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  1. Gas bottles: I was told the shortage of full bottles is due to the shortage of transport to get the empties back to the filling depots. Trucks used to take out fulls and collect empties at each drop - now due to H&S or something the empties have to be collected separately - except there aren't enough drivers for the additional empties runs? There's a yard full of empties at a big local supplier waiting to be returned. Scrapping bottles: You're lucky if you can do that - some years back I squashed an ancient 15kg blue empty with a 30t excavator and put it in a 25t load of scrap in a bulk tipper. It was spotted when the trailer was emptied and loaded back on. A bit more flattening with the digger and it did another round trip - and then after a bit more work a third! Finally it was so beat up as to be totally unrecognisable with no blue paint remaining and on the fourth trip it 'got through'. Returning unwanted fulls / empties: There are usually abandoned empties to be found outside our local depot out of hours that get taken in when it next opens for business. One bottle I wish I had kept was from my parents' old caravan - red with the name BOTTOGAS
  2. It is in their Oct newsletter wibble wibble
  3. He'll go hard......
  4. And to think I managed to get there by simply learning how to draw the shape of each * * * * * * Roar 1/2 zip sploosh letter....... Same thing happening with mathematics - seems to be a desire to get away from the rote method of learning, maybe to do with not excluding those who have difficulty learning by the traditional methods?
  5. Really enjoying this thread - great subject and great workmanship. I'm wanting to see the completed layout but I think this is certainly a case of the journey being as fulfilling as the end result. I'm sure I read somewhere on the www (possibly 3 years back?) that Don Townsley was working on a book covering Hunslet's diesel era, but the trail has gone cold - can anyone throw any light on this?
  6. You just can't trust anyone anymore, can you. They said never again - and what happens? They go and do it again. What a wonderful collection of images - and the occasional splash of colour really lifts the black and white imaging into a higher plane. Well done (again) to the Master Neverers!
  7. The Buzz kit x 2 arrangement captures the character of the old Woolsthorpe shed at Cottesmore, so most appropriate!
  8. But do you remember the headline a few weeks later - there can't have been much news around that day.......
  9. Canada’s at it now! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-56972907
  10. And a lot of the titles (especially earlier years) are fairly cryptic and no use whatsoever when searching by subject.
  11. Isn’t it a shame that palindrome isn’t itself a palindrome.
  12. This one really annoyed me when I was trying to work out where to go - no wonder my blood pressure was high when I got there:
  13. I'll sort out a few soon. We share an interest in ironstone too - the idea is to have a separate ironstone quarry-based layout on the opposite side of the room to Debenham
  14. I was lucky enough to acquire Debenham. Currently trying to work out how to extend the scenic area by 7 ft or so (and can now incorporate a fiddle yard at each end) without ruining the wonderful work of its creator - a daunting prospect!!
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