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Blog Entries posted by centraltrains

  1. centraltrains
    It's January, the Hornby R7338 maglight has not been released. I'm very eager to play with the Maglight system so wanted to get ahead of the game, with the 4 Wheel Coach being quickly released, I purchased one in a beautiful GNR livery (R40104A), in order to test out what I might be able to do with the maglight system.

    Taking the coach out the box, reveals there is a pull tag to enable the lights, however when I tired to pull it out - the whole chassis came off! At least that works out how to get inside.

    This revealed that the battery is located below the seating area - and it turns out this is a good job, and rather essential - CR2032 batteries are magnetic, and otherwise the magnet would be attracted, ot stick to the roof.
    Taking the seating out reveals the lighting attached to the top - screwed in complete on a singlar strip - very different to the images shown for R7338 which has a board attaches to another board of LEDs.


    R7338 isn't out yet, but given it is only sold as being used to convert an existing coach, I'm rather surprised and a bit confused to why they've gone to the effort of designing it differently. Speculating - maybe they're pretty keen on expanding the Maglight range to more coaches, and having a seperate control board will allow for easier implementation down the line.
    I ordered a wheel of 5V LEDs. After doing some reading on these forums about pre-existing latching reed switch solutions, mainly sold by layouts4u, although they run from a 3V battery, as 3V SMD LEDs are uncommon/expensive compared to 5V ones, it is adequate to run 5V LEDs undervolted on a 3V supply.
    I went about tracing the circuit board to work out where to attach my lights to, and drew out a diagram of the wiring configuration of the board.
    I found that the tail of Q1 contains a negative lead to the LEDs and I can take a lead after R2 for the positive. I'm not brilliant with knowledge of electronics, but I think given the LEDs have individual resistors, R2 may be a bit redundant, but maybe it's some sort of protection from inverse insertion? I'm not really sure - either way I decided to play safe and take from the same place as the pre-existing LEDs.
    I also noticed there were rather a lot of redundant traces where it looks like SMD components should be mounted but aren't.

    As seen, this worked, horrah! But after looking at the circuit board, it seemed rather oversized for the space it was going to fit, I decided I should attempt to cut it down. I identified I could chop it down next to the soldering plates as they were just blank placed where SMD components could go up to there, and after Q2 as this was just pre-built LEDs. Of course, for the modification to the left end, I needed to take out the reed switch, and relocate it. I also took this opportunity to snip off the LEDs on the other side of the board.

    This worked for the first end, and then I forgot to take photos of the process for the second end, either way I ended up with this layout for the maglight inside the coach, some of you may be able to foreshadow what is about to happen.

    I re-wired the connection to the battery though the seating area and into the weight box on the coach (with the help of a drill), as to mimic Hornby in getting it away from the area the magnet will be used. I used cheap insulating tape over the magnets
    to make sure the weights did not lead to any conduction, and added a plug to allow easy separation of the seating to the base - however with hindsight, this may be a bit pointless in hinsite, as it comes out with the seats anyway. It may be more useful from the seats to the roof, but would create additional challenges in hiding the wires.

    A diagram of the complete board modification below.

    At this point I thought I was done, so I went to put the seating back in... and... crunch.... eh-oh.

    I managed to break the reed switch.... So off on eBay I have gone to order some reed switches, and hopefully I will be able to repair it. Perhaps this reveals (speculative) reasoning behind the seperate board, idiots like me not thinking about the seating before closing up a chassis, I would be surprised if Hornby were not expect people use the R7338 lighting on other coaches, and by making a dedicated board, where the switch is at the end - it perhaps is designed to force the installer to think to place the reed switch parallel to the gangway and avoid the crunch which otherwise may happen.
    I will post a follow-up post when/if I manage to get it working.
    On a final note, I will note, that at least with my unit, the reed switch magnet operation is not as reliable as one would like. It took many attempts to to pass the magnet over before it would switch between on/off states, I found waving it in a circle above the switch would reliably toggle it within about 20 seconds, about 80% of the time. This makes it hard to see how Mr. Kohler imagines people may hide a magnet inside a bridge to cause activation (as per the press launch video seen on this forum). The only guaranteed method was accidently shorting the magnet over the switch for an instant toggle. I did notice during soldering, that it got easier to toggle - maybe the heat of the iron loosened it a bit? I was going to take a video to demonstrate this, but sadly I've broken it, and it wouldn't be a fair comparison to do it on replacement components.
    I hope you've explored my initial explore into the world of Hornby Maglight, I'd be interested to know if others are as excited about maglight as me, or if any other lighting technologies are preferred by others.

  2. centraltrains
    Hi, and welcome to the 3rd entry on my blog. I have made lots of progress this week but first..
    Note to self: Save draft very often.
    So the first thing I did after the last blog post was to focus on the interior. I cut out allot of the parts which chiltern took out and painted. As painting is a rather a long process I will just show you the finished image.

    For the tabled I printed out the design on a glossy card and stuck it on with pritt stick. I removed the unwanted structure with a mixture of scissors, Stanley knife and filing.
    I have actually changed my mind and decided to put people in the train now! I have ordered cheap(ish) people from china. Some have arrived very quickly. So far I have only put people in the business zone seats.

    The next step was to cut out the old slam doors and put in my 3D printed doors. I did this by sawing with a Junior Hack saw, then filing and then using poly cement to hold it in place. I did have to use filler to plug up gaps after.

    After this it was the painting of the coaches in the following steps:
    Interior Prime
    Interior Paint
    Exterior Primer
    Exterior Paint

    and that looked like this...

    Then I prepared it for the darker grey spray. I did doors separately to the window area. Unfortunately I didn't take any photos straight after spray but I do have a prep one.

    (This was door prep)

    So after the exteria has been painted I used some decals from r3sprays to add the branding. Unfortunately this was my first time using transfers so I messed up quite a few. But I managed to do it. I used the method described on the airfix site of: Decalfix, Gloss. Yes this method does give Hornby more money but I used the Tamiya gloss

    So now I had been waiting for some etchings to come in the post to start the other 3 coaches which have toilets in them. They just came recently so I started putting them on yesterday.
    Firstly I filled the window, then I took the filler out, cut it and glued it back in.

    And then I stuck the frame in place, filed down the glue and put filler in again to plug up a few gaps.

    And that is where I am up to now.
    The next stage will be to smooth off the filler and then paint these other coaches.
    I am going to put lighting in these coaches however I am still waiting for some components to arrive.
    Now I know in my blog posts I do seem to just say what I do with very little emotion. I'm not sure why but I don't really have too much to say.
    If you have any questions or suggestions for the project please leave a comment.
    This project has already done WAY WAY WAY over budget. I am too scared to continue adding up prices. It seems as any products sold for modelling they think "Modelling product: Slap on the word "Modelling"; double the price and half the quantity"
    The etchings I have for the windows are actually etching for a sleeper coach and they are from shawplan. I have windows from shawplan too to put back into the coaches however I am not at this stage yet.
    Thanks for reading and bye for now.
  3. centraltrains
    Hello! Welcome to this Blog where I will be blogging my journey of making a set of Chiltern Mk3 coaches for the silver service.
    I haven't had very much experience in relivering trains. Though I do often upgrade my trains; these are usually lighting upgrades. I have converted a Bachmann 170 into a 172; But it really isn't a very good job. Since I did that I have reliviered a Hnby wagon into a custom (make believe) livery as a Birthday gift for a friend. I have also repainted an old Hornby Triang cleaner car into a network rail like (and branded) livery. While it is a network rail livery the Hornby-Triang coach was never a real train (as far as I am aware) so I have to be careful on how I word that.
    But now I go into the world of conversion into a a train which actually exists!
    What I hope to achieve
    A rake of 6 Chiltern Mark 3 coaches with DVT. I will buy a Dapol 68 when it comes out. 5 Standard coaches (3 without toilet and 2 with). 1 Business zone. 1 DVT (I'm not counting this as a coach in my original figure as though it is technically a coach it isn't as much hassle as the coaches will be).
    Passenger lighting in all coaches (constantly on - I am NOT buying 7 DCC decoders for one train. I have a Hornby select which means I can only use expensive brand-only ones*)
    I will be shearing costs of everything as I go along though I will not give all details to start with in protection of competition (once I have sourced all my coaches I will be happy to shear this info with you).
    Now there is a forum post on these forums where someone started to make a Chiltern mainline train but there isn't really that much about it (http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/44739-chiltern-mainline-project/).
    Anyway lets carry on with
    Progress so far
    So on Saturday I brought a Mk3 Coach from a local(ish) model shop - Unfortunately there aren't any model shops very close to me. The nearest is probably ModelZone within WH Smiths**.
    Work has immediately begun on converting it. I will focus on it as two parts. The interior and exterior.

    So the first part is the windows. Though technically interior and exterior for today they will be included in the interior section.
    My first job was to get the windows out. There is a white part painted onto one of the window panels which is not on the Chiltern model. I removed the paint with a method I will tell you in the exterior part.
    On the interior seating plastic: I have put primer on and started painting. Not all colours are 100% accurate (and one not at all!). The coach I got was a first class coach so this will eventually be swapped with another seating set I will get from somewhere. The first class seating will eventually go into the business zone coach.

    So the first thing to do was to get the paint off. I did this to the windows to. I brought some detol antiseptic. After leaving each side in and scrubbing periodically one side took about 3-5 hours. I did one side in the evening. And left the other to soak overnight. However the box got nudged and it ended up just soaking on the roof so it took awhile in the morning too.

    And after awhile...

    and that is where I am up to now!
    To do...
    I need to obtain some more electrical contacts for the wheels so I can install lighting.
    I have ordered a W&S DVT off ebay for £29 (inc. postage***) which I will need to remove the logo from.
    I need to order more paints and coaches.
    Your Opinion Please
    I am not sure which shade of silver best represents the Chiltern mainline Mk3 colour. I have currently brought 3 shades and can't decide on which one is better. Could you please either vote in the comments which silver looks most like the Chiltern shade (left, centre or right). If you think another shade would be better then please also say however it has to be a shade available as an aerosol spray as I don't have an airbrush (and they are expensive) so need to aerosol/spray type.

    (note the right one hadn't gully dried so I may update this picture).
    I hope to update this blog after I have made a series of changes. Hopefully this will be weekly. So until next time: bye for now.
    * Technically some others do work but the ones I know of are about the same price (or more) anyway.
    ** The coach did not come from this shop.
    *** If you were one of the bidders I was against then at least you know my plans!
  4. centraltrains
    My first train class conversion project now (sort of) complete. After having the cabs for over a year, last month I finally got a Class 170 to convert into a 172. It isn't the best conversion project ever as there are lots of inaccuracies in the project but maybe I will fix those one day. I couldn't get lighting in the train as I kept on blowing the decoder when trying to add lighting (whoops).
    The materials I used to make this were:
    Electrostar cabs from a certain ebayer.
    LM 170 from ebay.
    Bachmann Class 170 DMU Chassis from RMWeb Classifieds (as the one from ebay was poor running)
    Model Filler
    Bin Liner (for windows, if anyone knows a better material for windows which can be cut using normal scissors i'd really like to know)
    Not the best conversion but I really wanted a 172. It will do until a main model manufacture makes a 172 which will probably not be for quite a few years. This is my first RMWeb blog entry because I just wanted to post this somewhere on the internet.

  5. centraltrains
    Hello and welcome to this entry for my silver service blog. I have been forgetting to take pictures so unfortunately this will be mainly/all text. However anything which I haven't covered already will be covered or should of already of been.
    I have now brought all my coaches.
    Midland Mainline TSO R4214A: £20 x5 = £100 (+£3.99)
    Arriva Trains Wales Buffet R4636: ~£25 x1
    Midland Mainline TGS R4591 ~£25 x1
    Wrexham & Shropshire DVT R4472: £24 (+£4.00) x1
    The price in brackets indicates the postage.
    All apart from the DVT were new as I couldn't fins many ebay prices which were reasonable and defiantly the coach tooling I wanted.
    The DVT was an easy process. I used white spirit and kitchen towel to remove the logo. However I did use a cotton but at first on one side which didn't remove anything but instead left scratches!!! If anyone could tell me any scratch removal process I would be most grateful.
    So the next thing is the TSOs. These have been detoled (new word). I am waiting for some 3D printed doors to come and these will be fitted.
    The Buffet coach and TGS are in the process of being detoled (upon the process of writing this however I will be writing this over a few days so more may be posted on them later in this post.). They were really hard to get into and I used the method as described as described here: http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/42857-Hornby-mk3-tgs/?p=462551
    As I have damaged the windows I have some shawplan windows which will be fitted.
    5 packs for the TSOs came to £41.75 delivered.
    The coach I started last week I sort of did in the wrong order. I am calling it my experimental coach as I wont be running it in the fleet due to errors I have made on it.
    Firstly I painted it. Yeah. Biggest mistake ever.
    So then there is one window on the Chiltern Mk3s which has been filled and been replaced with an electrical cubord so I filled this in next. I will show how I did this with pictures in a later blog. I did this to the wrong window which is the main reason it is now permanently rejected.
    Then I used a craft knife to take the doors out and used poly cement to glue in the other doors.
    The pictures below show what I ended up with.

    Not the best job at all.
    So that the brief over cap. The "proper" work will now start.
    So now I have to re-type everything >.< This means there won't be as much detail as I originally typed as I am quite fed up as this has happened about 3 times while I have been writing this thread. Don't think I am bad on computers. My other hobby is making games and they have paid me a bit (where funds all go into model trains).
    So now everything will be bullet pointed instead and most thought excluded.
    1. Cut the coaches. (Not sure how accurate this is compared to IRL business zone, Works window counting wise though.)

    2. I attach shells onto 1 under frame. This fails. I cut up old savings cards and super glue these in.
    3. I then use ronseal high performance wood filler to bridge the gap.
    4. I sand the external filler down.
    5. I patch it up with Hornby/humbrol model filler.

    It is a real shame we don't have auto save as I had but really hard work into this blog for it to just be lost. This is a 5 minute quick summary compared to a 30 minute quality write. I am really tempted to move this blog onto another site now.
    If you have any criticisms about my project so far please wait until my next blog post is out to shear them as I am fed up with RMWeb right now and any negative comments will make me really angry and it isn't nice of you to disrespect peoples feelings.
    I mean RMWeb often seems to auto save my non-submitted forum posts so why not blog posts?
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