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Status Replies posted by rcf

  1. Hi,RCF

    I see there are 2 incarnations of Osney one Osney Town the other Osney Wharf, the ones I am most interested in is the one with the low relief station building and the ramp down onto the platform, it’s a wonderful diorama/ minimum space o gauge what are the dimensions please for the scenic section.



    1. rcf


      Hi Jon, only just seen your comment for which thank you. The name Osney has featured in most of my layouts in their many forms! There were a couple of Osney Towns, a New Osney and now Osney Wharf . The name comes from where I used to live, many years ago, and comprises an area of Oxford. I think the layout you are referring to is the one based on Abergefni in Wales and features a goods line running behind the station. The scenic section was 6 feet by, I think, 15inches Hope this helps. 


      Regards Rob

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