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Big James

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Posts posted by Big James

  1. Thought I’d add my thoughts in, as someone who’s a long time lurker. 
    The thing is. The people who model my age are still very active but they are not building the massive tail chaser anymore though. Others like myself included are building micro layouts or small branch lines to fit in the modern house that don’t need mountains of stock to operate. 
     Cost of living as well has made me be more frugal with my spending, but I am still spending and I know quite a few people who are as well. 
    For example try and get a BR version of the rails D class, I’ve only ever seen them come up second hand a couple of times. So the markets there for good models is still there it’s just the majority want pretty liveries or workhorses. 
    But the hobby will still be here for the forceable future as you say to anyone who comes to your house let’s go play trains and it’ll always be a resounding yes. And when I lived in my flat even the guy who fitted my sky box wanted to play on the railway. My dad and best friend also took up railways during covid as they both lost their respective hobbies due to lockdown. And still do it casually. 
    Thank you for taking the time to read and it’s just my opinion. 

    Big James

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  2. After haunting this page for a while I think I’ll give an update. 

    recap about 2 years ago we took in partners bro and Sister in law. They’ve basically took advantage of us with late rent, destroying our stuff etc. The worst part was me and my dad refurbished the shed, turning it into a proper room for the railway. After they moved in we find out they are a couple of hoarders who dumped so much rubbish down there. I could reach the railway and in the process they have managed to destroy the electrics. 


    Well they approached us a week ago telling us they are handing us our 28 days notice which after a week turned into them telling us they are moving out the following day so won’t be giving us this months rent. 

    it has left me and my partner in the lurch and very short of money. But I just sense relief. I already feel like a weight has been lifted and the mojo is retuning. My partner had already told me to bring the railway up and put it in the spare room, my dad has offered to help me set it up in their old bedroom and I quote “ if you put it in there you know for definite they can’t come back” and my father in law has already said “if we put a bed in there it’s his dream room to stay when he visits.”


    All in all I can feel the mojo retuning which feel lovely I just can’t wait to set it up now. 

    Big James

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  3. 18 hours ago, rembrow said:

    While not a newsletter, Rapido have posted on their Facebook site, that they have three as yet unannounced models, going into tooling. No further details yet.

    SECR O1 to pull their range of SR wagons that have been released. 

    Big James

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  4. 1 hour ago, Tim Dubya said:

    feel now is the right time to start on the BSL Ironclads from the stash.  Pull-Push set first I think...

    I feel the same. I had a golden arrow D1 looking at me and then rails announced there’s. Now the same goes for the golden arrow O1 and Q class. Wouldn’t surprise me if I started to put it together and it gets announced. 

    Big James

    • Funny 3
  5. Just signed up fod the TT collectors club. It’s free and might provide some inspiration. But with a lot homes getting smaller I think TT is a good compromise between OO and N gauge. I’ve found myself seriously considering getting the easterner set with a more Mark 1’s and an A3 to accompany it. 

    Big James

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