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Posts posted by sorabain

  1. 16 minutes ago, sorabain said:


    Bachmann should (and would) care. Hatton's was (still mostly is except for Bachmann) my first port of call when browsing. People get used to a website and how to get to what they expect, so whilst some may prefer Rails or <some other> website, I preferred Hattons by far and haven't had the time or inclination to learn another's website so well.


    Why does this matter? I may be browsing for a specific item, but with good search software/website you end up seeing "related products" and may buy more than you thought you wanted.


    As an example. If i go to Hattons I can select oo scale, then pick what "type" i'm after, e.g. DMU, EMU, electric loco, diesel loco then filter down by manufacturer and get a "clean" list of products.


    I try to have a "fair go" with Rails and hunt through "categoies" which itself comes across as a random assortment in multiple dimensions, and try "Diesel/electric loco". The first products are all DMU/EMU and non-UK (for me not what i'm after, not sure if the site "learns" what you're interested in or if it'd remain foreign). So i try to filter down to what i'd do with hattons, and select Bachmann+oo gauge, and am still presented with a first page dominated by DMU/EMU, not locomotives. It just doesn't feel clean or well categorised.  With hattons even just browsing down the "long list" of OO gauge stuff with item counts you quickly spot if some new manufacturer has popped up in your "favourite categories". 


    Those who are faithful to Rails may have learned their way around the above perceived shortcomings, but for me Bachmann not being on Hattons has almost certainly meant purchases unmade as I don't get as much info for my time from other's sites. 


    and trying another way with rails, by using search term "EMU" and selecting "OO gauge", I get some Bachmann EMUs, but they seem to be in a random order:


    411; 450; 411; 416; 411; 410; 416


    ugh, even for a modest number of results it's an effort to mentally group what classes/liveries are available. Not sure how Hattons sort things (whether it's by product code or something else), but they generally have the same classes in a contiguous block.


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  2. 5 hours ago, woodenhead said:

    I don't think Bachmann or the other retailers are concerned that Hattons aren't able to stock their products any more.


    There are plenty of other retailers stocking Bachmann and Hattons are now in competition with a lot of alternative types of retailer when it comes to Hornby as toy shops/model shops are more likely to stock Hornby alongside Airfix and Scalextric than Bachmann.


    Now if Hattons could made something of the other gap in the UK market - continental models and US models then perhaps they could gouge a new market for themselves, I reckon people would flock to them over imports.


    Bachmann should (and would) care. Hatton's was (still mostly is except for Bachmann) my first port of call when browsing. People get used to a website and how to get to what they expect, so whilst some may prefer Rails or <some other> website, I preferred Hattons by far and haven't had the time or inclination to learn another's website so well.


    Why does this matter? I may be browsing for a specific item, but with good search software/website you end up seeing "related products" and may buy more than you thought you wanted.


    As an example. If i go to Hattons I can select oo scale, then pick what "type" i'm after, e.g. DMU, EMU, electric loco, diesel loco then filter down by manufacturer and get a "clean" list of products.


    I try to have a "fair go" with Rails and hunt through "categoies" which itself comes across as a random assortment in multiple dimensions, and try "Diesel/electric loco". The first products are all DMU/EMU and non-UK (for me not what i'm after, not sure if the site "learns" what you're interested in or if it'd remain foreign). So i try to filter down to what i'd do with hattons, and select Bachmann+oo gauge, and am still presented with a first page dominated by DMU/EMU, not locomotives. It just doesn't feel clean or well categorised.  With hattons even just browsing down the "long list" of OO gauge stuff with item counts you quickly spot if some new manufacturer has popped up in your "favourite categories". 


    Those who are faithful to Rails may have learned their way around the above perceived shortcomings, but for me Bachmann not being on Hattons has almost certainly meant purchases unmade as I don't get as much info for my time from other's sites. 

    • Agree 8
  3. On 16/02/2020 at 20:16, rob D2 said:

    It’s your railway , run what you fancy.

    i run BR blue and EWS, but also have a few I like from in the middle - ie a Dutch 37/47 and large logo47.


    my theory is that the Dutch stuff came in 1991, so any loco from 85/86 running next to it is only 5 years adrift and I can live with that.


    running a blue 31and an EWS 60 is too far a stretch for me 


    Well this picture is reported as being from 1997. An EWS 60


    CLASS 60 No 60043 AT SILVERDALE APRIL 1997


    and from this page




    this picture is stated as being 1997 too, BR Blue 31





    • Like 3
  4. I thought you had massive balls for taking on a class 91 + mk4s when previously I was only aware of wagons. The 91 didn't suit my layout, which is WCML based, although the day before the announcement I dropped an order for an early 91 figuring I could run it on test trains/commissioning/original light-loco run from Crewe to Bounds Green. I'm sad that it hasn't worked out for you.


    Now onto wishlisting, it's already been mentioned but how about a 317? It's had a long life, has been on many regions (ok only relatively short-lived on WCML but it fits within my era), and I don't think anyone else is doing it RTR in any scale -- i hold out hope that maybe the 319/320/321 'N' gauge from various manufacturers may make it into OO.


    If i'm honest what I really hanker after is a 304 or 310, but think the 317 might reach a wider audience; I appreciate this would still be a giant leap of faith.


    *Edit* alternatively what about some infrastructure, still crying out for decent "RTR" OHLE, which would help make a market for future models.

    • Like 2
  5. I await the pantograph with many hopes, but also some fears. Pantographs are typically quite brittle and exposed on models, prone to damage. If spares are not available and the mechanism is "complicated" it might not bode well in the long term. I don't intend to be raising/lowering the pan in practice, just hoping for a decent looking one that can be posed, but one that wont be an achilles heel.

    • Like 1
  6. 21 minutes ago, Hamburger said:

    Hi all,


    I am just starting modelling UK railways and I am not sure about the detail (and maybe operational) quality of different brands of signal models.

    Unfortunately I cant just step into a shop and have a look.

    So can anyone please give me advice which signals are representing the real thing in a sufficient way?


    Second question: I know that the Big Four used different signal designs.

    But I would like to have an "average" design on my layout - is there one?


    Thank you



    For the best advice we will need to know which era. By the last paragraph, it sounds like you're after the "big four" but good to confirm in case you actually mean to model a bit later and just assuming that "big four" signals were still present.

  7. On 14/08/2019 at 10:41, woodenhead said:

    Dream job?? Not so sure.


    Customer Service on the phones:

    Day 1: Questions about when new Bachmann stock is coming in

    Day 2: Questions about the accuracy of the latest Dapo/Hornby/Heljan watchamacallit.

    Day 3: Do you have spare parts for a 14xx

    Day 4: Why has the price of x pre-order gone up twice and it's not even in stock yet

    Day 5: Do you have an R186 Signal Box?


    hahaha, for those who didn't get the reference



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  8. 2 hours ago, GreenGiraffe22 said:

    Hattons just cancelled my Warflat preorder, still a petty rift between them and Bachmann? 


    Edit: yep just seen everyone else's comments


    I've decided to slightly spite myself and not re-order from somewhere else, to at least cost Bachmann some sales. This is one of those items of stock that I could do without, would have been a "celebrity train" that doesn't really fit my intentions of otherwise being close to prototypical timetable but couldn't help myself when they were first announced. This rift needs to end. 

  9. Sorry if this has been covered before, but does anyone know the exact problem with these bogie issues? I'm wondering if those models that "seem ok" are likely to suffer failures in future due to some missing screw putting stress on parts not designed to take it, and whether we should all be taking pre-emptive action to avoid such.

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  10. On 24/05/2019 at 14:41, sirwilliamfrs said:

    Is it unusual that Rails have the Class 90 in stock but Hattons are not showing it as yet? Update- Hattons have assured me by telephone today that the Class 90s will be in next week.


    Have you heard anything since? I left my long standing pre-order (out of sense of loyalty etc), but heard nothing and the week is running out. Tried to call hattons helpline yesterday but gave up after being on hold for a while.

  11. 2 hours ago, PomDave said:

    Hi All,


    When installing signals on a layout one thing that would help a lot of amateur modellers like myself, would be a site that one could upload a sketch of ones layout, and for a fee, get some professional advice on what signals go where.


    I've had a look on the web but cannot seem to find anyone that would offer such a service. Any ideas and links would be great.


    Best Rgds,

    Dave R.


    What era is your model? At least with modern image you can go and look at prototypes. If a bit earlier maybe there are still some areas that are still absolute block.


    I learned a lot about signalling from the SimSig simulator, an excellent piece of software. Some of the sims are also absolute block if you're modelling the not-too-distant past. The site has some introductory documentation on abs block which could give some hints on signal placement




    If modern image i'd dive right in and start with some simulations. I never knew about overlaps etc. until i started using it.

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  12. For me the best "wow" factor is a realistic overall layout where it all blends in and is operated prototypically. I admit that something like the steam crane will have something of a "wow factor", but only fleetingly. I imagine the steam crane will only hold my attention for a few minutes. I couldn't watch it go round and round for any length of time without getting bored; whereas a solid modern image layout can have me there for hours without any single item having to stand out. The class 90s will serve many a layout extremely well as an essential piece of the greater experience. 

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  13. This whole thing gives the impression that the company is struggling and he has been winding himself up and getting paranoid. The amount of monies mentioned as spent (£250k) exceeds the company's current assets etc. so unless he's been drawing a decent salary/paying himself a nice dividend perhaps this has been losing money for a while. If so the best choice might have been to retain some dignity and fold the company but end up working in the industry under the umbrella of another company. I fear that with all this he's destroying any prospect of being employed and he may be left without a company, or realistic prospect of employment. I fear this may not end well and a talent will be lost.

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