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Posts posted by peter220950

  1. 16 hours ago, Captain Kernow said:

    Oh and here's a nice little question for someone who knows about the catering.


    Whilst all is on track for me, myself and I to bring the pasties and pies up, in person on Sunday morning, I have to ask whether there will be any salad items available for consumption with said pasties or pies?


    Or should we bring our own salads?


    Having spent the best part of a day preparing salads and ploughman's lunches for the first event I did in 2017, and having sold 2, I'm afraid there will be no salad. - I like salad, but having to eat it for a fortnight after the event was not something I want to repeat🙂.


    By all means bring your own, plates and cutlery will be free.

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    • Friendly/supportive 8
  2. I want to be the nerd of the quiz that always produces pedantic corrections because they failed to get the right answer.


    Question 1 What was the first British Railways prototype locomotive produced by Airfix.


    Answer Surely it has to be something like the 0 4 0  saddle tank, the J94, Evening Star, or the Mogul that they bought from Kitmaster??


    I note that Phil's answer then refers to the Airfix GMR, but that wasn't the question was it Phil?

    I demand points for my answer!!! 

    • Like 1
  3. I packed in 3 years early, 6 years ago, and have not regretted the decision a single day. I still tend to keep a 'work ethic' type of existence, and don't think I have sat and done nothing for more than a handful of days in that time. I usually spend mornings helping out with chores and stuff around the house, and afternoons either in the modelling room or the new shed I built myself as a workshop.

    A couple of things I find strange, you tend to lose weekends, as one day is the same as the next, and even now I find it strange going into town in the week, it somehow feels like I'm skiving off!

    I was always a bit of a miserable b***er, happy in my own company, so think about whether that suits you. I now tend to go down to my local Men in Sheds once a week, which gets a bit of Male company, and more importantly a great support network. - Well worth checking out groups like this.

    Finances are, of course a big issue, I am fortunate to be o.k. but if you are retiring in your 50's you need to make sure you can survive on pensions for 30 or 40 years.

    There's also the option of getting a part time job, both for a bit of additional income and company, though I don't see it as a likely route for me.

    I left my pension pot in place, rather than buying an annuity, and draw down the surplus gained in the year, so far it's been a good route for me.

    If you're not enjoying your work get out if you can, you don't know what the future may hold, so enjoy it as much as you can.

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  4. There's been a bit of a lull in here over the last few months.  I've been having some house work done, improving a small shed for my wife to play about in then got knocked sidewise and spent a few days in Hospital in the run up to Christmas.

    All now tickety-boo health wise with a rejuvenated interest in model trains.

    I had been looking for a local club with some 0 gauge interest and it looks like I have found somewhere 10 mins away which I'll be visiting in  the next week or so.  Initial contact is very friendly and welcoming so must get a pack of biscuits to go with the cups of tea.


    All aboard...…………



    Sorry to hear you've not been well, hope your recovered now, where about is the Club? I'm getting a bit too old for the weekly 40+ miles to

    Leamington every week.


    • Like 1
  5. I have the Superb estate, after 200k in 7 years in the Octavia saloon with similar mechanicals. I bought second hand 13k on the clock, two years old, for about half the cost of new, and have put 45k on in 3 years.

    The car is huge, and a really comfortable mile muncher, I went back to an automatic, and the dsg box is great in traffic. It seems to average about 45mpg, with none too careful driving, (diesel). Can't fault it, apart from needing to find big car parking spaces! So another vote for the Superb, the other indicator of its reliability and utility is the amount of them used as taxis.

    • Like 1
  6. Hi Steve,


    Operation is limited it has to be said, if I were starting from scratch I would do it slightly differently, it's not too bad for Exhibitions where the audience moves on quite quickly, but for a home layout it would soon lose appeal.


    What I have found is that the accidental inclusion of the tippler is of most interest, and for Exhibitions it's that which takes precedence, with trips in and out of the loading bay and the occassional lone wagon to the other loading deck.


    I don't run any particular timetable and stock is limited to about three vans, two coal wagons, and a couple of internal user items, like a tank wagon and permanent way repair open wagon.


    I don't really use the back hidden sidings as there is room on the turntable for a couple of 3 wagon trains.


    Starting from scratch I would probably do away with the rear sidings altogether, or cut them down to one, and introduce one more siding on the front. The turntable is again more trouble than it's worth, a simple sector plate or sliding tray would be just as good.


    The layout is going to Weston Super Mare in September, Didcot in October, Luton in April 2019, and provisionally Warley in 2020, if I'm spared!



    • Like 1
  7. Hi,


    Welcome to O gauge, just one more thought, if it's not too late, I usually put some crushed tissue, foam rubber, or fabric in vans, before the roof goes on, this helps stop it acting like a sound box. Otherwise they can rattle and sound like a plastic toy.



  8. Marc,


    I went down the Sprat&Winkle route for Exhibition use, but only because Dingham equipped stock had to face the same way (I believe), but Dinghams are pretty unobtrusive, and fiddling about with 3 links can be a pain.


    Struggling to see and hook up stock can take the pleasure out of shunting, so why not? I know there are many who say it's just a matter of getting the right hook etc. but that doesn't help if the eyesight is going, the hands are getting shaky, or the layout is operated from the front, and people don't want to see your back. It also enables the operator to sit down while operating.


    The other advantage of them is that they remain compatible with other 3 link stock, so it might be worth doing half a dozen wagons as a starter, to see how he gets on with them, the key is getting the magnets in the right place. Small neodymium magnets in the ballast between sleepers are easily hidden, though were I starting from scratch I would go for electro magnets.



  9. I had to smile this morning, I have the BBC weather app on my tablet, and have a couple of locations listed where we visit as well as for home.


    For some reason I have managed to get both Droitwich and Droitwich Spa listed, though it's the same place, one merely an abreviation of the other, however it had different forecasts at the same time today, so they can't even manage to agree on that.






    A minute ago it had different temperatures for days next week, I don't know whether to stay here or move to here to get better weather.



    • Like 3
  10. I would use a pair of compasses with a drawing pen, put the point side down the edge of the platform, with the pen set to the required distance in from the edge, charge it with white paint and run the compasses along the platform.

    This is the sort of thing I mean,




    Once the line is established it's easier to paint in the gap between platform edge and line with a small brush.



    • Like 1
  11. To lighten things up.

    My mate said he was going drive his car very fast up and down the B4263.

    I told him to drive caerphilly.



    Now that's offended the residents of Caerphilly, because you didn't put a capital letter on the name of their town, probably the rest of Wales, and those affected by speed related traumas. - and those who like the dark, and don't want things lighter.


    Peter Snowflake


    (Of Welsh descent, traumatised by 3 points on my licence, and a cave dweller.)

  12. Dear The Chairman,    Can I ask which Chairman are you?, ............... the Mid Kent Model Railway club, The Mid Sussex Model Railway club or the English Riviera Model Railway Club or the chairman of DD Exhibitions? ....?..........  If I suspect a possible insurance fraud, I have the right to report it, as does any member of the public.   There is a general insurance fraud hotline that anyone can use,


    H.M.R.C. Would probabably also be interested in all these people and 'Clubs' dealing in large amounts of cash, trading, presumably for profit, hope it's all been declared.....



    • Like 5
  13. Well this is the last update on the workroom as it's pretty much complete now. I'm just starting to get things straight in there so this is a concluding post to wrap things up.


    The door to the garden store was hung, and the mower and tools fitted, there's a small compressor in there as well, which will serve an airline in the room for air powered tools.






    Advantage was taken of the space in the roof trusses at either end of the room to store things, ply was laid between the trusses and one half is a timber store while the other has trays with paints, and things like inspection lights and cable reel in it.






    The underside of the storage areas was then looked at to tidy up, there were some offcuts of the roof sheeting left over, and before I took them to the tip I stripped the white metal under cladding from the insulation and cut it to fit between the roof joists.




    The panels were then cleaned up and holes cut for 4 LED panels to light the space, they work well and provide plenty of light. The exposed woodwork on the underside of the joists has also been painted white.






    Wiring up of lights and power sockets has been completed and double glazed units fitted to the door.








    Finally advantage was taken of the sunny weather to apply the final coat of stain to the exterior.






    So that's about it, it's come out slightly above my budgeted cost, but that’s due to the addition of the garden store. For around 2k I have effectively got another room to the house and can now get back to railway modelling, and next time I'm in the dog house I've got a nice warm dry kennel to go to.



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