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Posts posted by SouthernWay

  1. Hi WBF, I guess article is the wrong word but I have read a blog or two on your superb model.

    That is a shame as I do enjoy the construction of a kit form model. I guess I will just wait and see how Bachmanns turns out.

    Thank you


  2. Good evening, I have just seen pictures and the article on the Wild Boar 45T breakdown crane, all I can say is amazing. Do you by chance have any kits left or have any plans to produce any more kits? I'm a SR modeller.

    Kind regards


  3. Shameless plug I know, but we (Wild Boar Models) did produce a kit of these a year or so ago, we have none left, but I have seen one crop up on ebay. But we do have spares/NQP's for most of the major parts I believe, which couple be used as a 'scratch-aid' if desired.




  4. Hi all, this thread is great but I have read it time and time again and can't seem to get my head around how this works. I like the idea of how Cambriancoaster controls his turntable but like Simond ask, how would you go about programming it so a button is preset to a road? And would there be a limit to the amount of roads that could be accommodated?

    Any help and advice would be greatly appreciated. I also am having a hard time with what I would need to purchase to motorise the turntable? And you may think me a little dim, but how would you program the micro controller?

    Sorry everyone if this is taking you back to start but I'm as they say........confused.com!!!

  5. Wow, all these models on here are really great examples of the unusual. This topic has really inspired me to make a start on the Z class I have. However I have to finish the W class and make a start on the G16 and Merchant Navy I have in line first. W class is coming along though. It was the last one Chris (GAP) produced from the mould as he was breaking the mould up to get it out. Needless to say it did need a bit of cleaning up but I'm happy with the job I'm doing so far.


    Just out of interest does anyone have any pictures of the cab layout of the W class, Z class or G16 class??

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