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Bluemonkey presents....

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Everything posted by Bluemonkey presents....

  1. Scrap box challenge, well not really just using some left overs from the build and crapped out glazing. waste not want not. Rough simulation of the brake gear type things to stash under the chassis and only to give an indication of, rather than highly detailed. Brake linages will be added to the swivel thingy once it is all painted in and in place. Probably the roughest looking and built under parts ever certainly in my stock.
  2. New coat of brown has enriched the first layer. Roof painted with Vallejo Dark Grey Blue 71.054. Kind of a clean weathered look. Re-glazed and floor reinstated. A couple of very basic brake gear details. Will complete the brake rodding later today but not adding much as this really will not be visible and as before the coach is stock item. Almost forgot the handrails for the step end of the coach so quickly bent a couple during an online meeting 😏
  3. Thank you. I often have *&%&* moments but really worth documenting but this time I was aware that there would be a suitable amount of mess and (hopefully) recovery to make an article. Also I feel it is important to show that making mistakes is part of modelling and in itself can produce so nice results, even from seemingly a total disaster.
  4. Absolutely fabulous! I am sure the intended recipient will be over the moon.
  5. Decided to remove the floor and re-glaze. Couldn't live with the white mess created by the super glue vapor. After handling the coach more whilst removing the floor and glazing I decided to revisit the everything. Another full coat of GWR coach brown has been applied whilst the glazing is out. The area where the sides and end meet have been filled This was then sanded back Still looking a mess but decided to repaint the ends completely to see how it looked and hoped now further filling, sanding and painting would be required. Think I can get away with this especially at normal viewing distance and not super close camera eye. This will be put aside for a hour or two to dry before starting on re-glazing replacing the floor. I was not going to post these pictures as these really were for my reference but I though it would highlight how a simple little filler, sanding and repaint can make a real difference. Incidentally the filler I used this time is Deluxe Perfect plastic. It is a lot 'wetter' than the Revell product I previously used but first thoughts on the product is that it works better. Dry time is longer, giving you more time to work with it and the kit and as it is more liquid it can be worked into spaces easier.
  6. Thank you and I agree, I am very lucky. It has been a long time coming and then a lot of stress as everything went wrong even the paint hates me! But it will do just need some suitable window blinds or curtains. The roof space is gradually coming along as well but my God that too has been a real struggle, if only I could do the work myself and not rely on others more proficient and/or skillful. One day, one day.
  7. After completely gutting the room, here's the new space, messy already but at least I know where things are 😏 Construction workbench (dirty side) and 'work desk' Painting and transfer bench (clean side)
  8. Friday was F*$" up day. Everything went wrong. Nothing new really but significant for me this day. Anyway K15 continues; Grab handles, opening handles/latches now located, bogies painted and ready. Fitting the floor and roof at the same time was not a very good idea and has messed up the glazing. So the floor will need adapting to enable me to remove the glazing and reapply, (hopefully).
  9. Thank you Mikkel. I will see what I can do about some pics. Newly purchased Slaters plastic rod. I may have just been lucky.
  10. Roof has turned out nice, just some darker grey and we're there. Dean 8'4" bogies from Roxey ready for priming. I have left the hangy things on has these (I think, if I have ready the instructions correctly) hang from just under the solebars of the coach to ensure I have the correct amount left to simulate without fouling the bogie. The castings on one bogie are not as good as the others but if necessary a scrap piece of plastic will sort it. It's all black after all.
  11. Passenger brake, parcels, S&T. many guises to know knowledge.
  12. Things are finely moving here, by that I mean the professionals have final arrived arrived and are doing their things. I have taken receivership of the new office "cough" modelling room. I would throw in some pictures, as I feel very privileged to have a large dedicated space for my hobby (and work of course), but feel it's a little gratuitous. Moving on.................. I have decided to use the this picture as a base source for the K15 brownie. Unable to identify if/how the gas lighting pipes left the roof to the below tank I am just modelling the main pipes and using modelling compromise to allow for this lack of detail. Additionally it certainly is not a model to celebrated it's purpose is 'layout stock'. I used 20 thou plastic rob to represent the pipework, previously I have used 0.45 brass wire but felt this unnecessary and besides wanted to experiment with how flexible this rod can or cannot be. Using hot water I persuaded the rod into right angles for the length ends and fixed with cement. The water was a success although I have my suspicion that it was not required as I tried a dry run with the same results. The fixing cement seemed to split one angle but with the plastic soften it was easy enough with a blade point to re-round the plastic. Coach body has also been rebuilt, after it was smashed apart during the room move. A central support has been added but this is mainly to add a compartment as the K's kit is surprising robust for aged plastic. I have had a happy accident with the Railmatch paint. This seems to have cracked a little whilst drying giving the appearance of aged finish, this will be kept for this coach. Note to self continue to use other manufacturers colours! The floor is not fixed yet. It has been shaped ready and is made out of flimsy plastic as it is solely for the darken of the interior purpose rather than actual floor. the kit does not come with any flooring. This will be fixed once I am happy with the roof position and grab handle fixing, hence the flimsy nature in order to be able to flex enough to glue and seal the box. Now for the Dean bogies 🤪
  13. Thank you. I have decided just to go with it. I can not do the pipes until The roof is in place if I am to model this and having destroyed the part built coach in my move I have time enough to think about how to achieve it or just to do the roof pipes and leave it there.
  14. No modelling since getting a little bit told off on another forum. I only asked a question about how the roof gas pipes leave the roof. Never mind there has been some other very serious going ons. The work bench has moved rooms. All indoor animals are now housed in a single warm/hot room. The empty room has been gutted and completely reworked and redecorated to provide a purpose office/study. Apart from work and normal home admin stuff the sole purpose of this space is modelling and research. A proper hobbit hole for me with a dedicated wirk bench and seperate paint bench. I feel genuinely very lucky to be able to have this space but there's more! I found a way to make the loft space suitable to house a layout (I hope) and have suitable access to be able to sensibly use it although there is still some major construction required and it will not be a room for pleasure and comfort more of practically having my long planned layout. Fingers crossed and watch this space. The old Chippenham layout thread could spring into life in the coming months or at least next year.
  15. Not tried or even thought of this idea. Great idea will have to try it. Certainly would free up the laying of track dilemma.
  16. Sadly this is all I have left from the build as I was expecting the web source to remain and could be used as a build base/reference resource.
  17. Thanks, good to know. Seems could be searching for a unicorn then. Appreciate your input as is good to know people's personal experiences with foam.
  18. I have used fibreboard in the past and I remember the deafening sound produced, I think this is similar to sundela, unfortunately. My intention to to model the location and just have trains running around, pretty much like a child would. It has been mentioned that my modelling is very much child like. The attempt to reduce/deaden the noise produced by the trains running around is more the for other occupants of the property and for the operator whilst watching the things run. I have looked into the trial pack for the tracklay and the postage cost is nearly double the actual cost for the trial pack which seems extreme at this current juncture, (I understand the time, admin and packing costs) just need to explore other more accessible options first, before investing.
  19. Looks like a couple of interesting products. Trial pack will be interesting, thank you.
  20. Cheers Phil, Yes hoping to use cork as the main bed and with the neoprene just under the track would start to get a little high. I was luck and sourced a cheap (ish) supply of rolled underlay so had plenty for the planned layout but now having to lift the boards was hoping that someone else had experimented/experienced using it on the reverse so not to waste what has been laid.
  21. Just wondering if anyone has any experience of using 3mm neoprene acoustic underlay as a baseboard covering in an attempt to reduce the drumming of a traditional ply baseboard with a round roundy layout. In my previous stalled attempts I was about to use 3mm neoprene as researched many years ago to help reduce running noise but I am not having to pull up the entire layout proline to rebuilding (long story). Whilst considering my next move and being a little lazy, I started to think instead of removing all the neoprene layer on the base board, as the removal of baseboard fixing screws destroys a lot of it. Flip the boards over and have the neoprene on the bottom, effectively creating a sound deadening barrier between all supports on the floor and the top baseboards. Has anyone tried this topsy-turvy method? Any thoughts?
  22. Nearly for these little ! Did forget the second set of steam pipes or whatever they are! Ready to received the final coat and some screw couplings. A lot of effort for things that generally are overlooked/hidden when in service but that's why we love it.
  23. Door and grab handles removed as are the steps on the coach end. I read on article online somewhere where someone had completed this conversion as well and noted adding a cut line to represent the gaps between coach sides and doors. So I tried this and primed the whole thing to see the effect and if I need to remove anything further. Seems to have come out nicely. The replacement handles should disguise any obvious damage to the paneling from detail removal. Ends with brass replacement buffers, interior and chassis painted black. In my haste I have forgotten to add new steps to the coach end along with emergency brake pull (or at least I think that is what I shall be modelling). Better get some vac pipes on the go as well.
  24. Hi Nick, This is excellent news and perfect for my chosen location (If I ever get chance to build the layout). Thank you so much I really appreciate you digging out the information, I could I guess do 3 and cover all potential numbers 🤪 Thanks again this has restored the want of a brown one.
  25. Ah, thanks Nick for the info. I may have to engage a little rule 1 here then, shame.
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