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Posts posted by Evertonian

  1. Hi John, very pleasing to see some of your teams efforts in your photos, and as

    a member of the BW operating mob, may I say we are really looking forward to

    meeting up and seeing  your Bmouth Central soon. We exhibited West for the

    final time last weekend at Wimborne and are now keen to crack on with this

    new project, with a high standard to emulate looking at your pics. I love that

    shot of  34044 adjacent to  the shed !

    All the best.

    Chris Knight


    • Thanks 1
  2. A last minute reminder that B. West will be making its final appearance under

    the present group's ownership at the Wimborne Model Railway exhibition

    this weekend 15/16th April at the new venue for the show, the Allendale Centre

    conveniently located in the town centre. The new owners will also be present

    to learn, assist and remove to their clubrooms after the show concludes.


    We look forward to seeing fans old and new over the weekend, and look

    forward to showing the early developments on our new layout, whilst of course

    wishing  the new owners well when exhibiting BW in the future.


    Chris Knight on behalf of SWMDG.

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  3. Wishing yourself and Mo the happiest of Christmas's Tony. I well remember

    seeing Stoke Summit at Wells many years ago and it was truly a revelation.

    Why hadn't anyone built a layout like this before reflecting my own thoughts

    on what constituted exciting viewing for the exhibition spectator? Of course

    as Tony says all these opinions are personal, but to me the procession of

    long expresses traversing an authentic setting was thrilling and new. I had a

    brief conversation with Tony at Wells and mentioned that I was building my

    layout based on Sonning Cutting along the similar 'watching the trains go by'

    concept. I must admit I was together thrilled and horrified when he suggested

    he came down to Bournemouth in order to photograph my humble effort  with

    a view to an article appearing in BRM !

    Well Tony I must say you were a real gent when you made the long trip down,

    the most lasting memories being of the advice and recommendations you

    offered to a modeller lacking your talents in the friendliest and supporting

    of ways. The improvements and ideas you suggested have, I hope, stayed with

    me and one day I would be delighted to visit LB with your permission and play

    with a fantastic railway.

    Seasons greetings to all WW readers and contributors.

    Chris Knight






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  4. Frank was very well known as a regular visitor to the home base of the B'm'th

    West layout at the Model Railways Solutions shop, and sadly his worsening

    health problems were mentioned when the modelling group met last week.

    Very sad news indeed to hear of Frank's passing and I am sure Roger will be

    acknowledging the diligent work that 'Ceptic' contributed to the project.

    Condolences to all family and friends.

    Chris Knight

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  5. Good afternoon Tony, just to say how much I enjoy catching up with "Wright

    Writes" every couple of days, there always seems to be something of interest

    to see or digest - long may it continue !   An added bonus of course helping

    your recovery, well done Andy Y all those years ago.


    best wishes to yourself and Mo, Chris K



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  6. A bit late in the day perhaps but this event next weekend features the massive

    Heaton Lodge Junction ( the uk's largest layout ?) with good  support from the

    award winning Bournemouth West and Evercreech New amongst others and

    trade support. Should be well worth a visit to the Bath & West Showground.


    Chris Knight

  7. Modellers in the locality to the shop may be interested to learn that the proprietors

    have organised a coach to visit the forthcoming exhibition at the Bath & West 

    Showground on Sunday April 10th when the UK's  largest model railway, Heaton 

    Lodge Junction, together with Bournemouth West, Evercreech New,Wimborne and

    a few other layouts will  attend. There will be trade support from Peco,Bachmann

    Heljan and others including MRS of course. Advance price show and coach tickets

    are available from the shop, 01202 798068. Please note the show runs from 8th to

    10th April, but the bus only runs on the Sunday.




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  8. Just to clarify, I would like to point out there is absolutely no connection

    between the (now closed) shop mentioned in Bournemouth and Model

    Railway Solutions, currently the only model  rail shop in the area, and where

     pricing is in place throughout on new and the extensive second hand items.


    Chris Knight





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  9. As an oldie of the same 1946 vintage as Tony this disposal of a lifetimes

    modelling should be a problem,however the issue is solved should

    No.1 son own a model railway shop, and also share exactly the same

    modelling preferences and an exhibition layout to boot. Lucky me!


    I can plead guilty to most of Manxcat's list, except 8 and 12, to my

    enduring shame have never built a working chassis - don't think I

    could pass with Kitmaster from my childhood regrettably.

    • Like 1
  10. 22 hours ago, Tony Wright said:

    Very kind of you to say so.............


    However, did you ever see my early layouts? No? Pity, you might have changed your opinion.


    Best regards,



    Without wishing to sound too sycophantic Tony it was your photo of

    an A1 rounding a curve with an assortment of coaching stock and

    taken at low level which appeared in the 1983 RM which first struck

    me how realistic a model railway could look. The usual style of

    magazine photography at this time being the over used helicopter

    shots. It did help that excepting anything originating from Swindon

    A1's were my favourite locos. All the best to yourself and Mo.


    Chris Knight

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  11. Such a shame (as others have remarked) if we have seen the last of

    Leicester South GC on the circuit, surely one of the finest layouts around

    in the last few years. I and others in our group will be "leaning" on Roger

    Sunderland and Dave Bayman to think again about retiring B'm'th West

    from exhibitions, although I fully understand their reasoning behind

    this decision. Other members,including myself, have decided to take

    a layout to the Hornby mag. GETS show in Milton Keynes in October,

    taking the view that we believe the organisation will be top drawer

    and the enjoyment and social elements involved in exhibiting again

    worth any risk involved.

    • Like 4
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  12. 2 hours ago, Tony Wright said:

    Good afternoon Chris,


    I do have pictures of that cardboard 'Castle', but they're all on film.


    It was built by David Amias (who also built Wellington) and it's a bit bigger than O Gauge. I think it's in 7 1/4 gauge!





    Thanks Tony, at least I remembered it was a 'Castle' and the layout 

    Wellington, where I got Stephen Williams from is a mystery! 7 1/4 gauge,

    that's a lot of cardboard.  Any shots of the layout, I saw it once, at one

    of the Wolverhampton Club's exhibitions ? Probably not judging by my

    level of recall lately. An excellent piece of modelling is not in doubt



  13. The recent talk here of card modelling reminded me of a terrific '0' gauge

    Castle loco featured many years ago in the Railway Modeller.  If memory

    serves correctly I seem to recall it was built by Stephen Williams (?)

    Of 'Wellington' fame, a super layout - hoping Tony may have some photos

    to remind us of its beauty.


    Chris Knight

  14. On 05/04/2021 at 12:37, Evertonian said:

    Model Railway Solutions at Unit 1, 10-12 Alder Hills,Poole,Dorset 

    BH12 4AL will be re- opening on Monday 12th April.  Hours will 

    be 9AM to  5pm Mon to Fri and 10AM to 4pm Sat.

    Trading at present via website click and collect. Telephone 01202 798068.

    Workshop also restarting at same time for baseboard products.


    Steve and Martin have asked me to mention that their new,improved,

    all singing and dancing website is now up and running. Please take a

    few moments to have a look !

  15. Model Railway Solutions at Unit 1, 10-12 Alder Hills,Poole,Dorset 

    BH12 4AL will be re- opening on Monday 12th April.  Hours will 

    be 9AM to  5pm Mon to Fri and 10AM to 4pm Sat.

    Trading at present via website click and collect. Telephone 01202 798068.

    Workshop also restarting at same time for baseboard products.


  16. Congratulations Andy and co. for entertaining us again with another

    excellent virtual show. I imagine the amount of work behind the scenes

    must be enormous to collate and organise such an event . Must also

    extend congrats to fellow group members Roger and Dave for their

    work on 'best layout'  winners B'm'th West.  Must also mention Jason's

    Bacup - another hidden gem - terrific  modelling here

  17. -Around 20 years ago a stretch of some 400 yards of Holdenhurst Road

    in Bournemouth boasted OPC (books and models),B'm'th Model Railway

    Centre and Modelbooks (also with an extensive model rail selection) -

    All now gone with the only good shop for local modeller left to visit

    being Model Rai!way Solutions on the Poole/Bournemouth border.

    I must declare an interest - my son and nephew own the business!

    • Like 1
  18. I can only echo other comments commending Andy, Phil and co. for their work in providing us

    with another great weekend of entertainment. Particularly enjoyed seeing the 'at home' layouts

    Little Bytham and Retford, and Heaton Lodge Junction is just staggering in every way !

    My 'handle' seems to have reverted once more to Evertonian again Andy - no idea why ?


    Chris Knight (still a Toffee though) 

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  19. Peter (Combe Martin) I believe is correct in saying that the Newcastle/York - B'm'th West service

    included a Gresley diag. D 268 anthracite/electric restaurant car. When putting the train together

    for the B.West layout I used Robert Carroll's extensive notes including running numbers and changes

    to stock over the years, all very detailed. Unfortunately memory fades and the relevant paperwork and

    indeed the actual model are packed away during the lockdown and inaccessible at present.

    Robert's coaching group website would undoubtedly be the place to look.

  20. Thought I would mention that  as the regular pilot loco operator on the 'B'mth West'  exhibition layout

    the Preci Models DCC auto uncoupler has proved invaluable and very reliable in service -  it's usually

    operator error when there is a cock up - Roger also has some passenger coach rakes fitted with the

    James Trains straight bars. 

    Would thoroughly recommend both, usual disclaimer applies.

    Regards,keep safe everybody,


    Chris Knight

    • Informative/Useful 2
  21. Good afternoon Tony, glad to hear that yourself and Mo are keeping well. Please keep the pictures

    coming of LB, I suspect that many others look forward to regular doses of these to brighten these

    worrying times.

    I was amused to read of your train spotting kit including a gas mask canvas bag for the essentials.

    I utilised a similar arrangement handed down from my dad - yours no doubt also - and it brought

    back a long almost forgotten memory.

    On a train trip from Exeter to Newton Abbot,must have been around 1958/9 I stupidly left the bag

    on disembarking at NA, must have been the excited anticipation of all those cops awaiting if I

    managed to bunk 83A. I was distraught at losing my " combined" and wrote to  Paddington lost 

    property on my return home to B'mouth !

    Amazingly some six weeks later I had a postcard advising that my lost property was awaiting  collection

    at Central Station, the clerk handed it over with a rather odd look on his face - I realised why as the bag

    almost walked off the counter, cheese and pickle sandwiches do not age too well, however my ABC

    was there Lord be praised !  What great service by BR Western and Southern regions.

    I learned a lesson and never took my treasured combined volume on spotting trips again, a notebook

    sufficed until I got home.

    All the best, we are hoping to take B. West to Wigan in early October if normality returns, catch up

    with you there for a pint,


    Chris Knight

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