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Posts posted by Ewerthon_Mota

  1. Does anyone has the C&L code 75 LeadAlloy Steel Rail to sale? I was introduced to this rail by the late Ed MacCamey (an amazing guy that introduced me to the hobby and left us recently) and intend to use for my upcoming layout as I decided to not use Nickel Silver The bigger the stock you have the better. I am also interested on those old code 82/83 and 100 in ''regular steel" that usually came in old train sets and still are made by Bachmann with a black roadbed, I do not care how broken they are as I will be handlaying them. Thank you very much.

  2. --------------------

    " By the way, like American S, all British S scale standard gauge runs on 22.45mm gauge, but to ultra-fine wheel profile and track standards (finer than Proto:64): http://www.s-scale.o...k/standards.htm "--------------


    Hello Phil. Could you expand your thoughts a bit better regarding British-S been finer than proto:64? At least for what I read, proto:64 it´s the ultimate in high fidelity (I haven´t see any photos, neither have seen one personally), so how SSMRS could be finer than that?


    I also see on the standards website that you also have a Irish Gauge section, its just the gauge that changes or there more differences?

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