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  1. The curing station I have heats to 60º and the cures for an hour with the heat on. I don't think I've ever seen breakages along layer planes. If the elephant's foot can be controlled then the best orientation is likely to be with a long edge on the bed and the rail gaps in the chairs vertical.
  2. Curing will polymerise the resin across the layer boundaries. I use 60ºC for 60 minutes for an ABS-type resin. These values were inherited from a similar Fromlabs resin. This video has more information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=886X2geCRrA&pp=ygULY25jIGtpdGNoZW4%3D
  3. Isn't more that the vast majority of Londoners are not affected by the costs of the ULEZ?
  4. I do those, but you have to buy a whole wagon and take them off yourself.
  5. No, not sunk, but it seems that two of the forward compartments are flooded.
  6. The Camel had a rotary engine, which made the torque a whole lot more than on later aircraft. Yup
  7. I found this on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEzDh4RwpaM Which seems the most likely explanation I've seen. Who hasn't panicked and ignored the non-intuitive best course of action? O'corse the guy might be wrong.
  8. Most people think the media is reasonably credible until they write about a subject the reader has some knowledge of, and then they become woefully uninformed.
  9. Nar, they'll use a fleet of small boats and hire them out to magnet anglers...
  10. It's no good guessing your settings, each printer is different. I suggest using UVTools to get the basic settings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lRbZw6GbGCI and Cones of Calibration to check they will work. https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:5416700
  11. I once knew someone who managed this in P4. He used strips from a plastic milk bottle to make the spring leaves.
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