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Hilbert Herringgull

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Blog Comments posted by Hilbert Herringgull

  1. Understandably not only that but also several parts like: the cab roof profile, the piping around the smoke box area, the cartazzi trucking, the tall chimney (or as simierski would say, this two piece nonsense, OHO! I must wash my mouth) and the roller bearing axle boxes as you said.

  2. If want to turn it into an original why not Kestrel. You said you were going to retire the Doncaster model. Since its 2013 what has happened to this very model? If still preserved then why not repaint it. May I reccomend using a thin paint brush and try using the Caledonian Blue shade. I used the real one with an undercoat of white, grey and the color sheme of rubbed down br brunswick green 9hornby0. Perhaps that may be of help?

  3. Basically the modifications in my opinion that are necessary are: the cartzzi and tender axle boxes into roller bearings and the replacement of the cab roof profile and chimney. I don't thing you should replace the size of the driving wheels or the shape and size of the front buffer beam and the bright lining as it is the incorporated looks that matters. Unless you want it to be extremely accurate your only option is a full repaint and modifying which I say is a waste of time. 

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