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Posts posted by Doolish

  1. OK have now found the final evidence in a photo. Comes from the Irwell book Mainline to the West. In the first few pages it shows a 'new' box situated alongside the junction itself. One interesting point here is the additional down track.


    Much later in the book is a chapter on the building of the flyover and in one of the photo's you can just make out a signal box. Interestingly the Southampton Up was still in place.



    Only question left I suppose is why did they move the box - blind spot perhaps) but more importantly why was the old box not totally knocked down. Did the pneumatic signalling come down this far - if so perhaps it was easier to leave the pumping apparatus where it was but controlled from the new box.


    Nor being familiar with old signal boxes is it possible to tell what type this is or where I may find drawings of one.


    Again many thanks for all the suggestions and am glad we got there in the end.

    • Informative/Useful 3
  2. OK have a new theory given to me by someone whos knowledge I highly respect.

    He believes that it is part of the original signal box that controlled the junction when it was flat ie no flyover. I have seen a photograph of a signal box that was installed directly next to the flyover when the flyover was built.

    It would seem logical that they would have to build round the original box so it could maintain the junction until the flyover was finished.

    To prove this I suppose I need an OS map at the time it was a flat junction ie pre 1897 but don't know if these are available or how you view them.

  3. I am building a OO  gauge layout based on Battledown Flyover. Have now got all the trackwork down and am looking to building the flyover and the adjoining area.


    I have found a photograph that shows a brick building built into the embankment. Other photos I have show that this was demolished some time ago but it looks as though the 'cutout' area of the embankment is still there. It would appear, from other photographs, that it was a two story building. I cannot find anything that indicates what the purpose of this building was. A suggestion that it was a Plate Layers store seems to fit but I would be interested to hear exactly what it was. Even better would be a photograph showing the front of it!


    Any help would be appreciated.



  4. As I mentioned track started with the fiddle yard using PECO code 75 track and pointwork.


    Having laid most of the track I started the massive task of learning iTrain and putting the work to reality on the fiddleyard. After many attempts I had a yard system where I could simple drag and drop a loco from one siding to another and it would complete the moves changing all pointwork etc - wonderful to watch. However my confidence in thinking that I now knew it all would come back to haunt me later.

    After this I had to undertake considerable rearrangement of furniture etc to get the planned scenic boards in. This included a removable section by the door. These boards are all open plan as I needed to accomplish several changes in running height to accomplish the flyover. I first made up the boards and then after putting them in place used track etc to work out the best way of achieving the flyover.





    Several weeks later the levels were sorted and a track base laid.








    More to follow!

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  5. Sorry that I have not posted for some time but the main reason is that I decided to scrap Eastbrook as from an operational point of view it was just not working. I have long thought that Battledown Flyover would be a good subject for a model and I am aware that several such layouts have been built. The lessons learnt from Eastbrook led me to realise that what I really wanted was a layout that I could just sit back and enjoy running the trains. From this criteria I started to formulate some ideas. First it would be a tail chaser which meant considerable change to the room it was in but realised that I could make it in two halves so to speak. The trackwork from Eastbrook was lifted and these four boards gave me the space to start making up what would be the fiddle yard. This is to be an eight lane yard with a twist. 

    The layout of Worting Junction around the flyover is basically four tracks two up two down. There is an up and down serving Southampton to Basingstoke and the other tracks serving the West country via Salisbury. After a lot of thought I realised that I could, unprototypically run a down train that would start in the fiddle yard and complete the Southampton route and then pass through the yard and complete the Salisbury route - apologies to the purists out there but its MY railway.

    Then came another major point of interest to me as I started to look at the potential of automation . At first my plans were mainly for route planning etc but then I came across various online posts about iTrain and I became hooked so planning was now directed to achieve various degrees of automation so that the layout can be run fully manually and all steps up to fully automated.

    Building started with the fiddle yard and it soon became clear that full automation is not something achieved without a considerable amount of planning and work especially the wiring - who said DCC was simple! At this point it became clear that whilst my NCE equipment could be made to run iTrain it would be complex and so took the decision to change to Digikeijs. Basically the main unit will run most formats of DCC encoding as well as simple links to a computer. Digikeijs also make a full range of other boxes to run the tortoise motors and deal with the very important issue of track occupancy. Interesting I was concerned that in its basic form running of trains had to be through the computer which was not ideal but then I discovered that a Digitrax hand controller not only ran the trains but also allows full CV programming etc. In this format I think the system is an absolute bargain even if you don't use the computer links.

    For thos that may be interested the following is the iTrain screen for my layout:


    Will update with photos soon



  6. The last post ended by saying I was going to try and get the layout indoors by extending the part of the garage that I had as my railway room.


    That was a month or so ago and whilst I have done very little modelling in that time the result of my change is now a reality.


    post-15765-0-78671700-1533907043_thumb.jpg        post-15765-0-47733000-1533907060_thumb.jpg


    For those observant amongst you yes the layout is the wrong way round. This will enable me to finish the 'town' supports that cover the fiddle yard.


    On the modelling side I did try and make a few of the DG couplings and found that they are very time consuming to make. I do agree that there operation is very good but have shelved the idea for the moment.


    Instead I have been batch making Sprat & Winkles and once you have a jig made up they can be made quite fast - it is the making of the chain that takes the time.


    No modelling as such but I did purchase a Pannier and Autotrailer to add a bit of GWR to the layout - will keep our chairman happy. I ordered a sound card from YouChoos and they added three extra sounds to the chip that cover the Autotrailer. The sound card will be put into the loco and I have already put a speaker in the guards area which is right next to the loco so should work OK.


    I sent both of to GrimeyTimes for him to work his magic and fit brass plates. The result is absolutely superb.




    The two are on a shelf that I have put next to my desk so that I can test locos and DCC cards without having to fire up the entire layout.

    • Like 3
  7. Finished the building for the backdrop!


    All photographs are from the 1st board as I haven't actually done the retaining wall although the wall sections have been built.


    First Board




    The station building is wrong way round but you may notice I have started covering in Metcalfe Red Brick so that it blends in.


    Second Boards




    There will be a road between the last terrace and the shops and another between the shops here and the Factory Buildings.


    Third Board




    These will, I think, stay in this order.  As for the fourth board beyond the factory I think will be a rough grassed area with a few trees.


    On the coupling front I expect the DG parts from Wizard today. Having now seen the instruction, that were emailed to me by Andrew at Wizard, I am moving towards them. The only downside I can see is the requirement for Electro Magnets (£7.50). However I think, as the instruction say, that with a bit of planing these could be kept to a minimum. The test will be, I think, how reliable the 'delay latch' is. I think they will be easier to make that S&W.


    Would like to just have a bar on the loco's - does anyone know it this works?


    Next task is to break down the Eastbrook layout in the garage and bring the O gauge boards back to where they should be so I can take photo's of it with the intention of selling it.

  8. Was helping out on a layout at the Romsey show on Sunday and by chance the layout behind ours was using DG couplings. I had a long chat and was certainly impressed with them working.


    However I have been trying to find information/instructions on them. I note from the Wizard site that there are two variations but nowhere can I find out the difference.


    I am slightly put of by the need to install electro magnets but with good planning the numbers could be minimized.


    If anyone has an instruction sheet I would be grateful if they could either email it to me or publish on this site. 


    Here's hoping 

  9. Moving on from my last post I noticed in a model railway mag that Metcalfe were introducing a two road engine set. When the kit appeared on their web page I looked at the dimensions to find that it is almost exactly the size of one I had started drawing a CAD file for. What was even more to my liking was the fact that it seems to have been based on a Southern shed as it is very close the the Basingstoke and Plymouth Friary shed - if it had a glazed area above the entrance it would be almost spot on.

    I ordered one and it arrived on Saturday. It is quite a large kit with a multitude of parts. Took 2 days of work whenever my back would allow it!  I did not have quite the room to fit the 'workshop' along one of the side so fixed it to the rear.

    Just need some cast chimneys and it is finished. I am very happy with the result.








    On another side of the Metcalfe kits is the fact they do not do a matching brick tunnel. After some clever Photoshop work by John Shaw we have ended up with a perfect solution that looks although it was a Metcalfe kit. Great comment from m,y email to Metcalfe asking why they don't do a brick tunnel - 'There is no demand for it' came the reply - perhaps if they made one the demand would be there!




    I should buy shares in Metcalfe!


    Other issue are that We are looking into extending my 'den' to allow the layout to come 'indoors'. At present my room is 3/4 of one of out garages - it has a raised floor and its own lighting/ power & heating. The idea is to now make it the full length. One problem is that for some reason this garage is 1ft shorter than the other so I may have to trim one of the boards but that would not be an issue if I can get it in where I can use it all year.

    • Like 2
  10. I have been very distracted by my bloody back so have not done much!


    I had decided that rather than laser cut all the building I would make do with some Metcalfe kits to at least show something is moving on. I must admit that the thought of drawin/making/painting all these buildings has held me back from doing anything.


    I will now complete all the area over the fiddle yard with these kits and then replace them at a later date.


    The buildings for the first board are nearly complete.




    Board 2 will have more terraced houses/ shops.


    Board 3 will have a factory/ Warehouse and the building fore these are complete. Will look something like




    Hopefully my back will start behaving itself soon and I can get round to doing the pavement/roads for these.



    • Like 3
  11. My favourite loco has now arrived at Eastbrook -  thanks you Hattons for getting this one done. I can vividly remember these lovely loco's at Winchester and Southampton Town Quay.


    I have two O gauge models so perhaps I should get another to even things up.


    Purchased a DCC fitted loco as have had problems with the H Class I tried to chip and this is smaller.


    Put on layout and runs a dream straight away.


    post-15765-0-04295300-1528101747_thumb.jpg   post-15765-0-51540200-1528101735_thumb.jpg


    Waiting with interest to see the first person on the web who has managed to get a sound card in!



    • Like 3
  12. Having said that I was busy but with nothing to show for it I have today finished putting together a set of vans.


    Personally I prefer trains made up of vans as that is what I remember - those and oil tanks from Fawley.


    Now a long spraying session is on the cards!




    All have been weighted at 3g each which seems to work.


    I now must make the decision I have been putting off for ages - Couplings. I have a few vans fitted with Kadees as I thought I could use rare earth magnets to operate. However they do not operate as well as I would want. I think that if had fitted Kadee square magnets before I laid the track it would have worked better however having just operated a layout that uses them I was not impressed - especially dont like the fact that an uncoupled van gets pulled towards the magnet as it is acting on the axle.


    My first choice had been Sprat and Winkle 3mm couplings and I think this is the way forward. I will however probably use the Kadee's on coaching stock as uncoupling is not so much of an issue. May have to fit a S&W on the end coaches so having the ability to use all loco's.


    However the thought of having to make loads of S&W's is frightening but at the end of the day they will work well. Why doesn't someone invent a S&W coupling to fit a NEM socket!


    Anyone got thoughts one way or the other?

    • Like 3
  13. It has been a while since I last posted. Seem to have been doing a lot but nothing to show!


    Have taken a decision not to laser cut my own retaining but to use Metcalfe kits for it and the backdrop Terraced Houses.


    Have completed enough wall for the 1st board and they are now attacked to my supports - just have to do a sloping grassy bang at the end - looks better than I thought!


    Have nearly finished two of the houses - a lot more to do but at least I can see progress is being made. Eventually I will do my own but want to get the whole layout working quickly.






    Have a row of 4 shops to do which will be at one end.


    Have a problem though - Metcalfe in there wisdom do a set of retaining wall, slopes, viaducts, bridges in Stone and Brick. However they only do the single and double tunnel on Stone! Will have to try and invent something.



    • Like 4
  14. Not a lot of progress over the week as I have been working with John Shaw to make a set of OO/EM Railers together with an extension. The prime objective being something that works with Kaydee couplings - these get caught on all others railers I have tried.





    This is now all complete and am getting on with the station building and canopy as without this fitted I cannot realy work on the surrounding area.

    • Like 2
  15. Had a bit of a problem with the turntable as everything seemed to work OK but when I went to program in the exact route settings it accepted them all but when I switched the system to run NOTHING.

    quick email to Brian at MERG gave me some issues to look far and after testing voltage on various bits of the PCB found an incorect voltage. Closer look revieled what may have been a dry joint and after resoldering everything now works fine.


    Also decide to do something with the three Infer red sersons. I had originally planned to use an arduino to monitor each board and send the message to another arduino within my consul. At the recent MERG meeting they suggested that this was possibly asking for trouble and suggested it did it with individual wires so have now wired them all in and installed a DSub socket on the board to deal with just these signals. All appears to work fine.


    Nothing worth taking a picture of.

  16. Today has been one of those good days. As mentioned before I had build the MERG turntable system board so today was putting everything together.


    The turntable is a standard PECO one although I have build extra stansions between the deck and the frame - as per most real ones. Fixing the Step motor was not too bad as I had already built a housing for a larger stepper motor and all I needed was to cut a new top. The motor and gearbox I had from an O gauge turntable although it is a 500:1 rather than a 250:1 recomended by MERG. An email to the designer of the board resulted in a new programe file which I took to the MERG meating in Saouthampton and they kindly uploarded it for me.




    The Control board is now in a box and all the other components have been fitted and wired up. The rotary switch is to be shortened when I have a final set up. This control looks like a standard wafer switch but is actually a HEX switch so it sends a different code to the board,




    Completed a 7ft 6 wire cable and attached it all together. System has its own 12v supply. Moment of truth when IO switched it on and the LEDs went through the correct sequence. Pressed to button and low and behold the turntable moved! It is a little slow due to the different gearbox but I now have a new HEX file that will solve this - will take to the next MERG meeting in Southampton.


    All in all a lot of work but have achieved exactly what I wanted. Install in the basboard next and then programe in all the various roads.

    • Like 1
  17. Have been putting off dealing with the hidden fiddle yard. I wanted to try and set it up so that if the layout was ever to be exhibited that access to the fiddle yard sidings would be easy to get to stock etc. Have tried to set it up on a cantilever basis so that there is no fixings at the back. Decided to make the structure from Acrylic as it is much stronger than wood. The acrylic parts have been cut and assembled with a 5mm square brass tube that passes through the baseboard and is held straight with a bracket underneath.


    post-15765-0-13307100-1521987525_thumb.jpg        post-15765-0-65575300-1521987536_thumb.jpg



    The first section of the structure has been assembled and fitted. Whilst quite strong I think I may have to resort to a support every two sections.




    Before working further along I have to work out the final dimensions of the platform. I have now cut the platform out to the station buildings final dimensions. The final station building is being built and will show photos when finished.


    Also been distracted by MERG who eventually created a kit for their turntable project. Have now built the board and all seems to check out so far. Building a box for it to all fit in and wire it all up. Again photos when I get a bit nearer the finished item.

    • Like 2
  18. Have now completed the wall - just need capping stones from plasticard.


    Road was initially a disaster. Was using a 'Tarmac' paint I got from Squires. It is a solid back and the texture part is overdone. Tried to work out an alternative but first decided to sand off the paint I had done and hey presto a perfect worn tarmac road!




    Have now done a complete redraw of the station building and will start cutting it out as soon as the snow goes

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