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Status Updates posted by JohnBateson

  1. Mike,

    The etches provide a pair of half etch semi-circles should you wish the wheels to go 'through'  the space occupied normally by the frames. The gap is rather visible if done. Later locos have this cut-out as standard such as the B3, but their frames do not have the kink.

    If the curve is too small, watch out for binding on the front of the cylinder - not seen this myself but others have warned of it, mainly I think, from pre-JLB kits, but I could be wrong.


    1. mikemeg




      I think the acceptable answer to the issue of the lateral movement of the front bogie wheels is to increase the kink in the front of the mainframes by around 0.5 mm a side. My minimum radius for which this loco (and all of my locos) must traverse is 4' 0" i.e. 1216 mm.


      Depending on which datum point is used for the calculation i.e. distance of the front bogie wheel from the front driving wheel (50mm) or distance from the centre driving wheel (80 mm) then the lateral displacement on these 4' 0" curves is 1.03 mm if the front driver is the datum or 1.73 mm if the middle driver is the datum. In either case, adding 0.5 mm a side to the kink will solve the problem.


      I have noted a potential for binding on the cylinder front but this won't happen on my curves; the only issue is the front bogie wheels touching the mainframes.


      I have had this same issue on the B15, B16/1's, D20's and A6's, where the extra 0.5 mm per side, on the kink, was first deployed.


      Once again, many thanks for your help and your interest.






  2. Mike,

    Just in case you are a real glutton for punishment, there is a Class 8 Fish Engine (LNER B5) on eBay, just Google "Great Central Models Central Railways class 8". It is complete so it seems and has both drivers and tender wheels plus all the other bits according to the blurb. This can be built as a B5/1 or a B5/2 (the one with the raised boiler and rounded windows). Fully rivetted smokebox overlays are there for the B5/2.  I have not built the B5/3 but have three B5/1s in the cupboard, one with all the internal gear, the other two awaiting my attention in the "catch-up" queue.


  3. PS - do you have a tender for this Class 8F/B4? The etch can probably be supplied by Jeremy Suter.

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