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Posts posted by johnfp

  1. I am building a layout loosely based on the North East of Scotland in the 1980s.  


    I have seen a picture of a class 47 BR Blue pulling 4 Blue & Grey coaches between Edinburgh and Dundee.



    My questions are as follows:


    (i) what formation of coaches is likely when there are only four coaches? 1st class / 2nd class / brake van / guards van / etc.


    (ii) what version of coaches would be correct?  I am leaning towards Mk1


    If anyone can spot the coach version and coach type from the photograph gets extra points.


    I am planning on running a 4 coach formation because that is the maximum size that would fit in my layout and still look in proportion.


    Thanks in advance,



  2. This thread reminds me of a situation in a Douglas Adams book, the name of which escapes me at the moment. There was a sofa stuck on a staircase and after trying numerous things to extract it eventually the whole thing was modelled in a computer and the computer eventually decided that there was no way the sofa could have got there in the first place.


    Bringing it back to Eastwood Town (bear with me) I could imagine someone modelling all your requirements, the room dimensions and the constraints. Then asking the computer to solve the problem - after hours of computation it comes back with the message "does not compute".


    Hope you find a way forward because like so many others your trials, tribulations and successes are all pure inspiration to us amateurs.



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  3. I came to this thread via your "Posting in Layout Topics - a waste of Time?" thread.


    I choose threads that are similar to what I hoped to achieve (OO gauge, 80's) so it is surprising I didn't spot yours earlier, but I am here now.


    Would it be possible for you to do a rough track plan sketch because I am interested in visualising the entire layout and also understanding how your inclines work.





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