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Status Updates posted by 1466

  1. Hello Les

    Happy New Year but I’m really writing to thank you for your guidance earlier.

    You inspired me to invest in a Dremel drill press and cross slide table . Mrs L “ Invest is not the word I would have chosen “. 

    It’s taken me  a long time before commissioning  them but  your help on adjusting the cross slide table was invaluable. 
    I’ve successfully completed the first job with them and am pleased .

    All the best .



    1. lezz01


      Hi Ken.

      Thank you for your kind words. For many years I have been trying to promote engineering practices within the hobby. I do not say that you need X,Y and Z tools for modelling but some proper tools do help no end. My previous life as a toolmaker has given me a good solid grounding in best practice and allows me to advise others in the best way to achieve things from an engineering standpoint. I'm glad to have been of help to you in setting up your Dremel workstation and cross slide table and wish you happy modelling. If you need any engineering advice do not hesitate to get in touch as I'm always happy to help.

      Regards Lez.       

    2. 1466


      Thanks , will do ( see advice ).


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