flush with the backscene to lead the eye in which will help disguise the join!





  5. I mis-read the link (in its abbreviated form) as "baywatch" and clicked expecting to see a collection of bikini-clad blondes swarming to the rescue....


    Should've gone to Specsavers (erm, I DO!!)....




    See! This is what happens when you're having sawdust withdrawal symptoms Jeff. Hopefully tomorrow will see you get your 'fix' and put that right! Meanwhile I might just have a play with Poser just in case! :angel:  :angel:  :angel:  :yahoo: 





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  6. Blimey James! You don't mess about do you? We have a yacht club not far from the house and I've seen sailors out on the Bay get into bother in lighter winds than that, not to mention the occasional larger craft! Happily we have this beastie to help out and she's proved her worth time and again, both on and off the water!




    I think I'll be safe in saying we're all glad to see you still here typing....





  7. Just remembered another lapse of mine from when I lived in Blackburn and reminds me why I should always put things in the same pocket (which we all do anyway don't we chaps?). The house I had was out towards Great Harwood near the canal and my studio was on the Wharf not far from the railway station in the town centre, so it made sense for me to cycle there and back along the towpath which was about four miles each way. One night, about 10 pm, I locked up and saying goodnight to the security guy, set off home which usually took me about half-an-hour. Home duly reached I put my hand in my pocket for my keys and found nothing. I patted myself down as panic set in and I realised that I must have left them at the studio, so it was back on the bike and back to the Wharf, where I knocked up the security guy, got the spare keys and let myself in. The search became increasingly frantic as I scoured the place until I was joined by the security guy who joined in the fun. Time passed with still no sign of the errant keys until I stood back hands on hips in exasperation and felt something knock against my fingers, and moving my hand discovered my keys clipped to my belt rather than in my right-hand jacket pocket where they usually lived. The look on that guys face was indescribable as I held up said keys, apologised and beat a hasty retreat. I eventually got home (again) sometime after midnight, knackered but very much wiser! :whistle: :blush: :blush: :blush:





  8. Just for fun I thought I'd pose you all a question, which is.....What's the daftest/silliest/etc thing you've ever done!


    Just to get the ball rolling the thing that first comes to mind is reclining in the bath one evening, which as usual was up to my chin and as hot as I can stand it, and after soaking peacefully for half-an-hour glancing at my watch to check the time. Now while it proved to be both waterproof and shockproof, sad to say, it turned out not to be boilproof which didn't help due to it still being on my wrist. :O Over to you!





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  9. Hi Guys, well thanks for wanting send me off to some far flung Space Station traveling at 250 to 280 mph. :O  How would I do Flocking on the thing that is made of wood and covered in Plaster with bits of metal nailed to it and cables underneath and funny black boxes moving along the top with wiggley bits on the sides connected to round bits that rotate on other metal bits driven by electrical bits and controlled by a thing with a name synonymous with a Fish Shop and another thing you hold in your hand with a length of wire inside a plastic cable that is plugged into a black box and then in turn into your wall socket that they DONT HAVE IN THE PLAYSTATION.  :rtfm:  :smoke:  :help:  :help: :help:  :help:  


    Dammit! I knew there'd be a snag! :scratchhead: :scratchhead: :scratchhead:

  10. Hi Jeff!


    I didn't get back from my daughters until this afternoon so I haven't had much time to do more than scan through it yet, but from what I've seen so far I suspect it's going to become something of a 'bible' given that the Solar System is my first love!


    Those photos are excellent, especially the panorama of Furness Abbey (but don't forget to crop the edges!). I would be very proud to claim those as my work our kid! I downloaded GIMP this afternoon which is mentioned quite a lot in the book on astrophotography I bought, 'Making Every Photon Count' which can do a few things easier than PSP so I'll report back when I've had a play with it! Should be good given it's reputation among those in the art community. (Basically it's Photoshop with one BIG advantage! I.E. It's free!). :paint:


    I've already staked my space on the Stone Jetty for the September eclipse. All I have to do now is figure out how all these little gadgets for the scope and camera fit together and I'm Smokin'! :scratchhead:


    Regards to all




    Thinks! Now that we can send our names to Mars, I wonder if we could persuade NASA to send Andrew on a trip to the ISS. After all, no ones built a l****t in space yet so who better than he? That's one small step for Bodgit and one giant leap for Lunesterkind! :no: :no: :no:

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  11. YEAH! I've just signed up to have my name sent to Mars on next years InSight exploration mission. How cool is that?


    To add your name, which will be carried aboard the probe on a silicon microchip pop along to http://go.usa.gov/3Aj3G and sign up!***




    Bill :danced:


    ***The poster holds no responsibility for any injury resulting from anal probing as a result of any/or/all ETI's finding your name on the probe! So there!

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  12. Just had an email from Facebook telling me that ASTON MARTIN and EASYJET are trending NOW and I should get over there and JOIN IN THE FUN!!!!! :yahoo:


    Humm! Well I can't afford an Aston Martin for a start and as for Easyjet, by the time I'd finished paying all those compulsory add-on's and supplements they charge like, for instance, food, a seat, the toilet, upgrading to breathing space and not always having to sit next to the gobsh*te with the personal stereo and the tish, tish, tish, ooo....eeeh, ooo....eeeh, oooo....eeeeh music it would probably turn out that I could have afforded the bloody car and driven there anyway! I think I'll pass this time!




    Bill (Grumpy Old Men Rule! YEAH! :bye: )

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  13. Bill, I would HIGHLY recommend that you add these 2 books to your collection:


    The Cambridge Guide to the Solar System


    21st Century Atlas of the Moon


    The first book has real depth about it - though it'll cost you £35-40.

    The second has some great charts and lots of satellite-based photos. A really good book - about £20.


    Registax is a superb program for image stacking. When I get home I'll send you my recommended "Wavelet" settings.




    Cheers Jeff!


    I picked up the Cambridge Guide to the Solar System in Waterstone's this morning and the others on order. A nice hefty book for clouting a few heads when I arrived at PC World with the miss-sold software. As you'd expect they didn't have the correct (2010) version in stock so I eventually got my money back after some gobsh*te tried to persuade me to spend another £90 on top of the original £70 to upgrade to Windows 7! I won't go into my reply but it was worth seeing the expression on Sara's face as her normally placid grandfather explained why that wasn't an option with steam blowing out of his ears! :ireful:


    Anyway me and the little dude are off into town to do some young-lady type shopping before I take her home which probably means I'll be skint by midnight! :heat:


    Have Fun!



  14. Stood in the Street with Dee saying the neighbours will think I'm WEIRED, but I DONT THINK I saw it, I saw something more of a Glow just for a few seconds but that was all. I'll try again tomorrow night.


    Just been looking back over the last few pages Andrew and I think Dee might have a point. Still, as long as we don't all take to wearing grass skirts and pointy tinfoil hats we should be safe. After all Sara (and more than a few of her friends) reckons I'm the best grandad ever because I'm a 'nutter'. Hummm! Carry on MacDuff! :tease: :tease: :tease:





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  15. Hee Hee! Very subtle our Andrew! I believe I mentioned giving my wallet a rest earlier but I've just remembered that I've got a list of upcoming items from a certain manufacturer to buy. For instance there's a 'Crab' Nebula (or two), A J72 (in the Shunting Pole constellation apparently!) plus a few LMS (Luner Module Site) conveyances. Of course that all depend's on Professor Bachmann pulling his finger out.


    Eeer! I've just remembered that Jeff is a lot closer than he usually is so I'm off to hide behind the settee for a bit! :scared:




    Bill :help:

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  16. But I'm NOT obsessed, and WONT be buying a tolleskopter, a 9F is still a much better purchase.


    There's always binollikers Andrew. Then you can watch stars AND 9F's or anything else you want (not to mention young ladies in beach wear which I'm not going to mention!). It's amazing how much more you can see with something a lot of people already own! OK. So they've only got one knob but its usually quite a big one! :O :o :O


    Jeff: Recommend away! I'm always interested in any book which will expand my library and my astronomy database. The little one and myself have just got back from PC World in Lancaster where I bought a copy of Microsoft Word which, they assured me most heartily, was compatible with Vista. Guess what? It needs Windows 7 minimum! Tomorrow will see me in Arnie mode! I.E. I'll be back.....and they are definitely NOT going to enjoy the experience! :punish: :blackeye: :blackeye:




    Bill :angel:

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  17. Sorry Jeff, is that all code for MI6?


    Still cant find when ISS is due over tonight.


    Naw! These are the one's James Bond didn't have a clue about Andy! Above Top Secret + VAT! (Need to know - Lunester's Eyes Only)



    You've missed the ISS for tonight our kid. These are the times for Swadlincote for tomorrow and Monday with the 17th giving you a better view it being brighter and a bit higher:


    16 Aug -0.9 | 22:09:12 10° WSW | 22:10:44 13° SW | 22:12:07 10° SSW | visible

    17 Aug -1.3 |21:15:16 10° W | 21:17:42 19° SSW | 21:20:05 10° SSE | visible


    The directions are for the start point, highest and end points.






    PS: If you click on the date (in blue) it will take you to a sky map which shows its passage against the stars.

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  18. Cheers Jeff! I've put then down on my list of must-see's. Our Sara phoned earlier today to ask if she can come visit tomorrow so it looks like I've got two late nights to look forward to! Hopefully I'll be able to astound her (and myself!)!

    I've ordered a T-ring adaptor, lunar filter (Baader 0.9 Density), Chandler Planisphere and power cable for my power pack (they're not included with the pack anymore, so hopefully FLO will change their description to reflect that and save me messing about in future!). At least it should save me a small fortune in batteries! Which just about gives me everything I need for the moment so I can give my wallet a much needed rest (I can hear it crying with relief from here!).

    I've also downloaded RegiStax6 which looks quite interesting, so don't be surprised if I start asking questions like, "What the hell do I do next?" :scratchhead:


    Incidentally. If anyone's thinking of buying the books Jeff suggested, Turn Left At Orion and Nightwatch, don't hesitate! I've learned a heck of a lot from them already and I honestly can't recommend them highly enough!





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  19. Got the dates in my diary already Bill - wonder if we'll be luckier with the weather then?

    Kind regards,



    Fingers, toes, arms, legs, eyes and ears crossed this time Jock! :good:


    Meanwhile, on this side of the "Great (pennine) Divide", it's still pea sing down, so nowt to see the neet.


    On another note. . .still haven't changed those guitar strings.


    I really wish you hadn't said that because there's one of my Strat's staring at me across the room which has been waiting for new strings for months now because I'm too idle to walk up to Promenade Music. I'm beginning to feel very, very guilty! :O :o :O





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