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Posts posted by meowenuk

  1. Thanks for your input Paul. Yes - I've been through the wheels turning in opposite directions phase! Your comment about function 2 (the brake key) is valid - trouble is I've an NCE controller and I haven't yet fathomed out how to change functions etc. The other feature i am experiencing is that in one direction I get everything except movement; in the other i get a short circuit!

    Any ideas are very welcome!



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  2. Hi Andy - Helen was suitably flattered by your comments about the coffee! I’ve not had a chance to taste Cath’s cake yet but her Sunday lunches are great!

    Made astonishing progress down the garden this week - could even reach the shed next week - right George? Bring it on I say!

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  3. I’m not a great one for surfing the web having spent the last 15 years of my working life totally dependent on it! However, i’ve been persuaded (on pain of death) that I need to acknowledge the amazing talent of George, and Andy of course, in helping me create and realise a lifetime’s ambition. Great stuff guys - thanks a million!


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  4. Progress a bit slow on this project but progress none the less! Planning an over bridge with station buildings on to hide the end of the layout. As ever master modeller George is overseeing this construction! Note the addition of a 'blue sky' back drop since the last post.






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  5. Hi Mark - tantalising glimpse there! What is the size of the section you have shown there? Look forward to seeing more in due course!

    Thanks for sharing,


    About 6ft David. Here’s the view in the opposite direction.


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  6. After much badgering from George T I’m launching out into the unknown! Whether I manage to keep it up or not remains to be seen!
    For some years now I’ve had a layout in the garage comprising a running loop and station/sidings down one side. The limitation has always been the radius of the curve at 4ft. Having recently visited Andy P I’m now seeing the attraction of end-to-end especially when combined with DCC.
    The photo shows the East end of the layout with the original three platform roads on the left extended now that the running line on the right has been curtailed into a head shunt.
    The next step is to mask the track ends with an over- bridge and extend the island platform on the right, courtesy of George T, I hope!

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  7. Glad you found me at last Mark, no l am back to work now, may be will make it next time, hows the 2P coming along ? don't forget if yo need any help with the lining just let me know...Regards


    Here's the present state of the 2P and as i said there is some roughness on the cab sides from where I applied some gloss varnish prior to applying transfers. I think I'll try a bit of fine emery paper first before resorting to stripping in brake fluid! More anon.




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  8. Leigh O Gauge North West show.

    Hi Steve - My brother and i paid a visit to your stand at the show (Utility Warehouse - remember?). Very helpful in getting to grips with servos versus point motors. Have joined MERG - amazing amount of info even to a novice Very impressed. Now waiting for further stock of Servo4 kits to be available.

    Thanks for your help.


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